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中国文化与知识产权法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


凡符合下列各项之一者,除开发者身份权以外,软件的各项权利在保护期满之前进入公有领域:    In the event that any circumstances fit either of the following situations, all rights to a given piece of software, except the right of authorship, will enter the public domain prior to the end of the term of protection:
今后,凡在文物保护单位和已普查登记的文物古迹点保护范围及建设控制地带内,基本建设项目的立项要事前征求文物行政管理部门的意见,由文物行政管理部门参与建设项目选址等有关文物保护设计方案的审批;    In the future, record filing of capital construction projects within the areas of protection units of cultural relics and ancient sites of cultural relics already registered after general survey for protection and in controlled construction belts has to seek the views of the departments of administration of cultural relics which shall take part in the examination and approval of the proposals of design for the protection of cultural relics such as site selection of the construction projects;
同时,注重培养兼通行政管理、经营管理、现代科技等知识的复合型人才,逐步提高文物部门专业人员的比例。    In the meantime, lay stress on the training of multi-talented personnel with concurrent mastery of knowledge of administration, operational management and modern science and technology, and increase step by step the percentage of specialized personnel in departments of cultural relics.
同时,要组织广大干部努力学习和掌握有关方针政策、法律法规和专业知识,不断提高业务工作水平。    In the meantime, numerous cadres should be organized to study hard and master relevant policies, laws and regulations and professional knowledge and constantly raise professional levels.
知识产权行政执法机关在履行职责过程中,需要取得其他行政执法机关或者行政管理部门的配合,有关机关和部门都要大力协助。    In the process of performing their duties, the intellectual property administrative and enforcing agencies need cooperations of other enforcement agencies and administrative departments, and the relevant agencies and departments should lend their support unstintedly.
举办人委托体育机构举办体育竞赛的,当事人应当订立合同,明确各自的权利和义务。    In the proxy situation above mentioned, the parties concerned must conclude a contract to define each other''s rights and obligations.
城市应当发挥居民委员会等社区基层组织的作用,组织居民开展体育活动。    In urban areas the role of the residents' committees and other community organizations at the grass-roots level shall be brought into play in organizing residents to carry out sports activities.
考古发掘单位的发掘项目结束后,要在3年内完成资料整理和考古发掘报告编写一工作。    Information processing and compilation of report on archaeological excavations should be completed within three years upon completion of the excavation projects of the archaeological excavation units.
创造性,是指同申请日以前已有的技术相比,该发明有突出的实质性特点和显著的进步,该实用新型有实质性特点和进步。    Inventiveness means that, as compared with the technology existing before the date of filing, the invention has prominent substantive features and represents a notable progress and that the utility model has substantive features and represents progress.
要加强文物商业市场管理,坚决打击文物走私和投机倒把活动,防止外国人钻空子,防止有收藏价值的重要文物外流。    It is imperative to strengthen the administration of the commercial market for cultural relics, resolutely crack down on the smuggling and profiteering in cultural relics, guard against foreigners who may take advantage of loopholes in our work and prevent important cultural relics of collection value from going out of China.
要鼓励和扶持这些组织的发展,引导其利用自身的灵活机制,面向社会开展各种形式的知识产权法律咨询和服务。    It is necessary to encourage and support the development of these organization, steer them towards utilizing their flexible mechanisms and, geared to the needs of society, provide various kinds of intellectual property law consulting and other services.
要通过深入、持久的宣传教育工作,逐步提高全社会的知识产权保护意识和法制观念,形成有利于保护知识产权的良好社会环境。    It is necessary to gradually heighten the consciousness of intellectual property protection and the related sense of legality in society as a whole through in-depth, sustained dissemination and education, so as to create a salutary social environment favourable to the protection of intellectual property.
要加强对来料、进料定牌加工和合资制作、发行国外音像制品的审批及管理工作。    It is necessary to strengthen the examination, approval and administration referring to the joint ventures which manufacture and distribute the processing products of brand-name audio-visual materials imported or supplied by clients abroad.
保护和利用好祖国珍贵文物,是我们义不容辞的责任和义务。    It is our unshakable responsibility and obligation to protect and make good use of the rare and precious cultural relics of the motherland.
严格限制以划拨方式设立建设用地使用权。采取划拨方式的,应当遵守法律、行政法规关于土地用途的规定。    It is severely restrained to create the right to use construction land through allotment. For adopting such means, the provisions on land uses in the laws and administrative regulations shall be observed.
严禁住何组织和个人利用体育竞赛从事赌博活动。    It is strictly forbidden for any organization or individual to engage in gambling activities through sports competitions.
因而不宜采取"成批销售"的办法,必须密切注意国际市场的供求关系和价格变化的动向,采取"少出高汇、细水长流"的方针,有计划地组织出口。    It is therefore unadvisable to ""sell them in batches"". Rather, we must follow closely the propensity of changes in supply and demand relationship and prices in the international market, adopt the principle of ""exporting a small quantity at a time to secure longer supply but striving to earn greater amount of foreign exchange"", and organize the export in a planned way.
统一受理和审查专利申请,依法授予专利权。    It receives and examines patent applications and grants patent rights for inventions-creations in accordance with law.
严禁将所接收的外国卫星传送的电视节目在国内电视台、有线电视台、录像放映点播放或者以其他方式传播。    It shall be strictly forbidden to replay the television programs received from transmission via foreign satellites at any domestic television stations, closed-circuit television stations or video-tape projection centres or to transmit them by any other means..
四、加强和改善文物市场的管理    IV. Enhancement and Improvement of Cultural Relics Market Control
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