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对于前款第(四)项所列的纠纷,专利权人请求管理专利工作的部门调解,应当在专利权被授予之后提出。    For the disputes enumerated in Item (4) of the preceding paragraph, the patent holder shall, if requesting the department for the administration of patent work for conciliation, make such a request after the patent right is granted.
地方人民政府有关部门应当对设立业主大会和选举业主委员会给予指导和协助。    For the establishment of the owners' assembly and the vote of the owners' committee, the related departments under the local people's governments shall provide guidance and assistance.
外国人的软件首先在中国境内发表的,依照本条例享有著作权。    Foreigner's software first published in China enjoys the copyright under these regulations.
具有科学价值的古脊椎动物化石和古人类化石同文物一样受国家的保护。    Fossils of paleovertebrates and paleoanthropoids of scientific value shall be protected by the state in the same way as cultural relics.
今后各地文物应由文物商店统一收购。    From now on, cultural relics in various localities shall be exclusively purchased by antique shops.
充分考虑遗址所在地群众的切身利益,采取调整产业结构、改变土地民途等措施,努力扶持既有利于遗址保护又能提高当地群众生活水平的产业,从根本上改变古文化遗址保护的被动局面;    full account should be taken of the practical interests of the masses of the localities wherein the sites are located, measures are taken to adjust the industrial structures and change the uses of the land and efforts are exerted to support the industries which are both instrumental to the protection of the sites and to the improvement in the living standards of the local masses so as to fundamentally change the passive situation in the protection of ancient cultural sites;
为科学研究而进行的考古发掘,要充分考虑保护工作的需要,加强统一管理,严格审批制度。    Full consideration has to be given to the requirements for protection in archaeological excavations for purposes of scientific research, unified control should be stepped up with strict rules for examination and approval.
要充分利用我国的文物优势,开展同境外有关方面的交流与合作,广泛争取国际组织、友好国家政府及团体、海外华人、港澳台同胞对我文物保护事业的资助和支持。    Full use should be made of China’s advantages in cultural relics to conduct exchanges and cooperation with the parties concerned abroad and win extensive donations and support from international organizations, governments and societies of friendly countries, overseas Chinese and compatriots of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan for the protection of cultural relics in this country.
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