第二十八条 中国籍的软件著作权人将其在中国境内开发的软件的权利向外国人许可或者转让时,应当报请国务院有关主管部门批准并向软件登记管理机构备案。 Article28. When a Chinese national software copyright owner licenses or transfers to a foreigner rights to software developed within China's territory, he shall first make a request for approval to the relevant responsible organs of the State Council and also make a report to the Software Registration Administration Organization.第二十九条 从事软件登记的工作人员,以及曾在此职位上工作过的人员,在软件著作权的保护期内,除为了执行这项登记管理职务的目的之外,不得利用或者向他人透露申请者登记时提交的存档材料及有关情况。 Article29. Other than to carry out registration administration responsibilities, employees who work in software registration and persons who have previously worked in this position, may not, during the period of protection of a software copyright, utilize or reveal to any other person the file material or other relevant information provided at the time of the application for registration.第三条 本条例下列用语的含义是: Article3. Meanings of the following words used in these regulations are:第三十条 除本条例第二十一条及第二十二条规定的情况外,有下列侵权行为的,应当根据情况,承担停止侵害、消除影响、公开赔礼道歉、赔偿损失等民事责任,并可以由国家软件著作权行政管理部门给予没收非法所得、罚款等行政处罚: Article30. Except for the situations described in Articles 21 and 22, in the event of the following infringing activities, according to conditions cessation of the infringement, elimination of the effects, public apology, compensation for losses and other civil responsibilities should be undertaken; moreover, state software copyright executive administration departments may adopt executive punishments such as confiscating unearned illegal income, fines, etc.:第三十一条 因下列情况之一而引起的所开发的软件与已经存在的软件相似,不构成对已经存在的软件的著作权的侵犯: Article31. Resulting similarities between software developed and software already in existence does not constitute a violation of the copyright of existing software in the following situations:第三十二条 软件持有者不知道或者没有合理的依据知道该软件是侵权物品,其侵权责任由该侵权软件的提供者承担。 Article32. If a software owner is unaware that or has no reasonable basis to believe that the software infringes on a software product right, the responsibility for the violation shall be borne by the rights violator who provided the software.第三十三条 当事人不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件的,应当依照民法通则有关规定承担民事责任。 Article33. A concerned party who does not carry out his duty or who carries it out not in accordance with prescribed conditions shall bear civil responsibilities according to the General Procedures of the Civil Law.第三十四条 软件著作权侵权纠纷可以调解,调解不成或者调解达成协议后一方反悔的,可以向人民法院起诉。当事人不愿调解的,也可以直接向人民法院起诉。 Article34. Software copyright disputes may be mediated. If mediation fails to produce an agreement, or if it produces agreement which one party fails to honor, a lawsuit may be brought before a People's Court. A concerned party who is unwilling to enter mediation may also bring a lawsuit before a People's Court.第三十五条 软件著作权合同纠纷可以调解,也可以依据合同中的仲裁条款或者事后达成的书面仲裁协议,向国家软件著作权仲裁机构申请仲裁。 Article35. A software copyright contract dispute may be mediated. It may also be applied for mediation by the state software copyright arbitration organization, on the basis of an arbitration provision in the contract or a written arbitration agreement concluded after the contract.第三十六条 当事人如对国家软件著作权行政管理部门的行政处罚不服的,可以在自收到通知之日起三个月内向人民法院起诉。 Article36. If a concerned party is dissatisfied with the remedial decisions of the national copyright executive administrative department, he may bring suit before the People's Court within 3 months from receipt of notice.第三十七条 软件登记管理机构工作人员违反本条例第二十九条规定的,由软件登记管理机构或者上级主管部门给予行政处分;情节严重、构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 Article37. Software registration administration organizations will assess administrative punishment against employees of software registration administration organizations who have violated Article 29 of these regulations. If the circumstances are severe, constituting a crime, judicial organs are responsible for investigating the crime.第三十八条 本条例施行前发生的侵权行为,依照侵权行为发生时的有关规定处理。 Article38. Infringement actions which take place prior to these regulations taking effect should be dealt with in accordance with regulations in effect at the time of the infringing activity.第三十九条 本条例由国务院主管软件登记管理和软件著作权的行政管理部门负责解释。 Article39. These regulations will be interpreted by the State Council's department for software registration administration and software copyright administration departments.第四条 本条例所称对软件的保护,是指软件的著作权人或者其受让者享有本条例规定的软件著作权的各项权利。 Article4. The provision of protection to computer software, as referred to in these regulations, refers to (the fact that) that computer software copyright holders or transferees enjoy all the rights of copyright stipulated in these regulations.第四十条 本条例自一九九一年十月一日起施行。 Article40. These provisions take effect from October 1, 1991.第五条 受本条例保护的软件必须由开发者独立开发,并已固定在某种有形物体上。 Article5. Software which enjoys protection under these regulations must be independently developed by the developer and must already be in material form.第六条 中国公民和单位对其所开发的软件,不论是否发表,不论在何地发表,均依照本条例享有著作权。 Article6. Chinese citizens and units enjoy the copyright under these regulations for software they have developed, regardless of whether it has been published and regardless of where it has been published.第七条 本条例对软件的保护不能扩大到开发软件所用的思想、概念、发现、原理、算法、处理过程和运行方法。 Article7. The protection provided to software under these regulations cannot be expanded to encompass the ideas, concepts, discoveries, principles, algorithms, processing methods and operations used in the development of computer software.第八条 国务院授权的软件登记管理机构主管全国软件的登记工作。 Article8. The State Council's designated software registration agency administers the registration of software throughout the entire country.第九条 软件著作权人享有下列各项权利: Article9. Software copyright holders enjoy the following rights:易腐、易损或者危险品不得作为样品或者模型提交。 Articles that are easy to rot or become broken, or articles that are dangerous, may not be submitted as sample or model.由于我国建立知识产权制度的时间不长,全社会的知识产权意识还比较薄弱,有的地区和部门对保护知识产权的重要性缺乏足够认识。 As it is only recently that China has established its intellectual property system, and the sense of intellectual property of society as a whole is still rather hazy, there is still lacking, in certain regions and departments, a sufficient understanding of the importance of protecting intellectual property.业主大会和业主委员会,对任意弃置垃圾、排放污染物或者噪声、违反规定饲养动物、违章搭建、侵占通道、拒付物业费等损害他人合法权益的行为,有权依照法律、法规以及管理规约,要求行为人停止侵害、消除危险、排除妨害、赔偿损失。业主对侵害自己合法权益的行为,可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。 As regards any act infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of other persons, such as discarding wastes at will, discharging atmospheric pollutants and noise, breeding animals with violation of the related regulations, illegally building shelters, occupying passages or rejecting paying realty management fees, etc, the owners' assembly and the owners' committee have the right, in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and management stipulations, to request the actor to stop the infringing act, terminate the danger, remove the impediments and make compensation for the losses. Where any owner's legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon, he/she may lodge an action to the people's court in accordance with law.铁路、公路、电力设施、电信设施和油气管道等基础设施,依照法律规定为国家所有的,属于国家所有。 As regards such infrastructures as railways, highways, electric power facilities, telecommunication facilities, and petrol and gas pipelines that shall be owned by the state as provisioned by law, they shall be in the ownership of the state.前款规定的孳息应当先充抵收取孳息的费用。 As regards the ""fruits"" as referred to in the preceding paragraph, they shall be firstly used for paying the collection expenses thereof.