

第九条 国家鼓励开展对外体育交往。    Article 9 The State encourages international exchanges in sports.
第九条 著作权人包括:    Article 9 The term ""copyright owners"" shall include:
第九条 不动产物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭,经依法登记,发生效力;未经登记,不发生效力,但法律另有规定的除外。    Article 9 Until it is registered in accordance with law, the creation, alteration, alienation or termination of the real right of a realty shall come into effect; unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law, it shall have no effect if it is not registered in accordance with law.
第九条 外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册的,应当按其所属国和中华人民共和国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约办理,或者按对等原则办理。    Article 9. Any foreigner or foreign enterprise intending to apply for the registration of a trademark in China shall file an application in accordance with any agreement concluded between the People's Republic of China and the country to which the applicant belongs, or according to the international treaty to which both countries are parties, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.
??? 第九条? 在保险合同有效期内,投保方和保险方可以协议变更保险合同的内容。对于变更保险合同的任何协议,保险方均应当在原保险单、保险凭证上批注或者附贴批单,以资证明。    Article 9. The contents of a contract of insurance may be altered by agreement between the Insured and the Insurer during the currency thereof. Any agreement on the alteration of the contract of insurance shall be certified to by the Insurer by endorsing the policy or the certificate of insurance or by affixing an endorsement thereto.
第九条 创作作品的公民或者依法被视为作者的法人或者非法人单位享有著作权,但法律另有规定的除外。    Article 9. Unless the Law provided otherwise, copyright shall belong to citizens who have created works and the legal and non-legal entities who are deemed authors by virtue of the Law.
第九条 两个以上的申请人分别就同样的发明创造申请专利的,专利权授予最先申请的人。    Article 9.??Where two or more applicants file applications for patent for the identical invention-creation, the patent right shall be granted to the applicant whose application was filed first.
第九条 外国录像制品根据国际著作权条约 成电影作品的,作为电影作品保护 。     Article 9.Foreign video recordings shall be protected as cinematographic works to the extent that international copyright treaties treat them as such works.
第九十条 向国务院专利行政部门申请专利和办理其他手续时,应当缴纳下列费用:    Article 90 For filing an application for a patent with or fulfilling other related formalities in the administrative department for patent under the State Council, the following fees shall be charged:
第九十条 不动产权利人不得违反国家规定弃置固体废物,排放大气污染物、水污染物、噪声、光、电磁波辐射等有害物质。    Article 90 No holder of realty may discard solid wastes or discharge such harmful substances as atmospheric pollutants, water pollutants, noise, light and magnetic radiation with violation of the related provisions of the state.
第九十一条 专利法和本细则规定的各种费用,可以直接向国务院专利行政部门缴纳,也可以通过邮局或者银行汇付,或者以国务院专利行政部门规定的其他方式缴纳。    Article 91 The fees provided in the Patent Law and in these Rules may be paid directly to the administrative department for patent under the State Council or remitted by bank or post, or be paid by other means stipulated by the administrative department for patent under the State Council.
第九十一条 不动产权利人挖掘土地、建造建筑物、铺设管线以及安装设备等,不得危及相邻不动产的安全。    Article 91 The right holder of the realty may not, when excavating a land, constructing a building, laying a pipeline or installing an equipment, endanger the safety of any neighboring realty.
第九十二条 申请人应当在收到受理通知书后,最迟自申请之日起2个月内缴纳申请费、公布印刷费和必要的附加费;期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,其申请视为撤回。    Article 92 The applicant shall, after receipt of the notification of acceptance of the application, pay the application fee, publishing and printing fee and necessary additional fee at the latest within 2 months as of the application date. Where the fee has not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.
第九十二条 不动产权利人因用水、排水、通行、铺设管线等利用相邻不动产的,应当尽量避免对相邻的不动产权利人造成损害;造成损害的,应当给予赔偿。    Article 92 Where the right holder of a realty has to use a neighboring realty by virtue of using water, drainage, passage or laying pipelines, etc, he shall make more efforts to avoid causing any damage to the right holder of the neighboring realty; He shall make corresponding compensations in case any damage is caused.
第九十三条 不动产或者动产可以由两个以上单位、个人共有。共有包括按份共有和共同共有。    Article 93 A realty or chattel may be commonly owned by two or more entities or individuals. Common ownership contains several co-ownership and joint ownership.
第九十三条 当事人请求实质审查、恢复权利或者复审的,应当在专利法及本细则规定的相关期限内缴纳费用;期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,视为未提出请求。    Article 93 Where a party concerned requests substantial examination, recovery of right or re-examination, the relevant fee shall be paid within the time limit for such requests as provided respectively by the Patent Law and these Rules. Where the fee has not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the request shall be deemed to have not been made.
第九十四条 按份共有人对共有的不动产或者动产按照其份额享有所有权。    Article 94 As regards a commonly owned realty or chattel, a several co-owner shall, on the basis of his proportion, enjoy the ownership of the realty or chattel.
第九十四条 发明专利申请人自申请日起满2年尚未被授予专利权的,自第三年度起应当缴纳申请维持费。    Article 94 Where an applicant for a patent for invention has not been granted a patent right within 2 years as of the application date, he/it shall pay a fee for the maintenance of the application as of the third year.
第九十五条 共同共有人对共有的不动产或者动产共同享有所有权。    Article 95 As regards a commonly owned realty or chattel, a joint owner shall, on a common basis, enjoy the ownership of the realty or chattel.
第九十五条 申请人办理登记手续时,应当缴纳专利登记费、公告印刷费和授予专利权当年的年费。发明专利申请人应当一并缴纳各个年度的申请维持费,授予专利权的当年不包括在内。期满未缴纳费用的,视为未办理登记手续。以后的年费应当在前一年度期满前1个月内预缴。    Article 95 When the applicant fulfills the formalities of patent registration, he/it shall pay a fee for patent registration, a fee for announcement and printing and the annual fee for the year in which the patent right was granted. The applicant for a patent for invention shall pay each year's fee for maintaining the application in lump sum, excluding the year when the patent right is granted. Where such fees have not been paid at the expiry of the time limit, the formalities of patent registration shall be deemed to have not been fulfilled. The subsequent annual fees shall be paid in advance within a month before the expiry of the preceding year.
第九十六条 共有人按照约定管理共有的不动产或者动产;没有约定或者约定不明确的,各共有人都有管理的权利和义务。    Article 96 The co-owners shall manage the commonly owned realty or chattel in accordance with stipulation; in the case of no or unclear stipulation,, all co-owners have the right and obligation of management.
第九十六条 专利权人未按时缴纳授予专利权当年以后的年费或者缴纳的数额不足的,国务院专利行政部门应当通知专利权人自应当缴纳年费期满之日起6个月内补缴,同时缴纳滞纳金;滞纳金的金额按照每超过规定的缴费时间1个月,加收当年全额年费的5%计算;期满未缴纳的,专利权自应当缴纳年费期满之日起终止。    Article 96 Where the annual fee of the application or the annual fee for subsequent years after the patent has been granted is not paid in due time by the patent holder, or the fees are not fully paid, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall notify the patent holder to rectify the insufficiency within 6 months as of the expiry of the time limit within which the annual fee was to be paid, and at the same time pay a surcharge, the amount of which to be calculated by charging an additional 5% of the total amount of the annual fee for that year for each month exceeding the provided payment date. Where the fees have not been paid at the expiry of the time limit, the patent right shall be terminated as of the expiry of the time limit within which the annual fee should be paid.
第九十七条 处分共有的不动产或者动产以及对共有的不动产或者动产作重大修缮的,应当经占份额三分之二以上的按份共有人或者全体共同共有人同意,但共有人之间另有约定的除外。    Article 97 As regards the disposal or heavy repair of a commonly owned realty or chattel, unless it is stipulated otherwise by the co-owners, the consent of the several co-owners holding 2/3 shares or all joint owners shall be obtained.
第九十七条 著录事项变更费、实用新型专利检索报告费、中止程序请求费、强制许可请求费、强制许可使用费的裁决请求费、无效宣告请求费应当自提出请求之日起1个月内,按照规定缴纳;延长期限请求费应当在相应期限届满之日前缴纳;期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,视为未提出请求。    Article 97 The fee for a change in the bibliographic data, fee for the retrieval report on the patent for utility model, fee for requesting the suspension of procedures, fee for requesting compulsory license, fee for requesting a ruling on exploitation fee of a compulsory license and fee for requesting invalidation shall be paid as stipulated within 1 month as of the date on which such request is made. The fee for requesting the extension of time limit shall be paid prior to the date of expiry of the corresponding time limit. Where the fee has not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the request shall be deemed to have not been made.
第九十八条 对共有物的管理费用以及其他负担,有约定的,按照约定;没有约定或者约定不明确的,按份共有人按照其份额负担,共同共有人共同负担。    Article 98 As regards the management expenses or any other liabilities of a commonly owned res, in case there exists any stipulation on these, such stipulation shall apply; in the case of no or unclear stipulation, the expenses shall be assumed by the several co-owners in accordance with their respective shares or commonly assumed by all joint owners.
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