

第七十四条 被授予专利权的国有企业事业单位应当自专利权公告之日起3个月内发给发明人或者设计人奖金。    Article 74 A state-owned enterprise or institution which has been granted a patent right shall, within 3 months as of the announcement of the patent right, award the inventor or designer a money prize.
第七十四条 建筑区划内,规划用于停放汽车的车位、车库应当首先满足业主的需要。    Article 74 The parking places and garages within the building area planned for parking cars shall be used to meet the needs of the owners above all else.
第七十五条 被授予专利权的国有企业事业单位在专利权有效期限内,实施发明创造专利后,每年应当从实施该项发明或者实用新型专利所得利润纳税后提取不低于2%或者从实施该项外观设计专利所得利润纳税后提取不低于0.2%,作为报酬支付发明人或者设计人;或者参照上述比例,发给发明人或者设计人一次性报酬。    Article 75 A state-owned enterprise or institution which has been granted a patent right shall, after exploiting the patent for invention-creation and within the duration of the patent right, draw each year from any increase in profits after taxation a percentage of no less than 2% due to the exploitation of the patent for invention or utility model, or a percentage of no less than 0.2% due to the exploitation of the patent for design, and award it to the inventor or designer as remuneration. The entity may, otherwise, by making reference to the above said percentage, award a lump sum of money to the inventor or designer as remuneration.
第七十五条 业主可以设立业主大会,选举业主委员会。    Article 75 The owners may set up an owners' assembly and vote for an owners' committee.
第七十六条 下列事项由业主共同决定:    Article 76 The following matters shall be commonly determined by all owners:
第七十六条 被授予专利权的国有企业事业单位许可其他单位或者个人实施其专利的,应当从许可实施该项专利收取的使用费纳税后提取不低于10%作为报酬支付发明人或者设计人。    Article 76 Where a state-owned enterprise or institution which has been granted a patent right authorizes other entities or individuals to exploit the patent, it shall, after taxation, draw a percentage of no less than 10% from the fee which is charged from the license of exploitation of this patent and award it to the inventor or designer as remuneration.
第七十七条 业主不得违反法律、法规以及管理规约,将住宅改变为经营性用房。业主将住宅改变为经营性用房的,除遵守法律、法规以及管理规约外,应当经有利害关系的业主同意。    Article 77 Any owner may not alter a residential house into a house used for business purposes with violation of any law, regulation or management stipulation. An owner shall, when changing a residential house into a house used for business purposes, obtain the consent of the interested owners, in addition to complying with the laws, regulations and management stipulations.
第七十七条 本章关于奖金和报酬的规定,中国其他单位可以参照执行。    Article 77 Other Chinese entities may award money prizes and remuneration by making reference to the provisions in this Chapter.
第七十八条 业主大会或者业主委员会的决定,对业主具有约束力。    Article 78 Decisions made by the owners' assembly or the owners' committee are binding to each owner.
第七十八条 专利法和本细则所称管理专利工作的部门,是指由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府以及专利管理工作量大又有实际处理能力的设区的市人民政府设立的管理专利工作的部门。    Article 78 The department for the administration of patent work mentioned in the Patent Law and these Rules means the department established by the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, or the people's government of a city divided into districts with a large amount of patent administrative work and actual ability to conduct the administration of patent work.
第七十九条 除专利法第五十七条规定的外,管理专利工作的部门应当事人请求,还可以对下列专利纠纷进行调解:    Article 79 In addition to the provisions in Article 57 of the Patent Law, the department for the administration of patent work may, upon request of the party concerned, conciliate the following patent disputes:
第七十九条 建筑物及其附属设施的维修资金,属于业主共有。经业主共同决定,可以用于电梯、水箱等共有部分的维修。维修资金的筹集、使用情况应当公布。    Article 79 The funds for maintaining a building and affiliated facilities thereof shall be commonly owned by the owners of the building. The funds may, upon the codetermination of the owners, be used for maintaining such common parts as elevators and water tanks. The circumstance about the raise and use of the maintenance funds shall be released to the owners.
第八条 持有《许可证》 的单位,必须严格按照《许可证》载明的接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的接收目的、接收内容、接收方位、接收方式和收视对象的范围等要求,接收和使用外国电视节目,《许可证》得涂改或者转让。    Article 8 A unit holding a permit shall, in receiving and making use of foreign television programs, strictly comply with the requirements specified in the permit as to the purpose of reception, the content, directions and modes thereof and the scope of eligible viewers.No permit may be tampered with or transferred.
第八条 保存文物特别丰富,具有重大历史价值和革命意义的城市,由国家文化行政管理部门会同城乡建设环境保护部门报国务院核定公布为历史文化名城。    Article 8 Cities with an unusual wealth of cultural relics of high historical value and major revolutionary significance shall be recommended to the State Council by the state department for cultural administration together with the department for urban and rural construction and environmental protection to be approved and announced as famous cities of historical and cultural value.
第八条(申报登记应当提交的材料)举办人申报登记体育竞赛,应当提交下列材料:    Article 8 Documentation for Registration Application Applying for registration of sports contests, the sponsor must submit the following:
第八条 其他相关法律对物权另有特别规定的,依照其规定。    Article 8 In case there exists any other special provision in respect of real right in any other law, such special provision shall prevail.
第八条 国务院著作权行政管理部门主管全国的著作权管理工作;各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的著作权行政管理部门主管本行政区域的著作权管理工作。    Article 8 The copyright administration department under the State Council shall be responsible for the nationwide administration of copyright. The copyright administration department under the people's government of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the administration of copyright in its respective administrative area.
第八条 布图设计专有权经国务院知识产权行政部门登记产生。未经登记的布图设计不受本条例保护。    Article 8 The exclusive rights in a layout-design are generated by the registration thereof with the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council. Unregistered layout-designs are not protected under the Regulations.
第八条 国家对在体育事业中做出贡献的组织和个人,给予奖励。    Article 8 The State awards the organizations and individuals that have made contributions to the cause of physical culture and sports.
第八条 发明专利申请涉及国防方面的国家秘密需要保密的,由国防专利机构受理;    Article 8 Where an application for a patent for invention involves any State secret in respect to national defense that needs to be maintained confidential, it shall be accepted by the institution for patent of national defense.
第八条 商标不得使用下列文字、图形:    Article 8. In trademarks, the following words or devices shall not be used:
第八条 地方人民政府的著作权行政管理部门主管本行政区域的著作权管理工作,其职责由各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定。    Article 8. The copyright department under the local governments are responsible for copyright administration within their respective jurisdiction, whose duties shall be determined by the government of each of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.
??? 第八条? 由于投保方的故意而发生保险事故,造成保险财产损失的,保险方不承担赔偿责任。    Article 8. The Insurer shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to the insured property in consequence of an insured event caused by any intentional act of the Insured.
第八条 两个以上单位或者个人合作完成的发明创造、一个单位或者个人接受其他单位或者个人委托所完成的发明创造,除另有协议的以外,申请专利的权利属于完成或者共同完成的单位或者个人;    Article 8.? For an invention-creation jointly made by two or more entities or individuals, or made by an entity or individual in execution of a commission given to it or him by another entity or individual, the right to apply for a patent belongs, unless otherwise agreed upon, to the entity or individual that made, or to the entities or individuals that jointly made, the invention-creation.
第八条 外国作品是由不受保护的材料编辑而成,但是在材料的选取或者编排上有独创性的,依照著作权法第十四条的规定予以保护。    Article 8.Foreign works created by compiling nonprotected materials shall be protected in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Copyright Law, provided that originality is shown in the selection and arrangement of such materials.
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