

第五十六条 发明或者实用新型专利权的保护范围以其权利要求的内容为准,    Article 56.?? The extent of protection of the patent right for invention or utility model shall be determined by the terms of the claims.
第五十七条 国务院专利行政部门对专利公告、专利文件中出现的错误,一经发现,应当及时更正,并对所作更正予以公告。    Article 57 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, upon discovery of any error in the patent announcement or patent document, correct it in time, and announce such a correction.
第五十七条 履行国有财产管理、监督职责的机构及其工作人员,应当依法加强对国有财产的管理、监督,促进国有财产保值增值,防止国有财产损失;滥用职权,玩忽职守,造成国有财产损失的,应当依法承担法律责任。    Article 57 The institutions and working personnel thereof in charge of performing the duties of managing and supervising state-owned assets shall, according to law, strengthen the management and supervision of state-owned assets so as to promote the value maintenance and appreciation prevent the losses thereof; in case any entity or individual causes any loss of state-owned assets by misusing authority or neglecting duty, it/he shall assume legal liabilities in accordance with law.
第五十七条 未经专利权人许可,实施其专利,即侵犯其专利权,引起纠纷的,由当事人协商解决;    Article 57.?? Where a dispute arises as a result of the exploitation of a patent? without the authorization of the patentee, that is, the infringement of? the patent right of the patentee, it shall be settled through consultation by the parties.
第五十八条 集体所有的不动产和动产包括:    Article 58 The collectively-owned realties and chattels shall contain:
第五十八条 专利复审委员会由国务院专利行政部门指定的技术专家和法律专家组成,主任委员由国务院专利行政部门负责人兼任。    Article 58 The Patent Re-examination Board shall consist of technical and legal experts designated by the administrative department for patent under the State Council. The person in charge of the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall be the Chairman of the Board.
第五十八条 假冒他人专利的,除依法承担民事责任外,由管理专利工作的部门责令改正并予公告,    Article 58.? Where any person passes off the patent of another person as his own, he shall, in addition to bearing his civil liability according to law, be ordered by the administrative authority for patent affairs to amend his act, and the order shall be announced.
第五十九条 农民集体所有的不动产和动产,属于本集体成员集体所有。    Article 59 The realties and chattels that are in the ownership of a farmers' collective shall be collectively owned by all the members of this collective.
第五十九条 依照专利法第四十一条的规定向专利复审委员会请求复审的,应当提交复审请求书,说明理由,必要时还应当附具有关证据。    Article 59 Where the applicant requests the Patent Re-examination Board to make a re-examination in accordance with Article 41 of the Patent Law, he/it shall file a written request for re-examination and state the reasons therefor, and shall, when necessary, affix relevant supporting documents.
第五十九条 以非专利产品冒充专利产品、以非专利方法冒充专利方法的,由管理专利工作的部门责令改正并予公告,可以处五万元以下的罚款。    Article 59.? Where any person passes any non-patented product off as patented product or passes any non-patented process off as patented process, he shall be ordered by the administrative authority for patent affairs to amend his act , and the order shall be announced, and he may be imposed a fine of? no more than RMB 50,000 yuan.
第五条 对违反国家法律、社会公德或者妨害公共利益的发明创造,不授予专利权。    Article 5? ?No patent right shall be granted for any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws of the State or social morality or that is detrimental to public interest.
第六条 利用已有的或者设置专门的卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的单位,应当向省级以上主管部门提出书面申请;    Article 6 A unit that intends to utilize its existing ground satellite receiving facilities or install special ground satellite receiving facilities to receive television programs transmitted via foreign satellites shall apply in writing to the competent department at or above the provincial level.
第六条 民间文学艺术作品的著作权保护办法由国务院另行规定。    Article 6 Measures for the protection of copyright in works of folk literature and art shall be established separately by the State Council.
第六条(举办人的条件)举办人应当具备下列条件:    Article 6 Requirements for Sponsors The sponsors must meet the following requirements:
第六条 不动产物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭,应当依照法律规定登记。动产物权的设立和转让,应当依照法律规定交付。    Article 6 The creation, alteration, alienation or termination of the real right of a realty shall be subject to registration in accordance with law. The creation or alienation of the real right of a chattel shall be delivered in accordance with law.
第六条 文物保护管理经费分别列入中央和地方的财政预算。    Article 6 The expenses for the protection and control of cultural relics shall be listed in the budgets of the central and local governments.
第六条 专利法和本细则规定的各种期限的第一日不计算在期限内。    Article 6 The first day of any time limit provided in the Patent Law or these Rules shall not be counted.
第六条 国务院知识产权行政部门依照本条例的规定,负责布图设计专有权的有关管理工作。    Article 6 The intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council is responsible for the relevant administration of the exclusive rights of layout-designs according to the provisions of the Regulations.
第六条 国家扶持少数民族地区发展体育事业,培养少数民族体育人才。    Article 6 The State helps ethnic minority areas develop undertakings of physical culture and sports and cultivates sport talents of ethnic minorities.
??? 第六条? 投保方可以与保险方订立预约保险合同。保险方应当根据保险合同向投保方出具预约保险单,以资证明。    Article 6. An applicant may conclude an open cover with the Insurer, and the Insurer shall, in witness thereof issue an open policy to the applicant according to the contract of insurance.
第六条 商标使用人应当对其使用商标的商品质量负责。各级工商行政管理部门应当通过商标管理,监督商品质量,制止欺骗消费者的行为。    Article 6. Any user of a trademark shall be responsible for the quality of the goods in respect of which the trademark is used. The administrative authorities for industry and commerce at different levels shall, through the administration of trademarks, exercise supervision over the quality of the goods and shall stop any practice that deceives consumers.
第六条 著作权法和本实施条例中下列用语的含义是:    Article 6. As used in the Law, the terms listed below shall mean the following:
第六条 对外国实用艺术作品的保护期,为自该作品完成起二十五年。    Article 6.In the case of foreign works of applied art, the term of protection shall be twenty-five years commencing from the creation of the works.
第六十条 对于集体所有的土地和森林、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂等,依照下列规定行使所有权:    Article 60 As regards any collectively-owned land, forest, mountain, grassland, wasteland or tidal flat, the ownership thereof shall be exercised according to the provisions as follows:
第六十条 请求人在提出复审请求或者在对专利复审委员会的复审通知书作出答复时,可以修改专利申请文件;    Article 60 The entity or individual who makes the request may, when requesting the re-examination on or a response to the notification from the Patent Re-examination Board for re-examination, amend the patent application documents;
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