第五条(登记制度)举办体育竞赛,体育竞赛举办人(以下简称举办人)必须向体育行政部门申报登记。 Article 5 Registration Organizing sports contests, the sponsor of sports contests (hereinafter referred to as the sponsor) must register with the physical cultural administrative department .第五条 本条例对布图设计的保护,不延及思想、处理过程、操作方法或者数学概念等。 Article 5 The layout-design protection under the Regulations shall not cover ideas, procedures, processes or mathematical concepts, etc..第五条 国家对青年、少年、儿童的体育活动给予特别保障,增进青年、少年、儿童的身心健康。 Article 5 The State provides special guarantee to physical activities of children, juveniles and young people to improve their physical and mental health.第五条 物权的种类和内容,由法律规定。 Article 5 The varieties and contents of real rights shall be prescribed by law.第五条 本法不适用于: Article 5 This law shall not be applicable to:??? 第五条? 投保方提出投保要求,填具投保单,经与保险方商定交付保险费办法,并经保险方签章承保后,保险合同即告成立,保险方并应根据保险合同及时向投保方出具保险单或者保险凭证。 Article 5. A contract of insurance shall be deemed to be concluded when the applicant puts forward his proposal for insurance by filling in an application and agrees with the Insurer on the method of payment of insurance premium and when the Insurer signifies acceptance of the said application form by affixing his seal thereto. The Insurer shall issue a policy or a certificate of insurance to the applicant in good time in accordance with the contract of insurance.第五条 国家规定必须使用注册商标的商品,必须申请商标注册,未经核准注册的,不得在市场销售。 Article 5. As for any of such goods, as prescribed by the State, that must bear a registered trademark, a trademark registration must be applied for. Where no trademark registration has been granted, such goods cannot be sold on the market.第五条 著作权法和本实施条例中下列使用作品方式的含义是: Article 5. The exploitation referred to in the present Law in relation to works shall mean the doing of the following acts:第五条 对未发表的外国作品的保护期,适用著作权法第二十条、第二十一条的规定。 Article 5.With regard to the term of protection for unpublished foreign works, the provisions of Articles 20 and 21 of the Copyright Law shall apply.第五十条 当事人对行政处罚不服的,可以在收到行政处罚决定书三个月内向人民法院起诉,期满不起诉又不履行的,著作权行政管理部门可以申请人民法院执行。 Article 50 Any party who is not satisfied with an administrative penalty may institute proceedings in a people's court within three months from receipt of the written decision of the administrative penalty. If the party neither institutes proceedings nor executes the decision within the time limit, the copyright administration department may apply to a people's court for execution.第五十条 无线电频谱资源属于国家所有。 Article 50 Radio frequency spectrum resources shall be in the ownership of the state.第五十条 国务院专利行政部门依照专利法第三十五条第二款的规定对专利申请自行进行审查时,应当通知申请人。 Article 50 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, when examining an application for a patent at its own discretion in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 35 of the Patent Law, notify the applicant accordingly.第五十条 在体育运动中使用禁用的药物和方法的,由体育社会团体按照章程规定给予处罚;对国家工作人员中的直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。 Article 50 Whoever resorts to banned drugs or methods in sports activities shall be punished by the relevant public sports organization in accordance with the provisions of its articles of association; State functionaries who are held directly responsible shall be subject to administrative sanctions in accordance with law.第五十条 著作权行政管理部门对著作权法第四十六条所列的侵权行为,可给予警告、责令停止制作和发行侵权复制品、没收非法所得、没收侵权复制品及制作设备和罚款的行政处罚。 Article 50. Infringements against copyright enumerated in Article 46 of the Law shall be liable to the administrative sanctions to be imposed by copyright administrative authority in the form of public warning, injunction in relation to the production and distribution of infringing copies, confiscation of unlawful gains and seizure of infringing copies and equipments used for making infringing copies, as well as fine.第五十条 一项取得专利权的发明或者实用新型比前已经取得专利权的发明或者实用新型具有显著经济意义的重大技术进步,其实施又有赖于前一发明或者实用新型的实施的,国务院专利行政部门根据后一专利权人的申请,可以给予实施前一发明或者实用新型的强制许可。 Article 50.?? Where the invention or utility model for which the patent right has been granted involves important technical advance of considerable economic? significance in relation to another invention or utility model for which a patent right has been granted earlier and the exploitation of the later invention or utility model depends on the exploitation of the earlier invention or utility model, the patent administration department under the State Council? may, upon the request of the later patentee, grant a compulsory license to exploit the earlier invention or utility model.第五十一条 发明专利申请人在提出实质审查请求时以及在收到国务院专利行政部门发出的发明专利申请进入实质审查阶段通知书之日起的3个月内,可以对发明专利申请主动提出修改。 Article 51 An applicant for a patent for invention may, when making a request for substantial examination, or within 3 months into the stage of substantial examination as of the receipt of the notification sent by the administrative department for patent under the State Council regarding the entry of the application for a patent for invention, amend the application for a patent for invention at his/its own discretion.第五十一条 法律规定属于国家所有的文物,属于国家所有。 Article 51 As regards the cultural relics that shall be owned by the state as provisioned by law, they shall be in the ownership of the state.第五十一条 本法所称的著作权与版权系同义语。 Article 51 For the purpose of this Law, the term ""zhuzuoquan"" (author's rights) is synonymous with the term ""banquan"" (copyright).第五十一条 利用竟技体育从事赌博活动的,由体育行政部门协助公安机关责令停止违法活动,并由公安机关依照治安管理处罚条例的有关规定给予处罚。 Article 51 Whoever engages in gambling activities through competitive sports shall be ordered to stop the illegal practice by the public security organ in conjunction with the administrative department for physical culture and sports and shall be punished by the public security organ in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.第五十一条 著作权行政管理部门对著作权法第四十六条所列侵权行为,视情节轻重,罚款数额如下: Article 51. The amount of the fine to be imposed for infringements against copyright enumerated in Article 46 of the Law shall be the following, depending on situation of each of the cases:第五十一条 依照本法规定申请实施强制许可的单位或者个人,应当提出未能以合理条件与专利权人签订实施许可合同的证明。 Article 51.?? The entity or individual requesting, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, a compulsory license for exploitation shall furnish proof that it or he has not been able to conclude with the patentee a license contract for exploitation on reasonable terms and conditions.第五十二条 国防资产属于国家所有。 Article 52 National defense assets shall be in the ownership of the state.第五十二条 本法所称的复制,指以印刷、复印、临摹、拓印、录音、录像、翻录、翻拍等方式将作品制作一份或者多份的行为。 Article 52 The term ""reproduction"" as used in this Law means the act of producing one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, copying, lithographing, making a sound recording or video recording, duplicating a recording, or duplicating a photographic work or by other means.第五十二条 发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书或者权利要求书的修改部分,除个别文字修改或者增删外,应当按照规定格式提交替换页。 Article 52 Where an amendment to the specification or the patent claim in an application for a patent for invention or utility model is made, a replacement sheet in the provided format shall be submitted, unless the amendment concerns only the alteration, insertion or deletion of a few words.第五十二条 侵占、破坏公共体育设施的,由体育行政部门责令限期改正,并依法承担民事责任。 Article 52 Whoever seizes or damages public sports installations or facilities shall be ordered by the administrative department for physical culture and sports to make corrections within a time limit and shall bear civil liability according to law.