

(40)建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的自主知识产权创造体系。引导企业在研究开发立项及开展经营活动前进行知识产权信息检索。支持企业通过原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新,形成自主知识产权,提高把创新成果转变为知识产权的能力。支持企业等市场主体在境外取得知识产权。引导企业改进竞争模式,加强技术创新,提高产品质量和服务质量,支持企业打造知名品牌。    (40) An independent intellectual property creation system with enterprises as the main body, guided by market and featured by combination of industry, college and institute shall be established. Enterprises are advised to check intellectual property information before establishing R&D projects and launching business activities, and supported to create independent intellectual properties by manners of original innovation, integrated innovation and re-innovation based on introduction and absorption to improve their abilities in transforming innovative achievements into intellectual properties. Market subjects including enterprises are supported to achieve intellectual properties at abroad. Enterprises are also advised to improve their competing modes, make more efforts in technical innovation, improve product and service qualities and establish well-known brands.
(六)申请文件清单;    (6) a list of the application documents;
(六) 应收账款;    (6) account receivables; or
(六) 法律规定债权确定的其他情形。    (6) Any other circumstance as prescribed by any other law for determining the obligee's rights arises.
(六)双方认为需要约定的其他内容。    (6) any other matter which the contracting parties consider necessary.
(63)建立政府主导、新闻媒体支撑、社会公众广泛参与的知识产权宣传工作体系。完善协调机制,制定相关政策和工作计划,推动知识产权的宣传普及和知识产权文化建设。    (63) A propaganda system for intellectual property dominated by government, supported by media and extensively participated by public shall be established. Efforts shall be made to improve the coordinating system, formulate relevant policies and work plans, and foster the propaganda and popularization of intellectual property and intellectual property cultural construction.
(七)附加文件清单;    (7) a list of the documents appended to the application;
(八)改编,指在原有作品的基础上,通过改变作品的表现形式或者用途,创作出具有独创性的新作品;    (8) Adaptation is the creation of new original works on the basis of pre-existing ones by changing their original form of expression or the purposes they are originally designed to serve;
(1984年3月12日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议通过    (Adopted at the 4th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on March 12,1984
(一)申请表;    1. Application forms;
十、当前,要大力加强培养知识产权专业人才和对广大领导干部以及人民群众宣传普及知识产权保护知识的工作。    10. At present, it is necessary to vigorously strengthen the training of specialists in the field of intellectual property and the work of popularizing knowledge on intellectual property protection among the vast numbers of leading cadres and the masses.
(二)举办人未按规定办理变更登记或者注销登记,擅自变更体育竞赛的内容或者取消体育竞赛的;    2. Arbitrary alteration of the contents of a sports contest or cancellation of a sports contest without alteration or cancellation registration; or
三、确定对外合作项目,要根据自己的条件与特点,符合本社的出书方针和出书范围。    3. A publishing house shall determine its projects of co-operation with foreign countries in the light of its own conditions and characteristics and in conformity with its own publishing principle and scope of publication.
(三)加快知识产权法制建设。    3. Accelerating legal construction on intellectual property
七、出版社可以直接对外洽谈合作出版业务,也可以委托国家 批准的经营对外合作出版业务的专业公司或国外可靠的代理商进行。    7. A publishing house may negotiate co-operative publication business directly with a foreign party or may entrust a specialized company that has been authorized by the State to handle co-operative publication business with foreign countries or entrust a reliable foreign agency with the negotiation.
外国人创作的布图设计首先在中国境内投入商业利用的,依照本条例享有布图设计专有权。    ?Any foreign person who, or entity which, first puts his or its layout-design into commercial exploitation in the territory of China, shall, according to the Regulations, enjoys the exclusive right in the layout-design he or it invents.
第十二条 布图设计专有权的保护期为10年,自布图设计登记申请之日或者在世界任何地方首次投入商业利用之日起计算,以较前日期为准。但是,无论是否登记或者投入商业利用,布图设计自创作完成之日起15年后,不再受本条例保护。    ?Article 12 The duration of protection for layout-design exclusive rights is ten years starting from the date of application for registration of the layout-design or from the date of putting it into commercial exploitation somewhere in the world, whichever is the earlier date. However, a layout-design, whether or not it is registered or put into commercial exploitation, is not protected under the Regulations after fifteen years of its invention.
第二十六条 国务院知识产权行政部门作出给予使用布图设计非自愿许可的决定,应当及时通知布图设计权利人。    ?Article 26 The intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council shall notify, in a timely manner, the holder of right of a layout-design of the decision it has made on the non-voluntary license for the exploitation of the layout-design.
第三十六条 本条例自2001年10月1日起施行。    ?Article 36 The Regulations shall enter into force on 1 October 2001.
中国公民或者法人在国际著作权条约在中国生效之日前为特定目的而拥有和使 用外国作品的特定复制本的,可以继续使用该作品的复制本而不承担责任;    A Chinese citizen or legal person who owned and used a particular copy of a foreign work for a particular purpose before the entry into force of the international copyright treaties in China may continue to make use of that copy of the work without liability:
引用两项以上权利要求的多项从属权利要求,只能以择一方式引用在前的权利要求,并不得作为另一项多项从属权利要求的基础。    A multiple subordinate claim which quotes two or more claims may only apply to the preceding claim or claim in a selected form, and shall not be regarded as the basis for another multiple subordinate claim.
一些严重侵权行为不仅损害了产权所有人的合法权益,而且损害了法律的尊严。    A number of aggravated acts of infringement have not only damaged the lawful rights and interests of intellectual property right owners but also the dignity of law.
要建立一批知识产权法律服务机构,协助当事人对侵权行为进行调查,收集证据,通过法律途径解决有关纠纷。    A number of legal service organizations concerning intellectual property should be set up to assist interested parties in the investigation of infringing acts and the gathering of evidence so that the relevant disputes may be resolved through legal channels.
要确定一批有重大影响的革命博物馆、纪念馆(地),由各级人民政府给予必要的经费支持,逐步建成基础设施完备的爱国主义教育基地。    A number of museums and memorial halls (sites) of revolution with great influence should be determined and necessary support in funds granted by the People’s Governments at all levels to build them step by step into bases of patriotic education with complete infrastructure.
表演者使用他人已发表的作品进行营业性演出,可以不经著作权人许可,但应当按照规定支付报酬;著作权人声明不许使用的不得使用。    A performer who for a commercial performance exploits a published work created by others does not need permission from, but shall, as prescribed by regulations, pay remuneration to the copyright owner; such work shall not be exploited where the copyright owner has declared that such exploitation is not permitted.
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