

农民集体所有和国家所有由农民集体使用的耕地、林地、草地以及其他用于农业的土地,依法实行土地承包经营制度。    As regards the cultivated land, wood land, grassland, and other land for agricultural uses that are owned by farmers' collectives as well as those that are owned by the state and used by farmers' collectives, the system of land contracted management shall be adopted.
工业、商业、旅游、娱乐和商品住宅等经营性用地以及同一土地有两个以上意向用地者的,应当采取招标、拍卖等公开竞价的方式出让。    As regards the land used for purposes of industry, business, entertainment or commercial dwelling houses, etc. as well as the land with two or more intended users, the alienation thereof shall adopt such means as auction, bid invitation or any other public bidding method.
依法属于国家所有的自然资源,所有权可以不登记。    As regards the ownership of the natural resources owned by the state in accordance with law, the registration is not required.
对建设单位聘请的物业服务企业或者其他管理人,业主有权依法更换。    As regards the realty service enterprise or any other manager hired by the construction entity, the owners are entitled to alter it in accordance with law.
企业法人以外的法人,对其不动产和动产的权利,适用有关法律、行政法规以及章程的规定。    As regards the rights over the realties and chattels owned by a legal person other than an enterprise legal person, the provisions of the related laws, administrative regulations and its articles of associations shall apply.
非住宅建设用地使用权期间届满后的续期,依照法律规定办理。该土地上的房屋及其他不动产的归属,有约定的,按照约定;没有约定或者约定不明确的,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。    As regards the term of the right to use construction land not for dwelling houses, the renewing shall be subject to legal provisions. In case there exists any stipulation on the ownership of houses and other realties on the aforesaid land, such stipulation shall prevail; in the case of no or unclear such stipulation, the ownership shall be determined in accordance with the provisions in the laws and administrative regulations.
对自然流水的利用,应当在不动产的相邻权利人之间合理分配。对自然流水的排放,应当尊重自然流向。    As regards the utilization of natural running water, the neighboring right holders of a realty shall rationally distribute it. The natural current direction shall be respected when draining natural running water.
对于版权所有,一方转让或准许另一方使用的出版发行权和其他权利,支付报酬的数量、方式和时间,均应在合同中逐项加以规定。    As to the ownership of the copyright, the transfer by one party to the other the right of publication and distribution and other rights or the permission by one party to the other of the use of these rights, as well as the amount of remuneration, the mode and time of payment thereof shall be stipulated item by item in the contract.
但是,目前文物商业市场的管理还存在着一些问题,主要是多头经营、价格不一、市场混乱。    At present, however, there still exist some problems with respect to the administration of the commercial market for cultural relics, which are mainly manifested in operations by too many departments, ununified pricing and confusion of market.
当前要重点加强各级著作权行政执法机关的力量,保障《中华人民共和国著作权法》的有效实施。    At present, it is necessary to focus on reinforcing the staff of copyright administrative and enforcing agencies at various levels to ensure the effective implementation of the ""Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China"".
目前,由于文物保护方面的科学技术、手段等条件尚不具备,对大型帝王陵寝暂不进行主动发掘。    At present, no active excavations of large-size emperors’ tombs shall be carried out as there are lack of the required conditions for the protection of cultural relics in science, technology and other means.
当前,监督检查工作的重点是清理整顿音像制品市场和计算机软件市场。    At present, the focal point of supervision and inspection is to inspect and to put the audio-visual product and computer software market in order.
当前,在发展社会主义市场经济条件下,文物工作面临许多新情况和新问题,较为突出的是:    At present, under the conditions of developing the socialist market economy, the work related to cultural relics faces many new situations and new problems, among them the more outstanding ones are as follows:
软件权利的使用许可应当根据我国有关法规以签订、执行书面合同的方式进行。    Authorization to implement a software copyright should be agreed and executed according to China's laws and regulations in the form of a written contract.
软件权利的转让应当根据我国有关法规以签订、执行书面合同的方式进行。    Authorization to transfer copyright should be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations of China under a signed and executed written contract.
第二十三条 授予专利权的外观设计,应当同申请日以前在国内外出版物上公开发表过或者国内公开使用过的外观设计不相同和不相近似,并不得与他人在先取得的合法权利相冲突。     Article 23.? Any design for which patent right may be granted must not be identical with and simi1ar to any design which, before the date of filing, has been publicly disclosed in publications in the country or abroad or has been publicly used in the country, and must not be in conflict with any prior right of any other person.
第十七条 发明人或者设计人有在专利文件中写明自己是发明人或者设计人的权利。     Article l7.? The inventor or creator has the right to be named as such in the patent document.
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