

第六十九条 专利复审委员会根据当事人的请求或者案情需要,可以决定对无效宣告请求进行口头审理。    Article 69 The Patent Re-examination Board may, upon the request of the party concerned or the needs of the case, decide to hear the request for invalidation orally.
第六十九条 社会团体依法所有的不动产和动产,受法律保护。    Article 69 The realties and chattels owned by social organizations in accordance with law shall be protected by law.
第六十九条 本法自1985年4月1日起施行。    Article 69.??? This Law shall enter into force on April l, 1985.
第六条 执行本单位的任务或者主要是利用本单位的物质技术条件所完成的发明创造为职务发明创造。    Article 6???An invention-creation, made by a person in execution of the tasks of the entity to which he belongs, or made by him mainly by using the material and technical means of the entity is a service invention-creation.
第七条 布图设计权利人享有下列专有权:    Article 7 A layout-design holder of right enjoys the following exclusive rights:
第七条 革命遗址、纪念建筑物、古文化遗址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、石刻等文物,应当根据它们的历史、艺术、科学价值,分别确定为不同级别的文物保护单位。    Article 7 Cultural relics, such as sites related to revolutionary history, memorial buildings, sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs, ancient architectural structures, cave temples, stone carvings, etc., shall be designated as sites to be protected for their historical and cultural value at different levels according to their historical, artistic or scientific value.
第七条 物权的取得和行使,应当遵守法律,尊重社会公德,不得损害公共利益和他人合法权益。    Article 7 One shall, when acquiring or exercising a real right, comply with the law, respect social morals and may not infringe upon the public interests or the lawful rights and interests of any other person.
第七条(登记程序)举办人按照下列规定办理申报登记手续:    Article 7 Registration Procedure The sponsors shall complete formalities for registration application according to the following provisions:
第七条 国家发展体育教育和体育科学研究,推广先进、实用的体育科学技术成果,依靠科学技术发展体育事业。    Article 7 The State promotes education and scientific research in physical culture and sports, popularizes advanced and practical achievements in sports science and technology, and develops undertakings of physical culture and sports by relying on science and technology.
第七条 当事人因不可抗拒的事由而延误专利法或者本细则规定的期限或者国务院专利行政部门指定的期限,导致其权利丧失的,自障碍消除之日起2个月内,最迟自期限届满之日起2年内,可以向国务院专利行政部门说明理由并附具有关证明文件,请求恢复权利。    Article 7 Where a party concerned has delayed past the time limit provided in the Patent Law or these Rules or that specified by the administrative department for patent under the State Council due to force majeure, thus resulting the loss of his/its rights, he/it may, within 2 months as of the removal of the impediment, or at the latest within 2 years as of the expiry of that time limit, request the administrative department for patent under the State Council to recover his/its rights by stating the reasons and affixing relevant supporting documents.
第七条 科学技术作品中应当由专利法、技术合同法等法律保护的,适用专利法、技术合同法等法律的规定。    Article 7 Where any scientific or technological work is protected under the Patent Law, the Law on Technology Contracts or similar laws, the provisions of those laws shall apply.
第七条 已有卫星地面接收设施的单位, 未持有《许可证》的,不得接收外国卫星传送的电视节目;其他单位,未持有《许可证》的,不得设置卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目。    Article 7 Without holding a permit, no unit already in possession of ground satellite receiving facilities may receive television programs transmitted via foreign satellites, no other units may, without holding a permit, install ground satellite receiving facilities to receive television programs transmitted via foreign satellites..
第七条 商标使用的文学、图形或者其组合,应当有显著特征,便于识别。使用注册商标的,并应当标明“注册商标”或者注册标记。    Article 7. Any word, device or their combination that is used as a trademark shall be so distinctive as to be distinguishable. Where a registered trademark is used, it shall carry the indication of ""Registered Trademark"" or a sign indicating that it is registered.
??? 第七条? 在订立保险合同时,保险方应当将办理保险的有关事项告知投保方;投保方应当按照保险方的要求,将保险方在决定其是否接受承保或者据以确定保险费率所需了解的有关主要危险情况告知保险方。    Article 7. At the time a contract of insurance is concluded, the Insurer shall advise the Insured of all matters related to the way of effecting insurance, and the Insured shall, as required by the Insurer, disclose all material circumstances which the Insurer requires to know in deciding whether or not to accept the risk or the premium to be charged.
第七条 国家版权局是国务院著作权行政管理部门,主管全国的著作权管理工作,其主要职责是:    Article 7. The national Copyright Administration, being an administrative department for copyright matters under the State Council, is responsible for the nation-wide work of administration of copyright by mainly carrying out the following functions:
第七条 对发明人或者设计人的非职务发明创造专利申请,任何单位或者个人不得压制。    Article 7.? No entity or individual shall prevent the inventor or creator from filing an application for a patent for a non-service invention-creation.
第七条 外国计算机程序作为文学作品保护,可以不履行登记手续,保护期为自该程序首次发表之年年底起五十年。    Article 7.Foreign computer programmes shah be protected as literary works, shall not be subject to registration and shall enjoy a term of protection of fifty years commencing from the end of the year of their first publication.
第七十条 业主对建筑物内的住宅、经营性用房等专有部分享有所有权,对专有部分以外的共有部分享有共有和共同管理的权利。    Article 70 As regards such exclusive parts within the buildings as the residential houses or the houses used for business purposes, an owner shall enjoy the ownership thereof, while as regards the common parts other than the exclusive parts, the owner shall have common ownership and the common management right thereof.
第七十条 在无效宣告请求审查程序中,专利复审委员会指定的期限不得延长。    Article 70 During the procedures for examination of the request for invalidation, the time limit specified by the Patent Re-examination Board shall not be extended.
第七十一条 业主对其建筑物专有部分享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。业主行使权利不得危及建筑物的安全,不得损害其他业主的合法权益。    Article 71 An owner is entitled to possess utilize, seek profits from and dispose of the exclusive parts of the building. Any owner may not endanger the safety of the building or infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of any other owner when exercising his or its rights.
第七十一条 专利复审委员会对无效宣告的请求作出决定前,无效宣告请求人可以撤回其请求。    Article 71 Before the Patent Re-examination Board makes a decision on the request for invalidation, the person making the request may withdraw such a request.
第七十二条 自专利权被授予之日起满3年后,任何单位均可以依照专利法第四十八条的规定,请求国务院专利行政部门给予强制许可。    Article 72 After the expiry of 3 years from the grant of a patent right, any entity may, in accordance with Article 48 of the Patent Law, request the administrative department for patent under the State Council to grant a compulsory license.
第七十二条 业主对建筑物专有部分以外的共有部分,享有权利,承担义务;不得以放弃权利不履行义务。    Article 72 An owner enjoys the rights and assumes the obligations over the common parts other than the exclusive parts of the building, and may not reject performing the obligations under the pretext of abandoning rights.
第七十三条 依照专利法第五十四条的规定,请求国务院专利行政部门裁决使用费数额的,当事人应当提出裁决请求书,并附具双方不能达成协议的证明文件。    Article 73 In accordance with Article 54 of the Patent Law, if anyone requests the administrative department for patent under the State Council to rule the amount of the exploitation fee, the party concerned shall submit the written request for a ruling, and affix the certified documents on both parties' failure to reach the agreement.
第七十三条 建筑区划内的道路,属于业主共有,但属于城镇公共道路的除外。建筑区划内的绿地,属于业主共有,但属于城镇公共绿地或者明示属于个人的除外。建筑区划内的其他公共场所、公用设施和物业服务用房,属于业主共有。    Article 73 The roads within the building zone, except for the public roads of cities and towns, shall be commonly owned by the owners. The green lands within the building area, except for the public green lands of cities and towns or those which are definitely ascribed to individuals, shall be commonly owned by all the owners. The other public places, common facilities and houses used for realty services within the building zone shall be commonly owned by all the owners.
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