第八十条 建筑物及其附属设施的费用分摊、收益分配等事项,有约定的,按照约定;没有约定或者约定不明确的,按照业主专有部分占建筑物总面积的比例确定。 Article 80 As regards such matters as the expenses al[] and the proceeds distribution of a building or any of its affiliated facilities, in case there exists any stipulation for these, such stipulation shall apply; in the case of no stipulation or unclear stipulation, these matters shall be determined in accordance with the proportion of each owner's exclusive parts to the total area of the building.第八十条 国务院专利行政部门应当对管理专利工作的部门处理和调解专利纠纷进行业务指导。 Article 80 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall provide professional guidance to the department for the administration of patent work for disposing and conciliating patent disputes.第八十一条 业主可以自行管理建筑物及其附属设施,也可以委托物业服务企业或者其他管理人管理。 Article 81 The owners of a building may manage the building and affiliated facilities thereof by themselves or they may entrust a realty service enterprise or any other manager to conduct the management.第八十一条 当事人请求处理或者调解专利纠纷的,由被请求人所在地或者侵权行为地的管理专利工作的部门管辖。 Article 81 Where a party concerned requests disposal or conciliation of a patent dispute, such a request shall be under the jurisdiction of the department for the administration of patent work in the place where the respondent is located or where the infringement took place.第八十二条 物业服务企业或者其他管理人根据业主的委托管理建筑区划内的建筑物及其附属设施,并接受业主的监督。 Article 82 The realty service enterprise or any other manager shall, upon the strength of the owners' entrustment, manage the building and affiliated facilities thereof within the building area and accept the owners' supervision.第八十二条 在处理专利侵权纠纷过程中,被请求人提出无效宣告请求并被专利复审委员会受理的,可以请求管理专利工作的部门中止处理。 Article 82 Where, in the process of disposing a dispute on patent infringement, the respondent has made the request for invalidation and has been accepted by the Patent Re-examination Board, he/it may request the department for the administration of patent work to suspend the disposal.第八十三条 业主应当遵守法律、法规以及管理规约。 Article 83 The owners shall comply with the laws, regulations and management stipulations.第八十三条 专利权人依照专利法第十五条的规定,在其专利产品或者该产品的包装上标明专利标记的,应当按照国务院专利行政部门规定的方式予以标明。 Article 83 Where the patent holder indicates a patent mark on the patented product or on the package of that product in accordance with Article 15 of the Patent Law, he/it shall do so in accordance with the method provided by the administrative department for patent under the State Council.第八十四条 不动产的相邻权利人应当按照有利生产、方便生活、团结互助、公平合理的原则,正确处理相邻关系。 Article 84 A neighboring right holder of a realty shall, in accordance with the principles of facilitating production and livelihood, solidarity and mutual aid, as well as fairness and equity, handle the neighboring relationship in a correct manner.第八十四条 下列行为属于假冒他人专利的行为: Article 84 Any of the following acts shall be the act of passing the patent to another person:第八十五条 下列行为属于以非专利产品冒充专利产品、以非专利方法冒充专利方法的行为: Article 85 Any of the following acts shall be the act of passing an unpatented product off as patented product or passing an unpatented process off as patented process:第八十五条 法律、法规对处理相邻关系有规定的,依照其规定;法律、法规没有规定的,可以按照当地习惯。 Article 85 In case there exists any legal provision on the disposal of neighboring relationship, such provision shall apply; in the case of no such provision,, the neighboring relationship shall be disposed of in light of the local customs.第八十六条 不动产权利人应当为相邻权利人用水、排水提供必要的便利。 Article 86 The holder of a realty shall provide necessary convenience for the neighboring right holders in terms of the use of water and drainage.第八十六条 当事人因专利申请权或者专利权的归属发生纠纷,已请求管理专利工作的部门处理或者向人民法院起诉的,可以请求国务院专利行政部门中止有关程序。 Article 86 Where a party concerned, in case of a dispute due to the ownership of a right of patent application or a patent right, has requested the department for the administration of patent work for disposal or has initiated a lawsuit to the people's court, he may request the administrative department for patent under the State Council to suspend relevant procedures.第八十七条 不动产权利人对相邻权利人因通行等必须利用其土地的,应当提供必要的便利。 Article 87 Necessary conveniences shall be provided by the right holder of a realty where a neighboring right holder has to use his land by virtue of passage or for any other reason.第八十七条 人民法院在审理民事案件中裁定对专利权采取保全措施的,国务院专利行政部门在协助执行时中止被保全的专利权的有关程序。保全期限届满,人民法院没有裁定继续采取保全措施的,国务院专利行政部门自行恢复有关程序。 Article 87 Where the people's court has ordered to adopt preservative measures over a patent right in the trial of a civil case, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall suspend relevant procedures for the preserved patent right when assisting in its enforcement. Where, at the expiry of the preservation period, the people's court has not ordered to continue to adopt the preservative measures, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall recover relevant procedures at its own discretion.第八十八条 不动产权利人因建造、修缮建筑物以及铺设电线、电缆、水管、暖气和燃气管线等必须利用相邻土地、建筑物的,该土地、建筑物的权利人应当提供必要的便利。 Article 88 In case the right holder of a realty has to use a neighboring land or building by virtue of the construction or repairing of a building, or the laying of wires, cables, water pipes, heating pipelines or fuel gas pipelines, etc, necessary convenience shall be provided by the right holder of such land or building.第八十八条 国务院专利行政部门设置专利登记簿,登记下列与专利申请和专利权有关的事项: Article 88 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall maintain a Patent Register in which the following matters relating to a patent application and patent right shall be registered:第八十九条 国务院专利行政部门定期出版专利公报,公布或者公告下列内容: Article 89 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall publish the Patent Gazette at regular intervals, publishing or announcing the following:第八十九条 建造建筑物,不得违反国家有关工程建设标准,妨碍相邻建筑物的通风、采光和日照。 Article 89 When constructing a building, no entity or individual may block the ventilation, lighting or sunshine of any neighboring building with violation of the relevant engineering construction standards of the state.第九条 专利法第五条所称违反国家法律的发明创造,不包括仅其实施为国家法律所禁止的发明创造。 Article 9 ""Invention-creation that violates the laws of the State"" mentioned in Article 5 of the Patent Law shall not include the invention-creations the use of which is prohibited by the laws of the State.第九条 持有《许可证》的单位,接收外国卫星传送的电视节目,只允许在本单位业务工作中使用,除本单位领导批准外,一律不得录制。 Article 9 A unit holding a permit may use the television programs received from transmission via foreign satellites only in the work or business operations of the unit itself and, unless otherwise approved by the leadership of the unit, no television programs received from transmission via foreign satellites may be recorded.第九条(登记证的发放)对符合本办法规定条件的举办人,市体委或者区、县体育行政部门应当准予办理体育竞赛登记,并发给举办人体育竞赛登记证明; Article 9 Grant of Registration Certificates The MPCSC or district or county physical cultural administrative department must allow the sponsor who meets the requirements set by these Procedures to go through the registration of sports contest and grant the sponsor a registration certificate of sports contest.第九条 布图设计专有权属于布图设计创作者,本条例另有规定的除外。 Article 9 The exclusive rights in a layout-design belong to the layout-design inventor unless it is otherwise provided for in the Regulations.第九条 各级文物保护单位,分别由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和县、自治县、市人民政府划定必要的保护范围,作出标志说明,建立记录档案,并区别情况分别设置专门机构或者专人负责管理。 Article 9 The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and of counties, autonomous counties and cities shall delimit the necessary scope of protection, put up signs and notices, and establish records and files for the historical and cultural sites to be protected at different levels and shall, in the light of different circumstances, establish special organs or assign full-time personnel to be responsible for the administration of these sites.