- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 治理大江大河大湖的骨干工程,防洪、治涝、引水、灌溉等大型水利工程,农业生产和农产品流通重点基础设施,商品粮棉生产基地,用材林生产基地和防护工程,农业教育、农业科研、技术推广和气象基础设施等。 "key projects for harnessing big rivers and lakes
- 汽车关键零部件 Key auto components and parts
- 建筑施工关键设备 Key building construction equipment
- 建筑节能关键技术 Key energy-saving technologies in construction
- 柔性版印刷关键设备 Key equipment for soft-plate printing
- 同温同层通信系统关键技术及设备 Key technologies and equipment of stratosphere telecommunications systems
- 消防安全重点单位除应当履行本法第十四条规定的职责外,还应当履行下列消防安全职责: Key units on fire control safety shall, in addition to performing the duties and responsibilities as stipulated in Article 14 of this law, perform the following duties and responsibilities on fire control safety:
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