(四)由银行出具的建设资金证明和工程款的支付方式及预付款的百分比; "(4) Construction fund certificate五、有完整的环境保护设施,所排放的“三废”必须达到国家规定的标准; "(5) Complete environmental protection facilities with ""three wastes"" emissions meeting national standards. "(七)符合国家安全、卫生、环境保护和计量等法规的要求。 "(7) conforming to the requirements of the state laws and regulations concerning safety(九)《建设工程施工合同条件》及调整要求; "(9) ""Conditions for the Project Construction Contract"" and adjustment requirements; "(三)办理汽车经销商采购车辆贷款和营运设备贷款(包括展示厅建设贷款和零配件贷款以及维修设备贷款等)。 "(c) extending loans to auto dealers for purpose of purchasing automobiles or facilities for operations (including the show-room construction(三)进行爆破、吊装等危险作业,未安排专门管理人员进行现场安全管理的。 "c. Failing to arrange for specialized administrative personnel to conduct on-spot administration of production safety in the dangerous operations including explosions and hoistings前款所列基地和机构的基本建设经国务院有关部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,纳入国家或者地方有关规划。 "Capital construction of the bases and institutions mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall have to be approved by the relevant department under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces碳纤维、芳纶纤维以及改性、异型、超细、复合化学纤维 "Carbon fibre第二章 机构的设立、变更与终止 "Chapter II Incorporation第二章 企业的设立、变更和终止 "CHAPTER II THE ESTABLISHMENT第五章 生产安全事故的应急救援与调查处理 "Chapter V Emergency Rescue第六章 开标 评标 定标 "Chapter VI Bid Opening第六章 开标 评标 定标 "Chapter VI Bid Opening第六章 农业科技与农业教育 "CHAPTER VI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY国务院批转国家计委等部门关于进一步加强汽车工业项目管理意见的通知 "Circular of the State Council on the Approval and Transmission of the Suggestions Concerning Further Strengthening Project Management of the Automotive Industry of the State Planning Commission and Other Departments (July 11连锁店、超级市场、仓储式商场等商业设施 "Commercial facilities such as chain stores计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办法 "Computer Information Network and Internet Security商品粮、棉、油、糖等农产品基地建设 "Construction of farm produce bases of commodity foodgrains经济、科技、工程、管理、会计审计、劳动就业、法律咨询 "Consultancy in economy名特优水产品养殖 "Cultivation and breeding of brand-name当前国家重点鼓励发展的产业、产品和技术目录 "Current Catalogue of Key Industries一、必须有完整的企业基本情况资料(按附件要求填报); (1) Complete background information of the enterprise (See Schedule for requirement to complete the declaration).(一)对新产品、新工艺进行中间试验和工业性试验; (1) conducting intermediate and industrial experiments with regard to new products and new techniques;(十)召开开标会议,审查投标标书; (10) Convention of a bid opening meeting and examination of the tendering offers;(二) 落实安全保护技术措施,保障本网络的运行安全和信息安全; (2) Carry out technical measures for network security and protection. Ensure network operational security and information security;语际翻译 版权所有
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