- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (一)工程综合说明。包括工程名称、地址、招标项目、占地范围、建筑面积和技术要求、质量标准以及现场条件、招标方式、要求开工和竣工时间、对投标企业的资质等级要求等; "(1) Overall introduction to the project: name
- (六)使用商标和分级分等的产品,在产品或包装上应有商标和分级分等标记; "(6) on the product or the package thereof on which the trademark and quality classification and grading system is applied
- (九) 其他违反宪法和法律、行政法规的。 "(9) Other activities against the Constitution
- 逾期不改的,视情节轻重处1万元以上20万元以下罚款。 "On the basis of the gravity of the situation
- 产品包装上必须注明实际重量(净重和毛重); "On the package of the product
- 光电器件、敏感元器件及传感器 "Optic-electro components
- 没有违法所得或者违法所得不足五万元的,单处或者并处一万元以上五万元以下的罚款; "or be simply or concurrently imposed upon a fine of not if there are no illegal proceeds or if such proceeds are less than 50
- 有机硅单体及有机氟等化工新产品 "Organosilicon monoblocks
- 未按上述规定办理审批手续的企业,工商行政管理机关不予办理注册登记,其生产的产品禁止在市场上流通。 "Organs of industry and commerce administration shall not process the registration of those enterprises without going through the formalities of examination and approval in accordance with the aforesaid provisions
- (一)由建设单位组织一个与本办法第十条要求相符的招标班子; (1) Organization of a bid committee by the developer in accordance with the requirements of Article 10 hereof;
- (一)综合说明; (1) Overall descriptions;
- (十一)组织评标,决定中标单位; (11) Organization of bid assessment work and decision on the bid winner;
- (十一)其它需要说明的事项。 (11) Other matters requiring explanation.
- (四)其他原因。 (4) other reasons.
- (五)一个工程只能编制一个标底。 (5) Only one pre-tender estimate shall be prepared per project.
- (五) 其他危害计算机信息网络安全的。 (5) Other activities which harm the network are also prohibited.
- (七)法律、法规规定的其他条件。 (7) Other qualifications as provided by the laws and regulations.
- (八)组织投标单位踏勘现场,并对招标文件答疑; (8) Organization of visits to the construction site by the tendering units and answering of questions regarding the bid documents;
- (九)建立评标组织,制定评标、定标办法; (9) Organization of a bid appraisal organization and formulation of bid assessment and selection methods;
- (二) 组织农业技术的专业培训; 2. organizing professional trainings of agro-techniques;
- (三)法律、法规禁止的其他行为。 3. Other actions prohibited by laws and regulations.
- 海洋开发及海洋环境保护 Ocean development and ocean environmental protection
- 远洋运输电子数据交换系统 Ocean shipping electronic data exchange system
- 废旧物资综合利用 Old and waste materials integrated utilization
- 百万千瓦级压水堆核电站 One-mega kilowatt pressurized water reactor nuclear power station
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