(五)具有与业务经营相适应的营业场所、安全防范措施和其他设施。 " e) proper business premises麻黄素既是制药原料,又是制造甲基苯丙胺(“冰”毒)的前体。 " Ephedrine is both the raw material for medicine and the precursor for making methamphetamine (""ice"" drug)."(五)出资人最近3年经法定机构审计的资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表。 "(e) the investor’s balance sheet(五)安全设备的安装、使用、检测、改造和报废不符合国家标准或者行业标准的; "e. The installation符合经济规模标准的纸浆、纸及纸板 "Economy-scale standards pulp教育部门应当在农村开展有关农业技术推广的职业技术教育和农业技术培训,提高农业技术推广人员和农业劳动者的技术素质。国家鼓励农业集体经济组织、企业事业单位和其他社会力量在农村开展农业技术教育。 "Educational departments shall develop professional technical education and agro-technical trainings relating to agro-technical popularization in the countryside to improve the technical qualification of agro- technical popularization personnel and agricultural labourers. The State shall encourage agricultural economic collectives新型仪表元器件和材料 "Elements发动机管理系统、三元催化转化装置等汽车尾气排放控制系统 "Engine control systems and vehicle exhaust control systems such as ternary catalysis conversion devices企业、事业单位可以与参加科技成果转化的有关人员签订在职期间或者离职、离休、退休后一定期限内保守本单位技术秘密的协议;有关人员不得违反协议约定,泄露本单位的技术秘密和从事与原单位相同的科技成果转化活动。 "Enterprises and institutions may sign an agreement on protection of their technical know-how with the employees who participate in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements during the period when they remain in employment or within a specified period of time after they leave office or retire; the said employees may not凡违反国家规定,自行审批汽车、摩托车及发动机项目的,一经发现要严肃处理,并追究主要领导人的责任。 "Examination and approval of projects of automobiles(一)企业营业执照和资质证书; (1) Enterprise business license and qualification certificate;(十三)建设单位与中标单位签订承发包合同。 (13) Execution of the construction contract between the project developer and the bid winner.(二)企业职工代表大会选举。 (2) election by the staff and workers' congress of the enterprise.(二)面向社会进行地区或者行业科技成果系统化、工程化的配套开发和技术创新; (2) engaging in ancillary development and technical innovation for the systematization and engineering of scientific and technological achievements in different areas or trades to serve the community;(三)建设用地的征用工作已经完成; (3) Expropriation of land for use by the construction project has been completed;(五) 建立计算机信息网络电子公告系统的用户登记和信息管理制度; (5) Establish a system for registering the users of electronic bulletin board systems on the computer information network as well as a system for managing bulletin board information;(六)对投标单位进行资质审查,并将审查结果通知各申请投标者; (6) Examination of the qualifications of the tendering units and notification of the tender applicants of the examination results;六、生产特别许可证书已经超过有效期限的。 (6) Expired SPLs.七、处理废物和废水的设备和区域; (7) Equipment and relevant areas where solid waste and sewage are treated.八、处理不符合规格的化学品的设备和区域; (8) Equipment and relevant areas where substandard chemicals are treated.(五)向金融机构借款。 (e) borrowing from financial institutions;(五) 改变组织形式。 (e) change of organizational structure;(五)同一企业法人不得投资一个以上的汽车金融公司。 (e) It shall not invest in more than one auto financing company;(五) 股东名称及其出资额。 (e) name and capital contribution of each shareholder;(五) 禁止分红。 (e) prohibiting the dividend distribution;语际翻译 版权所有
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