

(三)议标。对不宜公开招标或邀请招标的特殊工程,应报县级以上地方人民政府建设行政主管部门或其授权的招标投标办事机构,经批准后可以议标。    "(3) Bid negotiation. With respect to special projects for which neither public bidding nor invitational bidding is appropriate
(二) 中国法定验资机构出具的验资证明、工商行政管理机关出具的对拟设机构名称的预核准登记书。    "(b) a certification of paid-in capital issued by a qualified Chinese certifying agency
(二) 设立汽车金融公司的可行性研究报告。其内容包括对拟设公司的市场前景分析、未来业务发展规划、组织管理架构和风险控制能力分析、公司开业后3年的资产负债规模和盈利预测等内容。    "(b) a feasibility study on establishing the auto financing company
(二)生产经营场所和员工宿舍未设有符合紧急疏散需要、标志明显、保持畅通的出口,或者封闭、堵塞生产经营场所或者员工宿舍出口的。    "b. In the production and business operation site and the employees' dormitories there is no exit which meets the requirements of emergency dispersal and which is eye-catching and unblocked
(二)危险物品的生产、经营、储存单位以及矿山、建筑施工单位的主要负责人和安全生产管理人员未按照规定经考核合格的;    "b. The major persons-in-charge or the person in charge of production safety of an entity that produces
轿车轴承、铁路机车车辆轴承、精密轴承、高速轴承    "Ball bearings for cars
银行、财务公司、信托投资公司    "Banks
基本医疗、疾病控制、妇幼保健、康复、福利等设施    "Basic medical
(一)违反法律、法规被责令撤销。    (1) being abolished due to its violation of the laws and regulations;
(二)政府主管部门依照法律、法规的规定决定解散。    (2) being dissolved by decision of the competent department of the government made in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations;
二、必须持有工商行政管理部门核发的营业执照;    (2) Business license issued by the industrial and commercial management departments.
(三)依法被宣告破产。    (3) being declared bankrupt in accordance with law; or
(二) 变更注册资本。    (b) change of registered capital;
(二)提供购车贷款业务。    (b) extending loans for auto purchase;
(二)经营业绩良好,最近3年连续盈利。    (b) It shall have sound business performance and remain profitable for the last three consecutive years;
(二) 亏损得到弥补。    (b) Losses are covered;
(二) 暂停其部分业务或禁止其开办新业务。    (b) suspending part of the company’s business or prohibiting the company’s engagement in new business lines;
(二) 出现支付困难。    (b) The company is in payment difficulties;
(二)具有符合《中华人民共和国公司法》等相关法律和本办法要求的章程。    b) Articles of Association that complies with relevant laws including the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Rules;
(二)发现未依法取得批准、验收的单位擅自从事有关活动或者接到举报后不予取缔或者不依法予以处理的;    b. Failing to clamp down or handle according to law after finding or receiving reports that any entity which has not obtained approval or has not passed the examinations for acceptance according to law is engaged in relevant activities;
(二)对重大危险源未登记建档,或者未进行评估、监控,或者未制定应急预案的;    b. Failing to create archivist files or failing to make appraisals or monitors or failing to make emergence plans for important sources of danger;
(二)矿山建设项目或者用于生产、储存危险物品的建设项目的施工单位未按照批准的安全设施设计施工的;    b. The construction entity of a mining project or a construction for the production or storage of hazardous substances fails to execute the construction according to the approved design of safety facilities;
竹质工程材料和植物纤维工程材料    Bamboo engineering materials and plant fibre engineering materials
大型旅游资源综合开发项目    Big integrated development projects of tourism resources
大型预焙槽电解铝    Big pre-roasted vat electrolytic aluminum
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