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研究开发机构、高等院校等事业单位,可以参与政府有关部门或者企业实施科技成果转化的招标投标活动。    "Research and development institutions
一、可显示被监督检查企业或单位地理位置的区域地图;    (1) Regional map indicating the geographic [] of the enterprise or work unit being supervised and examined.
四、反应器及其辅助设备的外部;    (4) Reactors and the peripherals of their auxiliary equipment.
(四) 对委托发布信息的单位和个人进行登记,并对所提供的信息内容按照本办法第五条进行审核;    (4) Register units and individuals to whom information is provided. Provide information according to the stipulations of article five;
(七)投标书的编制要求及评标、定标原则;    (7) Requirements regarding the preparation of bid documents and principles of bid assessment and selection;
放射性药品    Radioactive drugs
铁路集装箱运输    Railway container transportation
铁路行车安全技术保障系统    Railway operations safety technology assurance system
铁路客货运装备    Railway passenger and cargo transport equipment
铁路客货运信息系统    Railway passenger and cargo transport information system
稀土复合肥    Rare earth compound fertilizers
申请人可以在6个月内进行整改,再次提出申请,经审核仍不符合条件的,取消申请生产许可证书的资格。     Re-application may be submitted within six months following internal organization and rectification by the applying party. Qualification to apply for SLP shall be revoked if the criteria fulfillment fails again after re-examination.
上海市技术市场条例    Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Technology Market
特殊工程或大型工程还可邀请有关专家参加。    Relevant experts shall be invited if it is a special or large-scale project.
租赁服务    Rental services
研究开发机构、高等院校及其他企业事业组织和公民可以自主选择课题,从事基础研究和应用基础研究。    Research and development entities, institutions of higher learning, other enterprises and institutions as well as citizens may select subjects on their own for basic research and applied basic research.
研究开发机构依照国家有关规定享有研究开发、生产经营、经费使用、机构设置、人员聘用等方面的自主权。    Research and development institutions shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, enjoy decision-making power in their conduct of research and development, production management, use of funds, institutional setup and personnel recruitment.
新型中药研制和开发    Research and development of new traditional Chinese medicine
路由器等网络设备    Routers and other network equipment
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