

农产品的收购单位必须在收购时向出售农产品的农业生产经营组织或者农民付清价款。    "Units purchasing agricultural products must
使用麻黄素及其单方制剂的单位要建立购买、使用、销毁的登记制度,严防麻黄素及其单方制剂流入非法渠道。    "Units that use ephedrine and its prescribed preparations must establish registration rules for the purchase
除国家已有规定外,质量监督机构抽查产品,不准向企业收费,以保证监督机构的公正性。    "Unless otherwise stated in state regulations
未中标的投标单位应在接到通知后7天内退回招标文件及有关资料,招标单位同时退还投标保证金。    "Unsuccessful tenderers shall return the bidding documents and relevant materials within 7 days upon receipt of notification
工程竣工,经主管部门验收合格后,按本细则办理生产特别许可手续。    "Upon completion
工程竣工后,经所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府化学工业主管部门验收合格,并报国务院化学工业主管部门批准后,方可投产使用。    "Upon completion
上述项目均由机械部提出初审意见后,有关基本建设和加工贸易项目由国家计委审批,技术改造项目由国家经贸委审批;    "Upon remarks in preliminary examination put forth by the Ministry of Machinery with respect to the aforesaid projects
城镇供水水源、自来水、排水及污水处理    "Urban and township water supply source
城市地铁、轻轨及公共交通    "Urban underground railway
未经批准,使用第二类监控化学品,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府化学工业主管部门责令限期(30天内)改正;逾期不改的,视情节轻重处1万元以上5万元以下罚款。    "Using Category II MCCs without approval shall be subject to orders from the local chemical industry authorities under the PARM government to take corrective actions within a specific time (thirty days). On the basis of the gravity of the situation
(1)不合格的产品不准出厂和销售;    (1) unqualified product is forbidden from being dispatched from the factory or marketed;
(2)不合格的原材料、零部件不准投料、组装;    (2) unqualified raw materials and parts and components are not allowed to be put into production or be used for assembly;
超高功率电炉及综合节能技术    Ultra-high power electric furnace and integrated energy-saving technology
地铁暗挖设备    Underground railway excavating equipment
负责专业计算机信息网络、企业计算机信息网络和其他通过专线进行国际联网的计算机信息网络运行的单位,应当参照本办法建立网络管理中心,健全管理制度,做好网络信息安全管理工作。    Units in charge of the operation of specialized computer information networks, corporate computer information networks and other networks which are connected with international networks through special lines shall set up network operation centers, strengthen management systems and improve the safety management of network information with reference to these Rules.
生产易燃易爆危险物品的单位,对产品应当附有燃点、闪点、爆炸极限等数据的说明书,并且注明防火防爆注意事项。    Units producing inflammable and explosive dangerous goods shall attach instruction book with datas such as the ignition point, flash point and explosion limit of the product, and give points of attention for fire and explosion prevention.
发生火灾的单位必须立即组织力量扑救火灾。邻近单位应当给予支援。    Units suffering fire disaster shall immediately organize fire fighting and rescue work. Neighboring units shall provide support.
单位有前款行为的,依照前款的规定处罚,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接现任人员处警告或者罚款。    Units with the conduct of this article shall be punished in accordance with rules of this article; and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be disciplinary warning or penalty.
单位有前款行为的,依照前款的规定处罚,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处警告或者罚款。    Units with the conduct of this article, shall be punished in accordance with rules of this article; and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be given disciplinary warning or penalty.
按照国家工程建筑消防技术标准进行消防设计的建筑工程竣工时,必须经公安消防机构进行消防验收;未经验收或者经验收不合格的,不得投入使用。    Upon the completion of a construction project containing a fire control design conducted in accordance with requirements of the State Technical Standards on Fire Control for Engineering Construction, the project must go through acceptance checked on fire control by relevant public security fire control institutions; project without going through the acceptance check or considered unqualified after the acceptance check shall not be put into use.
城市集中供热    Urban central heating
城市危房改造    Urban dilapidated house transformation
城市防洪    Urban flood control
城市垃圾及其他固体废物处理和综合利用    Urban garbage and other solid wastes disposal and integrated utilization
城市垃圾处理技术及设备    Urban garbage disposal technology and equipment
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