- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 汽车金融公司自领取营业执照之日起,无正当理由3个月不开业或开业后自行停业连续6个月的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会收回其许可证,并予以公告。 " The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall revoke the license to conduct financial business and issue a public notice of the revocation if the auto financing company
- 经工商行政管理部门核准登记、发给营业执照,企业取得法人资格。 " The enterprise shall obtain the status of a legal person after it is approved by
- 为进一步加强麻黄素的管理工作,防止麻黄素流入非法渠道,保障人民身体健康,现就有关问题通知如下: " The relevant questions are hereby notified as follows with a view to further strengthening ephedrine control
- 国家药品管理部门要会同卫生部门研究制定麻黄素定点供应办法,报全国禁毒工作领导小组办公室备案。 " The state department of pharmaceutical administration shall
- (一)贯彻执行国家有关工程建设招标投标的法律、法规和方针、政策,制定施工招标投标的规定和办法; "(1) To comply with and observe the relevant laws
- (一)贯彻执行国家有关工程建设招标投标的法规和方针、政策,制定施工招标投标实施办法; "(1) To comply with and observe the relevant regulations and policies of the State governing bidding and tendering for construction projects
- (一)产品的一般零部件、元器件失效,更换后即能恢复使用要求的,应负责按期修复; "(1) the common part or component loses efficacy and therefore
- (一)经营方针、长远规划和年度计划、基本建设方案和重大技术改造方案,职工培训计划,工资调整方案,留用资金分配和使用方案,承包和租赁经营责任制方案。 "(1) the policy of operation
- 一、出口第一类监控化学品,由被指定单位向国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门提出申请,经审查后,报国务院审批,被指定单位凭国务院批准文件向外经贸部申领出口许可证; "(1) To export Category I MCCs
- (一)听取和审议厂长关于企业的经营方针、长远规划、年度计划、基本建设方案、重大技术改造方案、职工培训计划、留用资金分配和使用方案、承包和租赁经营责任制方案的报告,提出意见和建议。 "(1) to hear and deliberate the factory director's reports on the policy of operation
- 一、进口第一类监控化学品,由被指定单位向国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门提出申请,经审查后,报国务院审批,被指定单位凭国务院批准文件向外经部申领进口许可证; "(1) To import Category I MCCs
- (十)要求交纳的投标保证金额度。其数额视工程投资的大小确定,最高不得超过1000元; "(10) The amount of bid bond required
- (二)招标单位隐瞒工程真实情况(如建设规模、建设条件,投资、材料的保证等)的; "(2) The bid inviting unit conceals any facts about the project (i.e.
- (二)按照工程量清单计算的标价及钢材、木材、水泥等主要材料用量。 "(2) The bidding price as calculated per the volume of the construction project and the quantity of consumption of the major materials
- (二)建设项目已正式列入国家、部门或地方的年度固定资产投资计划; "(2) The construction project has been included in the State
- (二)标底价格应由成本、利润、税金组成,一般应控制在批准的总概算(或修正概算)及投资包干的限额内; "(2) The pre-tender estimate price shall consist of the cost
- (二)指导、组织本部门直接投资和相关投资公司投资的重大工程建设项目的施工招标工作和本部门直属施工企业的投标工作; "(2) To direct and organize the bidding and tendering work of any major construction projects invested directly by the department and its affiliated investment company
- (二)监督、检查有关施工招标投标活动,总结、交流工作经验; "(2) To supervise and inspect the relevant bidding and tendering work
- (二)审查同意或者否决企业的工资调整方案、奖金分配方案、劳动保护措施、奖惩办法以及其他重要的规章制度。 "(2) to examine and endorse or to reject the enterprise's programmes for wage adjustment
- (三)泄露标底,影响招标投标工作正常进行的; "(3) The pre-tender estimate is disclosed
- (三)总结、交流招标投标工作的经验,提供服务; "(3) To summarize and exchange experiences regarding bidding and tendering work
- 三、“三废”排放达不到国家规定标准的; "(3) ""Three wastes"" emissions not meeting State specified standards. "
- (三)审议决定职工福利基金使用方案、职工住宅分配方案和其他有关职工生活福利的重大事项。 "(3) to deliberate and decide on the programmes for the use of the staff and workers' welfare fund
- (三)提请政府主管部门任免或者聘任、解聘副厂级行政领导干部。法律和国务院另有规定的除外。 "(3) to propose to the competent department of the government the appointment or removal
- (四)标底价格应考虑人工、材料、机械台班等价格变动因素,还应包括施工不可预见费、包干费和措施费等。 "(4) The pre-tender price shall take into consideration factors affecting price fluctuation
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