- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 国家帮助少数民族地区、边远贫困地区加速发展科学技术事业。 The State shall render assistance to minority nationality regions and remote and poor areas to accelerate the development of science and technology thereof.
- 国家严格控制珍贵的生物种质资源出境。 The State shall strictly control the exit from the territory of precious biological species resources.
- 国家支持优秀青年的科学研究活动,在自然科学基金中设立青年科学基金。 The State shall support scientific research activities conducted by outstanding youths, and establish a Science Fund for Youths within the Natural Science fund.
- 国家采取措施,促进农业扩大利用外资。 The State shall take measures to promote the further exploitation of foreign capitals in agriculture.
- 国家采取措施,培训农民技术人员。农民技术人员经考核符合条件的,可以按照有关规定授予相应的技术职称,并发给证书。 The State shall take measures to train peasant technical personnel. Peasant technical personnel who meet relevant requirements after examinations may according to relevant regulations be awarded with corresponding technical titles and certificates.
- 企业的技术开发费按实际发生额计入成本费用。 The technological development expenditure of enterprises shall be entered into the account as cost in its actual amount.
- 技术发明奖授予运用科学技术知识做出产品、工艺、材料及其系统等重大技术发明的公民。 The Technological Invention Prizes shall be granted to citizens who have made important technological inventions in products, processes, materials or systems by applying scientific and technological knowledge.
- 投标单位可依据统一的工程量计算规则自主报价; The tenderer may submit the bidding price at its sole discretion based on the unified rules for work volume calculation;
- 投标单位应在规定的日期内将投标书密封送达招标单位。 The tenderer shall seal the book of tender and submit it to the bid invitation unit within the stipulated period.
- 乡镇人民政府、城市街道办事处应予以指导和监督。 The township people's governments and urban neighborhood offices shall give guidance and supervision.
- 个体工商户制造、修理计量器具的范围和管理办法,由国务院计量行政部门制定。 The types of measuring instruments which can be manufactured or repaired by selfemployed workers or merchants shall be determined by the metrological administrative department of the State Council,which shall also adopt measures for their control.
- 前款所列单位应当负责将接入本网络的接入单位和用户情况报当地公安机关备案,并及时报告本网络中接入单位和用户的变更情况。 The units mentioned above have the responsibility to report for the record to the local public security organization information on the units and individuals which have connections to the network. The units must also report in a timely manner to Public Security organization any changes in the information about units or individuals using the network.
- 职工代表大会的工作机构是企业的工会委员会。企业工会委员会负责职工代表大会的日常工作。 The working organ of the staff and workers' congress shall be the trade union committee of the enterprise. The trade union committee of the enterprise shall be responsible for the day-to-day work of the staff and workers' congress.
- 不得擅自进入未经许可的计算机系统,篡改他人信息; They are forbidden from entering certain computer systems without permission and illegally changing others' information;
- 不得利用国际联网从事危害国家安全、泄露国家秘密等违法犯罪活动,不得制作、查阅、复制和传播妨碍社会治安和淫秽色情等有害信息; They are not allowed to engage in activities at the expense of State security and secrets and forbidden from producing, retrieving, duplicating and spreading information that may disrupt public order and contain obscene and pornographic contents.
- 这种情况已引起国际社会特别是国际禁毒组织的关注,有损我国的国际形象。 This state of affairs has aroused the concern of the international community especially that of the International Anti-drug Organization and has been detrimental to the international image of China.
- 提供电信服务的企业应当在30个工作日内为接入单位提供通信线路和相关服务。 Those enterprises shall begin to provide telecommunication lines and other related services to access units within 30 working days.
- 管理和监督不力的也应承坦连带责任。 Those failing to exercise effective control and supervision shall also undertake liability arising therefrom.
- 维修、检测消防设施、器材的单位,违反消防安全技术规定,进行维修、检测的,责令限期改正,可以并处罚款,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他责任人员处警告或者罚款。 Those units engaged in maintenance and check and test of fire control facilities and devices, carry out maintenance and check and test in violation of rules on fire control technology, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and can be imposed with penalty simultaneously; and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be given disciplinary: warning or penalty.
- 单位有前款行为的,责令停止违法行为,可以处警告或者罚款,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依照前款的规定处罚。 Those units with the conduct of this article, shall be ordered to stop illegal activities, and can be given disciplinary warning or penalty, and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be punished in accordance with rules of this article.
- 当场不能改正的,应当责令停止举办,可以并处罚款。 those who can not make the corrections, shall be ordered to suspend the activities and may be imposed with penalty.
- 逾期不改正的,责令停止施工,可以并处罚款。 those who do not make the corrections within the time limit, shall be ordered to stop construction, and can be imposed with penalty simultaneously.
- 进入生产、储存易燃易爆危险物品的场所,必须执行国家有关消防安全的规定。 Those who enter places where inflammable and explosive dangerous goods are produced and stored, must execute the state regulations on fire control safety.
- 有第一款第二项所列行为的,还应当责令其限期恢复原状或者赔偿损失;对逾期不恢复原状的,应当强制拆除或者清除、所需费用由违法行为人承担。 Those who have the conduct listed in item 2 of Clause 1, shall be further ordered to make restoration or compensate the losses within a time limit; for those who do not make the restoration after the time limit, a forcible execution will be carried out on the dismantle or cleaning up at the expense of the person(s) with illegal conduct.
- 对于暂时确有困难的,应当采取必要的消防安全措施,经公安消防机构批准后,可以继续使用。 Those who indeed have difficulties for the time being, shall take necessary fire control safety measures and can only continue to use the dormitory after acquiring approval from public security fire control institutions.