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国家财政用于科学技术的经费的增长幅度,高于国家财政经常性收入的增长幅度。    The increase scale of the funding for science and technology allocated from the State financial budget shall exceed that of the regular financial revenue of the State.
公共场所室内装修、装饰根据国家工程建筑消防技术标准的规定,应当使用不燃、难燃材料的,必须选用依照产品质量法的规定确定的检验机构检验合格的材料。    The indoor fittings and decoration of public places using inflammable and flame retardant materials in accordance with requirements of the State Technical Standards on Fire Control for Engineering Construction, shall choose materials passing qualification check by inspection institution designated in accordance with regulations of the Product Quality Law.
电器产品、燃气用具的安装、使用和线路、管路的设计、敷设,必须符合国家有关消防安全技术规定。    The installation, use and design and laying of circuit and pipes must conform to relevant technical regulations on fire control.
国际科学技术合作奖授予对中国科学技术事业做出重要贡献的外国公民或者组织。    The International Science and Technology Cooperation Prizes shall be granted to foreign citizens or organizations that have made significant contributions to the cause of China's science and technology.
主要出资人是指出资数额最多且出资额不得低于拟设汽车金融公司全部股本30%的出资人。    The largest investor refers to the investor with the largest share of capital and its capital contribution accounting for no less than 30 percent of the total equity of the auto financing company;
省、自治区、直辖市人民政府化学工业主管部门应当积极配合公安机关进行查处。    The local chemical industry authorities under the PARM government shall cooperate with the public security agencies in the investigation.
所在地省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门应积极配合公安机关进行查处。    The local provincial CWC affairs authorities shall cooperate with the public security agencies in the investigation.
省、自治区、直辖市标准化行政主管部门制定的工业产品的安全、卫生要求的地方标准,在本行政区域内是强制性标准。    The local standards formulated by standardization administration departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government for the safety and sanitary requirements of industrial products shall be compulsory standards within their respective administrative areas.
区、县科学技术行政部门的主要职责是:    The main functions of district and county administrative departments of science and technology are as follows:
生产经营单位主要负责人对生产安全事故隐瞒不报、谎报或者拖延不报的,依照前款规定处罚。    The major person-in-charge of any production and business operation entity who conceals any production safety accident or submits deceitful reports or delays reports shall be punished according to the provisions as mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
储存可燃物资仓库的管理,必须执行国家有关消防安全的规定。    The management of warehouses storing inflammable goods must be in execution of relevant state regulations on fire control safety.
企业必须保证质量检验机构能独立行使监督、检验的职权;    The manufacturer must see to it that the quality-inspecting organ can independently perform its functions of supervision and testing.
县级以上人民政府计量行政部门应当对制造、修理的计量器具的质量进行监督检查。    The metrological administrative department of the people's governments at ot above the county level shall supervise and inspect the quality of the measuring instruments manufactured or repaired.
技术市场基金的设立和管理办法,由市人民政府制定。    The municipal people's government shall formulate the procedures for the establishment and management of the technology market fund.
国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门有权公布全国监控化学品的部分资料和数据,其它任何单位和个人不得擅自发布有关监控化学品的资料和数据。    The national CWC affairs authorities are authorized to release partial information and data on nationwide MCCs. No other work units or individuals shall be permitted to release any relevant MCC information and data without authorization.
监控化学品的国际视察,将由国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门指定的视察现场进行,其视察程序将遵守《禁止化学武器公约》核查附件的规定。    The national CWC affairs authorities shall designate personnel to lead the international inspection team to the inspection site specified by the CWC organization to conduct international inspection of MCC.. The procedures shall conform to the rules set forth in the verification annex of the CWC.
全国研究开发经费应当占国民生产总值适当的比例,并逐步提高,同科学技术、经济、社会发展相适应。    The national research and development expenditure shall account for an appropriate proportion in the gross national product, and shall be gradually increased to meet the needs of scientific and technological advances and economic and social development .
电子工业部设立全国软件产品管理中心,负责全国软件产品的登记备案、颁发登记号和登记证书及有关管理工作。    The National Software Product Management Center under the Ministry of Electronic Industry shall be responsible for the registration numbers and certificates as well as other relevant management affairs.
自然科学奖授予在基础研究和应用基础研究中阐明自然现象、特征和规律,做出重大科学发现的公民。    The Natural Science Prizes shall be granted to citizens who have expounded certain phenomenon, traits and laws of nature and made important scientific discoveries in basic research and applied basic research.
参加议标的单位一般不得少于两家(含两家)。    The number of units participating in the bid negotiation shall not be less than two (including two).
发包方和承包方应当订立农业承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。    The party awarding contract and the contractor shall conclude an agricultural contract to define the rights and duties of both parties.
经营许可证的格式由国务院信息化工作领导小组统一制定。    The pattern of business licenses shall be drawn up by Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council in a unified form.
各级人民政府应当将消防工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,保障消防工作与经济建设和社会发展相适应。    The people's government at all levels shall bring fire control work in line with the national economy and social development plan, and ensure that fire control work fit in with the economic construction and social development.
中华人民共和国监控化学品管理条例一九九五年十二月二十七日    The People's Republic of China Regulations on Monitored and Controlled Chemicals 27 December 1995
执行前款规定的检定、测试任务的人员,必须经考核合格。    The personnel carrying out the tasks of verification and testing mentioned in the preceding paragraph must be tested for their qualifications.
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