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(二)负责本区、县技术合同的认定登记工作;    2. To take charge of acknowledgment and registration of technology contracts in respective district and county;
20吨/时以上树脂砂铸造设备    20-ton/hour and over resin sand casting equipment
25吨轴重货运重载    25-ton axle-weight cargo heavy load
(三)有固定的生产场所;    3. They shall have a fixed place for production.
 (三) 因地制宜,经过试验、示范;    3. to adopt measures suitable to local conditions after experimentation and demonstration;
(三)审核本区、县举办的技术交易会并报请市科学技术行政部门批准;    3. To examine and verify the holding of technology trading fairs in respective district and county and report to the municipal administrative department of science and technology for approval;
(三)负责管理技术合同的认定登记工作;    3. To take charge of acknowledgment and registration of technology contracts;
(四)具有软件产品质量及软件生产质量的保证手段和能力。    4. They shall have the means and capability to guarantee the quality of both the product and the production.
 (四) 国家、农村集体经济组织扶持;    4. to be supported by the State and rural economic collectives;
(四)审查、批准设立技术交易服务机构;    4. To examine and approve the establishment of technology trading service agencies;
(四)负责本区、县技术市场的统计;    4. To take charge of statistics of technology market in respective district and county;
(五)对繁荣技术市场作出贡献的单位和个人进行表彰、奖励;    5. To commend and reward units and individuals that contribute to bringing about a prosperous technology market; and
(五)会同工商行政部门,审查、批准举办技术交易会;    5. To examine and approve the holding of technology trading fairs jointly with the administrative department of industry and commerce;
50吨及以上转炉炼钢    50-ton and over converter steel
(六)统一考核技术市场经营管理人员;    6. To conduct uniform examination of the managerial personnel of the technology market operations;
(六)对本区、县技术交易中违反本条例的行为进行调查,提出处理意见。    6. To investigate the actions in violation of these Regulations in technology trading in respective district and county and propose treatment suggestions.
 (六) 讲求农业生产的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。    6. to stress economic and social and ecological benefits of agricultural production.
(七)负责技术市场的统计和分析;    7. To take charge of statistics and analyses of technology market;
(八)对繁荣技术市场作出贡献的单位和个人进行表彰、奖励;    8. To commend and reward units and individuals that contribute to bringing about a prosperous technology market; and
(九)依法处理技术交易中的违法行为。    9. To deal with illegal actions in technology trading according to law.
重点高等学校和特殊教育的教学和科研设施    Teaching and scientific research facilities for key institutions of higher learning and special education
渔船技术改造    Technological transformation of fishing vessels
动植物优良品种改良及重大病虫害防治技术    Technologies for the improvement of fine breeds of animals and good strains of plant seeds and control of major diseases and pests
水土保持技术及设施建设    Technology and construction of facilities for water and soil conservation
国家级检测中心用于汽车、摩托车型式认证检测系统    Testing systems for vehicle and motorcycle type authentication for national testing centres
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