- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (一)审查招标单位的资质; (1) To examine the qualifications of bid invitation units;
- (一)贯彻国家有关工程建设招标投标的法规和方针、政策; (1) To observe the relevant regulations and policies of the State governing bidding and tendering for construction projects;
- (一)按照有关规定程序,有权组织招标活动; (1) To organize bid invitation in accordance with the relevant procedures;
- (一)依照法律和国务院规定,决定或者报请审查批准企业的各项计划。 (1) to decide on the various plans of the enterprise or report them for examination and approval in accordance with law and the provisions of the State Council;
- (一) 工业产品的品种、规格、质量、等级或者安全、卫生要求。 (1)the varieties,specifications,quality and grades of industrial products as well as the safety and sanitary requirements for them;
- 十一、企业法人代表必须了解《条例》和《禁止化学武器公约》有关企业活动的规定。 (11) Thorough understanding by the enterprise's legal person of relevant provisions outlined by the Regulations and the CWC concerning enterprise undertakings.
- (二)根据自己的经营状况和掌握的市场信息,有权确定自己的投标报价; (2) The enterprise shall have the right to decide the bid price with reference to its operating conditions and the marketing information available;
- (二)根据政府规定的资质标准,有权正当选择和确定投标单位; (2) To appropriately select and identify tendering units based on the enterprise qualifications standards stipulated by the government; and
- (二)指导、检查各地区、各部门招标投标工作; (2) To direct and inspect bidding and tendering work in each region and department;
- (二)审查招标申请书和招标文件; (2) To examine bidding applications and bidding documents;
- 二、被指定单位申请时应提交以下文件: (2) The following documents shall be submitted by the designated work unit with the application:
- 二、各省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门在对有关材料认真审核后,以正式文件报国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门审批(已取得国家其他部门颁发生产许可证的产品,不再进行产品质量考核,只对监控化学品管理要求部分进行考核); (2) The provincial CWC affairs authorities shall carefully review the relevant information and submit the application as a formal report to the national CWC affairs authorities for consideration. (Products that have been issued production license by other State departments shall be excluded from product quality examination. Only the portion under the MCC management shall be examined.)
- (二)工资列入企业成本开支的企业人员编制和行政机构的设置和调整。 (2) the size of the personnel of the enterprise whose wages are counted as cost of the enterprise and the establishment and adjustment of administrative organs; and
- (二)决定企业行政机构的设置。 (2) to decide on the administrative setup of the enterprise;
- (二)向他人转让该科技成果; (2) transferring their achievements to another;
- (二)工业产品的设计、生产、检验、包装、储存、运输、使用的方法或者生产、储存、运输过程中的安全、卫生要求。 (2)the design,production,inspection,packing,storage, transportation and methods of operation of industrial products as well as the safety and sanitary requirements for them in the process of production,storage and transportation;
- (三)施工方案和选用的主要施工机械; (3) The construction plan and the major construction equipment as selected;
- (三)有权对要求优良的工程实行优质优价; (3) The enterprise shall have the right to decide special prices for any project requiring excellent quality;
- (三)审批咨询、监理等单位代理施工招标投标业务的资格; (3) To examine and approve the qualifications of agencies engaged in consulting and construction supervision for construction bidding and tendering;
- (三)审定标底; (3) To examine pre-tender estimates;
- (三)根据有关评标原则和价格管理规定,有权选定中标价格和中标单位。 (3) To select and determine the bid-winning price and bid winner in accordance with the relevant bid assessment principles and price control stipulations.
- (三)监督、检查本部门有关单位从事施工招标投标活动; (3) To supervise and inspect the bidding and tendering activities conducted by the relevant entities of the department;
- 三、有熟悉产品性能的技术人员; (3) Technicians with good knowledge of product functions.
- 三、被指定单位申请时应提交以下文件: (3) The following documents shall be submitted by the designated work unit with the application:
- 三、国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门在接到省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门的报告后,及时组织审核; (3) The national CWC affairs authorities shall proceed with the review upon receipt of the report from the provincial CWC affairs authorities.