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在设有车间或者仓库的建筑物内设置员工集体宿舍的,依照第二款的规定处罚。    Those who use rooms in a building with workshop or warehouse as dormitory shall be punished in accordance with rules of Article 2.
违反本办法第十一条规定的,未领取国际联网经营许可证从事国际联网经营活动的,由公安机关给予警告,限期办理经营许可证;在限期内不办理经营许可证的,责令停止联网;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。    Those who violate Article 11 of these Rules and engage in the business operation of international networking without business licenses shall be given warning and required by public security departments to secure business licenses within a stated time. Those who do not secure business licenses within the stated time shall be ordered to terminate their networking activities. Unlawful incomes, if made, shall be confiscated.
违反本办法第十八条第一款规定的,由公安机关根据有关法规予以处罚。    Those who violate Item 1 of Article 18 of these Rules shall be imposed punishment by public security departments in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
违反本办法第二十一条第一款规定的,由公安机关给予警告,可以并处15000元以下的罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。    Those who violate Item 1 of Article 21 of these Rules shall be given warning and may be imposed a fine less than RMB 15,000 by public security departments. Unlawful incomes, if made, shall be confiscated.
违反本办法第二十一条第二款规定的,由公安机关给予警告,可以并处15000元以下的罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。    Those who violate Item 2 of Article 21 of these Rules shall be given warning and may be imposed a fine less than RMB 15,000 by public security departments. Unlawful incomes, if made, shall be confiscated.
氯化法钛白粉    Titanium white chloridization
镇人民政府可以根据当地经济发展和消防工作的需要,建立专职消防队、义务消防队,承担火灾扑救工作。    Township people's governments may, in accordance with the requirements of economic development and fire control work, set up full time and voluntary fire brigades to undertake fire fighting and rescue work.
脱毒种苗    Toxin-free seedlings
交通管理指挥人员应当保证消防车、消防艇迅速通行。    Traffic commander shall guarantee the fast and smooth passing of fire trucks and fire boats.
跨流域调水工程    Trans-valley water diversion projects
电网改造和建设    Transformation and construction of power networks
铁路干线网    Trunk railway network
隧道挖掘机    Tunnelers
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