申请人为外国非银行金融机构的,申请筹建时应提供其注册地金融监管当局出具的书面意见。申请人为非金融机构的,申请筹建时应提供评级机构对申请人最近1年的信用评级报告。 " If the applicant is a foreign non-bank financial institution近年来,国际贩毒集团与国内贩毒分子相互勾结,将麻黄素大量走私贩运出境,或以投资办厂、合资制药、生产民用化学品等为名,在国内非法加工制造“冰”毒,将其成品或半成品走私出境。 " In recent years情节严重的,并可以给予六个月以内的停止联网、停机整顿的处罚,必要时可以建议原发证、审批机构吊销经营许可证或 者取消联网资格。 " in the case of serious offenses重大危险源,是指长期地或者临时地生产、搬运、使用或者储存危险物品,且危险物品的数量等于或者超过临界量的单元(包括场所和设施)。 """Important sources of danger"" refers to the units (including sites and facilities) where hazardous substances are produced(一)介绍和推荐先进、成熟、实用的科技成果; "(1) introducing or recommending scientific and technological achievements that are advanced(二)产品的主要零部件、元器件失效,不能按期修复的,应负责更换合格品; "(2) in case that the main part or competent of the product has lost the efficacy and cannot be repaired within the set period(二)有能源、原材料、交通运输的必要条件。 "(2) It has access to the required energy sources(三)未按规定的格式填写,内容不全或字迹模糊、辨认不清; "(3) It fails to follow the stipulated format(三)产品因设计、制造等原因造成主要功能不符合第二条要求,用户要求退货的,应负责退还货款; "(3) in case the major function fails to satisfy the requirements of Article 2 due to such causes as designing and manufacture(三) 煽动分裂国家、破坏国家统一的; "(3) Inciting division of the country(四)造成经济损失的,还应负责赔偿实际经济损失; "(4) in case of economic loss caused by the quality faults(五)有组织开标、评标、定标的能力。 "(5) It has the ability to organize bid opening(五)由维修服务或经销企业负责产品售后技术服务时,生产企业必须按售后技术服务合同,提供足够的备品、备件和必要的技术支援。 "(5) if maintenance and repair service or marketing firm responsible for the aftersale technical service(五)以该科技成果作价投资,折算股份或者出资比例。 "(5) investing with their achievements as trade-in(5)不准弄虚作假、以次充好、伪造商标、假冒名牌。 "(5) it is forbidden to plot frauds(六) 发现有本办法第四条、第五条、第六条、第七条所列情形之一的,应当保留有关原始记录,并 在二十四小时内向当地公安机关报告 ; "(6) If a violation of articles four(二)企业向所在地省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门提供的需进口的申请报告,其中包括化学品名称、数量、最终用途及保证不转口等内容,以及省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门出具的证明文件; "(ii) Enterprise application to the provincial CWC affairs authorities with information pertaining to the name of chemical(s)(二)进口国政府或政府委托结构出具的所进口的进口化学品不用于生产化学武器和不转口第三国的保证书,并注明所需化学品的名称、数量、最终用途以及最终使用者的名称和地址; "(ii) State of pledge from the recipient country government or government entrusted agencies that the imported MCCs shall not be used for chemical weapon production and shall not be re-transferred to any third country. Information pertaining to the name(四)国外客户资料(客户名称、经营范围、地址、电话及传真号码); "(iii) Information regarding the foreign client(s)(四)上批同类产品进口许可证、报关单复印件,并退回因故未进口的许可证文件。 "(iv) Copy of import license and customs declaration for the same product(s) in the last transaction. The original import license shall be returned if (五) 指导下级农业技术推广机构、群众性科技组织和农民技术人员的农业技术推广活动。 "5. instructing agro-technical popularization activities of their subordinate agro-technical popularization setups一、各级人民政府和有关部门要提高认识,切实加强对麻黄素管理工作的领导,严格执行国家法律、法规,落实麻黄素管理责任制。 "I. People’s governments at all levels and the departments concerned should enhance their understanding逾期不申请复议或者不向人民法院起诉,又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚的机关申请人民法院强制执行。 "If a party fails both to apply for a review or to file a suit with the people's court and to implement penalty decisions生产经营规模较小,可以不建立应急救援组织的,应当指定兼职的应急救援人员。 "If a production and business operation is small in scale确需变更和补充的,报招标投标办事机构批准后,在投标截止日期7天前通知所有投标单位。 "If any alteration or supplement is indeed required语际翻译 版权所有
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