- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (二)对应当依法审核、验收的消防设计、建筑工程,故意拖延,不予审核、验收的; (II) Those who deliberately delay in giving and do not give examination and approval and acceptance check to fire control design and construction projects that shall be given examination and approval and acceptance check in accordance with law.
- (二)不按照国家有关规定,配置消防设施和器材的; (II) Those who do not, in accordance with relevant regulations of the state, allocate and purchase fire control facilities and devices;
- (二)依法应当进行消防设计的建筑工程竣工时未经消防验收或者经验收不合格,擅自使用的; (II) Those who make arbitrary use of a completed construction project which should conduct fire control design in accordance with law but has not passed or fail to pass the fire control acceptance check;
- (二)违法使用明火作业或者在具有火灾、爆炸危险的场所违反禁令,吸烟、使用明火的; (II) Those who, in violation law, use naked light in operation or who, in violation of prohibition, smoke, use naked light in places with fire and explosion danger.
- (三)针对本单位的特点对职工进行消防宣传教育; (III) Conduct fire control propaganda and education on employees in light of the characteristics of the unit,
- (三)对职工进行消防安全培训; (III) Conduct fire control safety training on employees;
- (三)划定警戒区,实行局部交通管制; (III) Delimit warning zone and exercise local transportation control;
- (三)被指定单位进口申请报告; (iii) Import application by the designated work unit.
- (三)储备可燃的重要物资 的重要仓库、基地; (III) Large warehouses and bases storing inflammable important goods;
- (三)公众聚集的场所未经消防安全检查或者经检查不合格,擅自使用或者开业的。 (III) Those who arbitrarily make use of or start business in places where the public gather without going through fire control safety check or fail to pass the qualification check;
- (三)不能保障疏散通道、安全出口畅通的。 (III) Those who do not guarantee the evacuation passageway and safety exist unblocked.
- (三)发现火灾隐患不及时通知有关单位或者个人改正的; (III) Those who do not inform relevant units or individual to make corrections when finding hidden danger of fire.
- (三)有重大火灾隐患,经公安消防机构通知逾期不改正的。 (III) Those who do not remove serious fire danger after being informed by public security fire control institutions;
- (三)阻拦报火警或者谎报火警的; (III) Those who obstruct fire alarm reporting or make false report on fire disaster;
- (五)被指定单位出口申请报告; (iv) Export application by the designated work unit.
- (四)制定灭火和应急疏散预案,定期组织消防演练。 (IV) Formulate pre-proposal on fire fighting and emergency evacuation and organize regular fire drill.
- (四)利用临近建筑物和有关设施; (IV) Make use of neighboring constructions and related facilities;
- (四)组织防火检查,及时消除火灾隐患; (IV) Organize fire prevention inspection and remove hidden danger in time;
- (四)第一项、第二项、第三项规定以外的火灾危险性较大、距离当地公安消防队较远的其他大型企业; (IV) Other large enterprises other than those listed in Item (I) (II) (III), but with high risk of fire disaster and are far from local public security fire brigades.
- (四)故意阻碍消防车、消防艇赶赴火灾现场或者扰乱火灾现场秩序的; (IV) Those who deliberately obstruct fire truck and fire boasts from rushing to fire site or who disturb the order of fire site;
- (四)利用职务为用户指定消防产品的销售单位、品牌或者指定建筑消防设施施工单位的; (IV) Those who, in the capacity of their function, specify sales units or brands of fire control products or specify construction units of fire control facilities.
- 单位有前款行为的,依照前款的规定处罚,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处警告或者罚款。 (IV) Units with conduct of this article shall be punished in accordance with rules of this article and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be given warning or penalty.
- 8英寸及以上单晶硅片、多晶硅 8-inch and over monocrystalline silicon chips and polycrystalline silicon
- 一、农业 I. Agriculture
- 第一类:可作为化学武器的化学品; I. Chemicals that can be used as chemical weapons.