- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 对旅客携带或个人邮寄麻黄素单方制剂出境的,海关凭卫生部门规定的特种医生处方查验放行。 " With respect to passengers bringing or individuals sending by post prescribed ephedrine preparations out of the country
- (一)在合作转化中无新的发明创造的,该科技成果的权益,归该科技成果完成单位; "(1) Where no invention or creation ensures from transformation of a scientific or technological achievement
- 一、生产监控化学品的单位和个人,要向所在地省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门提出申请,填写“监控化学品生产特别许可申请书”(见附表二); "(1) Work units and individuals that produce MCCs shall file an application with provincial CWC affairs authorities and complete the ""Application for Special License to Produce MCCs"" (See Schedule II). "
- (二)在合作转化中产生新的发明创造的,该新发明创造的权益归合作各方共有; "(2) Where inventions or creations ensue from collaborated transformation of a scientific or technological achievement
- 三、可显示被监督检查车间生产设备相对位置、物料管线、对监控化学品进行采样的采样口的车间平面布置图; "(3) Workshop floor map indicating the relative positions of production equipment
- 二、对汽车、摩托车整车和发动机项目以及加工贸易项下进口部件、成套散件,一律凭国家计委或国家经贸委的项目批准文件办理海关备案手续。 "2.With respect to projects of whole-vehicle automobiles and motorcycles as well as import components and complete-set manufactured parts under processing trade
- (五)受软件产品生产单位委托进行登记的,还应同时提交软件产品生产单位出具的授权委托书。 "5. when the registration is applied for through the delegation of a software manufacturer
- 农业劳动者在生产中应用先进的农业技术,有关部门和单位应当在技术培训、资金、物资和销售等方面给予扶持。 "When agricultural labourers apply advanced agro-techniques to their production
- 国家设立的研究开发机构、高等院校和国有企业与中国境外的企业、其他组织或者个人合作进行科技成果转化活动,必须按照国家有关规定对科技成果的价值进行评估。 "When research and development institutions that are set up by the State
- 科技成果转化中的对外合作,涉及国家秘密事项的,依法按照规定的程序事先经过批准。 "Where State secrets are involved in transforming scientific and technological achievements with the cooperation of other countries
- 产品质量责任方愿意承担责任时,不受时效限制。 "Where the party bearing the quality responsibility for the product is willing to bear the responsibility
- 经整顿仍无效者,企业主管机关应令其停产或转产,直至建议有关主管机关撤销生产许可证,吊销营业执照。 "Where the said rectification within the fixed period turns out to be of no effect
- 扰乱企业的秩序,致使生产、营业、工作不能正常进行,尚未造成严重损失的,由企业所在地公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》第十九条的规定处罚;情节严重,致使生产、营业、工作无法进行,造成严重损失的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百五十八条的规定追究刑事责任。 "Whoever disturbs the order of the enterprise
- 在承包期内,经发包方同意,承包方可以转包所有承包的土地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面,也可以将农业承包合同的权利的义务转让给第三者。 "With consent of the party awarding the contract
- 政府主管部门委任或者招聘的厂长人选,须征求职工代表的意见;企业职工代表大会选举的厂长,须报政府主管部门批准。 "With respect to the person to be appointed or the applicant to be chosen as factory director by the competent department of the government
- 联营企业、大型联合企业和股份企业,其领导体制依照国务院有关规定执行。 "With respect to the system of leadership in jointly operated enterprises
- 生产、消耗或者使用第二类或第四类监控化学品的单位和个人,应向所在地区或省级履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门申报有关数据。 "Work units and individuals that produce
- 填报单位必须按填报说明和要求按时、据实填报,不得拒报、虚报、漏报和瞒报,也不得擅自变更统计范围和内容。 "Work units shall complete the report according to the explanatory notes and requirements
- 需要进口或者出口第一类监控化学品和第二类、第三类监控化学品及其生产技术、专用设备的,应当委托被指定单位代理进口或者出口。除被指定单位外,任何单位和个人均不得从事这类进出口业务。 "Work units that need to import or export Category I MCCs
- 凡经营、储存第二类监控化学品的单位,应按第三十九条申报程序,每半年报告一次监控化学品的来源、数量、销售量、消耗量及结余库存量。 "Work units that sell or store Category II MCCs shall submit reports on a semi-annual basis
- (四)以该科技成果作为合作条件,与他人共同实施转化; (4) working together with another for the transformation with their achievements as the conditions for cooperation; and
- 五、经营第二类监控化学品的单位; (5) Work units that sell Category II MCCs.
- 废气综合利用 Waste gas integrated utilization
- 废气监测 Waste gas monitoring
- 废水(液)综合利用 Waste water (fluid) integrated utilization
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