发现丢失、被盗时,应当立即报告当地公安机关和所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府化学工业主管部门; "In the case of loss or theft在整顿期间,企业主管机关视不同情况,可扣发企业负责人和职工的奖金、工资。 "In the period of rectification推广农业技术应当选择有关条件的农户,进行应用示范。 "In the popularization of agro-techniques科技成果转化活动应当遵守法律,维护国家利益,不得损害社会公共利益。 "In transformation of scientific and technological achievements科技成果转化活动应当遵循自愿、互利、公平、诚实信用的原则,依法或者依照合同的约定,享受利益,承担风险。科技成果转化中的知识产权受法律保护。 "In transforming scientific and technological achievements保险公司、保险经纪人及代理人公司 "Insurance companies油气及伴生资源综合利用 "Integrated exploitation of petroleum农产品贸工农、产加销一体化经营及流通设施 "Integrated management and distribution facilities for trade以上意见如无不妥,请批转各地区、各部门贯彻执行。 "It is requested that the above suggestions第四章监控化学品的储存、运输、经营和使用 "IV. Storage四、地方和部门以前下发的有关规定,凡与本通知不一致的,按本通知执行。 "IV. Where relevant provisions previously issued by localities and departments are inconsistent with this Circular(一)是法人、依法成立的其他组织; (1) It is a legal person or other type of organization established under the law;(一)未密封; (1) It is not sealed;(一) 煽动抗拒、破坏宪法和法律、行政法规实施的; (1) Inciting to resist or breaking the Constitution or laws or the implementation of administrative regulations;1.国际联网,是指中华人民共和国境内的计算机互联网络、专业计算机信息网络、企业计算机信息网络,以及其他通过专线进行国际联网的计算机信息网络同外国的计算机信息网络相联接。 (1) International networking refers to the connection of computer inter- connected networks, specialized computer information networks, corporate computer information networks and other computer information networks linked by special lines within the territory of People's Republic of China with foreign computer information networks.(一)自行投资实施转化; (1) investing in the transformation themselves;(一)产品为社会所需要。 (1) Its products are needed by society;(二)邀请招标。由招标单位向有承担该项工程施工能力的三个以上(含三个)企业发出招标邀请书; (2) Invitational bidding. The unit offering bid invitation gives out bid invitation letters to three or more enterprises which have the capability to undertake the construction project;(二)无单位和法定代表人或法定代表人委托的代理人的印鉴; (2) It does not contain the seal or stamp of the tenderer and its legal representative or the proxy as authorized by the legal representative;(二)有与招标工程相适应的经济、技术管理人员; (2) It has the economic and technological management personnel required for the project for which bid invitation is organized;(二) 煽动颠覆国家政权,推翻社会主义制度的; (2) Inciting to overthrow the government or the socialist system;(三)自有资金情况; (3) Internal capital situation;(三)有组织编制招标文件的能力; (3) It has the ability to organize and prepare bid documents;3.国际出入口信道,是指国际联网所使用的物理信道。 (3) International inward and outward channels refer to physical information channels required for international networking.(3)国家已明令淘汰的产品不准生产和销售; (3) it is forbidden to manufacture the products whose elimination the State has explicitly ordered;语际翻译 版权所有
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