- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (三)进行技术贸易活动; (3) trading in technologies; and
- (三)有关环境保护的各项技术要求和检验方法。 (3)technical requirements and testing methods related to environmental protection;
- (四)投标单位不如实填写投标申请书、虚报企业资质等级的; (4) The bid inviting unit fails to truthfully complete the application form and makes false declaration regarding its enterprise qualification ratings;
- (四)根据自己的经营状况有权参与投标竞争或拒绝参与竞争。 (4) The enterprise shall have the right decide whether or not to participate in the bid competition in light of its operating conditions.
- (四)调解施工招标投标纠纷; (4) To mediate any disputes arising from bidding and tendering activities; and
- (四)维护国家利益,监督重大工程的招标投标活动; (4) To protect national interests and supervise the bidding and tendering activities of all major projects; and
- (四)评议、监督企业各级行政领导干部,提出奖惩和任免的建议。 (4) to evaluate and supervise the leading administrative cadres at various levels of the enterprise and put forward suggestions for rewarding or punishing them and for their appointment or removal; and
- (四)建设工程的设计、施工方法和安全要求。 (4)the designs,construction procedure and safety requirements for construction projects; and
- (五)投标单位未参加开标会议。 (5) The tenderer does not attend the bid opening meeting.
- (五)审批跨省的施工招标投标代理机构。 (5) To examine and approve the inter-provincial agencies for construction bidding and tendering.
- (五)调解招标投标活动中的纠纷; (5) To mediate any disputes arising from bidding and tendering activities;
- (五)否决违反招标投标规定的定标结果。 (5) To veto any bidding results in violation of the regulations governing bidding and tendering.
- (五)包装必须符合国家有关规定和标准。 (5) the package must conform to the related state regulations and standards.
- 五、从反应器通向长期或短期储存地点或通向对宣布的监控化学品做进一步加工设备的运输线; (5) Transportation lines between the reactors and the long-term or short-tem storage warehouses of the MCC and the transportation lines between the reactors and the equipment that further processes the MCC.
- (五)有关工业生产、工程建设和环境保护的技术术语、符号、代号和制图方法。 (5)technical terms,symbols,code names and drawing methods related to industrial production,project construction and environmental protection.
- (六)否决违反招标投标规定的定标结果; (6) To veto any bidding results in violation of the regulations governing bidding and tendering;
- (六)依法奖惩职工;提请政府主管部门奖惩副厂级行政领导干部。 (6) to reward or punish the staff members and workers according to law; to submit to the competent department of the government proposals for rewarding or punishing leading administrative cadres at the level of a vice-director of the factory.
- (七)处罚违反招标投标规定的行为; (7) To penalize any act in violation of the regulations governing bidding and tendering; and
- (七) 公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人的; (7) Terrorism or inciting others to criminal activity; openly insulting other people or distorting the truth to slander people;
- (八)监督承发包合同的签订、履行。 (8) To supervise the execution and performance of the contract and awards.
- (一) 有利于农业的发展; 1. to be conductive to the development of agriculture;
- (一)宣传、执行有关技术市场的法律、法规,检查技术市场遵守有关法律、法规的情况; 1. To publicize and execute the laws and regulations governing technology market and inspect the technology market for compliance with the relevant laws and regulations;
- (二)法定代表人的身份证明及相关材料。 2. the identity certificate of the legal representative and the relevant materials.
- (二)管理技术市场基金; 2. To manage the technology market fund;
- (二) 尊重农业劳动者的意愿; 2. to respect the will of agricultural labourers;