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中国工业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


大中型化学矿山    Big- and medium-size chemical mines
大中型电子计算机    Big- and medium-size electronic computers
大中型高浓度磷钾肥及其复合肥    Big- and medium-size high-density phospho-potash fertilizer and its compound fertilizer
大中型高效选煤厂    Big- and medium-size high-efficiency coal washeries
大中型、高效露天煤矿    Big- and medium-size high-efficiency open strip mines
大屏幕彩色投影电视    Big-screen color projection television
大型煤化工    Big-size coal chemical industry
大型煤矿坑口电站    Big-size coal mine mouth power plants
大型贯流及抽水蓄能水电机组及其关键配套辅机    Big-size constant flow and pumping energy conservation hydropower generating units and its key matching auxiliary engines
大型工程施工机械及设备    Big-size engineering construction machinery and equipment
大型农副产品批发市场    Big-size farm produce and by-products wholesale markets
大型精密仪器    Big-size precision instruments
大型污水处理    Big-size sewage treatment
大型污水处理设备    Big-size sewage treatment equipment
大型合成氨、尿素    Big-size synthetic ammonia and urea
大型真空电子束焊技术及设备    Big-size vacuum electronic cluster welding technology and equipment
大型风力发电机组    Big-size wind energy power generating units
生物工程药品    Bioengineering medicine
生物农药    Biological agricultural chemicals
高炉富氧喷煤    Blast furnace oxygen-enriched coal spray
配型煤炼焦及捣固炼焦    Blended coal coking and tamping coking
高性能子午胎骨架材料    Bone materials for high-performance meridian tyres
牛羊胚胎移植    Bovine and sheep embryo transplant
广播卫星及地球站设备    Broadcasting satellites and ground station equipment
经营许可证由经营性互联单位主管部门颁发,报国务院信息化工作领导小组办公室备案。    Business licenses shall be issued by competent authorities charged with the administration of profit-making interconnected units and shall be reported to Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council for the record.
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