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生态及环境整治    Ecological and environmental treatment and control
经济适用商品住宅    Economical and practical commodity residential buildings
符合经济规模的原油深度加工    Economy-scale deep processing of crude oil
电器产品,应附有线路图和原理图;    Electric products shall be attached with the circuit diagram and schematic diagram;
节能、低污染取暖设备    Energy-saving low-pollution heating equipment
工程塑料及新型塑料合金    Engineering plastics and new plastic alloys
任何被查企业和单位不得以任何借口阻止或妨碍这种检查。    Enterprises and work units being supervised and examined shall not hinder or obstruct such supervision and examination for any reason.
企业必须如实提供抽查样品,并在检测手段和工作条件方面提供方便。    Enterprises must honestly furnish the samples for checking and provide facilities with respect to the testing means and working conditions.
对非法生产、经营麻黄素的企业或单位,坚决依法取缔;    enterprises or units engaging in illegal production and management of ephedrine should be firmly banned according to law;
企业进行技术改造和从国外引进先进技术和设备,应当经过咨询论证,贯彻国家的产业政策和技术政策。    Enterprises shall seek consultation and assessment services and implement industrial and technological transformation and importation and importation of advanced foreign technology and equipment.
对违反规定的企业,由工商行政管理机关查处。    Enterprises that commit violations of the provisions shall be investigated and dealt with by organs of industry and commerce administration.
凡不具备基本生产条件的企业以及生产车型与产品目录不符、或有转让目录和出卖产品合格证行为的企业,一律取消其相应的产品目录。    Enterprises that do not have the basic required conditions for manufacture and enterprises that have committed acts of manufacturing vehicle types inconsistent with the product catalog or transferring the catalog and selling product quality certificates shall all be revoked of their corresponding product catalogs.
企业采用新技术开发生产新产品的,可以依照国家的规定享受优惠待遇。    Enterprises which apply new techniques to develop and produce new products may enjoy preferential treatment in accordance with the provisions of the State.
酶制剂    Enzymes
由外经贸部商国家药品管理部门确定麻黄素出口企业及出口计划;    Ephedrine export enterprises and export plan shall be determined by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation in consultation with the state department of pharmaceutical administration.
麻黄素运输许可证由公安部统一印制,一证一次使用有效。    Ephedrine transport permits shall be uniformly printed by the Ministry of Public Security and one certificate shall be valid for a single use.
农业环境、生态农业所需设备    Equipment for agricultural environment and ecological agriculture
数据通信多媒体系统设备    Equipment for data communications multimedia systems
农、畜产品深加工及资源综合利用设备    Equipment for deep processing of farm produce and animal products and integrated utilization of resources
大电流断流容量试验及变压器突发短路试验设备    Equipment for heave-current breaking-capacity test and equipment for transformer abrupt short-circuit test
高层建筑与空间结构设备    Equipment for high-rise buildings and space structures
特种气象观测及分析设备    Equipment for observation and analysis of special weather conditions
建立麻黄素购销核查制度。    Establishing ephedrine purchase and marketing verification rules.
深部及难采矿床开采    Exploitation of deep and difficult mine beds
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