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在线自动测试技术与系统    Online automatic testing technologies and systems
营业性场所有下列行为之一的,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,责令停产停业,可以并处罚款,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处罚款:    Operational places with one of the following conducts shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit; those who do not make the corrections within the time limit, shall be ordered to stop production and business, and can be imposed with penalty simultaneously; the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be imposed with penalty:
进行电焊、气焊等具有火灾危险的作业的人员和自动消防系统的操作人员,必须持证上岗,并严格遵守消防安全操作规程。    Operators conducting operation with fire danger like electrical welding and gas welding or operators for automatic fire control system, must hold relevant certificates and strictly observe operation rules on fire control safety.
作业人员应当遵守消防安全规定,并采取相应的消防安全措施。    Operators shall follow the regulations on fire control safety and adopt corresponding measures on fire control safety.
制定科学技术发展规划和重大政策,确定科学技术的重大项目、与科学技术密切相关的重大项目,应当充分听取科学技术工作者的意见,实行科学决策的原则。    Opinions from scientific and technological workers shall be fully solicited in the course of formulating science and technology development programmes and important policies and determining major science and technology projects and major projects closely related to science and technology, and a principle of scientific decision-making process shall be followed.
622Mb/s以上数字同步系列光纤通信系统及设备    Optical fibre telecommunications system and equipment for 622Mb/s and over digital synchronous series
普通纸传真机    Ordinary paper fax machine
国务院其他有关行政部门,依照国务院规定的职责范围负责有关的科学技术进步工作。    Other administrative departments concerned under the State Council shall be responsible for the relevant science and technology progress work within the scope of their functions and responsibilities as prescribed by the State Council.
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