- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (三)协调企业与其他单位之间的关系。 (3) coordinate the relations between the enterprises and other units;
- 三、被指定单位对外签署进出口合同的专职人员的身份证、工作证的复印件(如发生变更,须及时申报)。 (3) Copies of the ID cards and work cards of the specialized personnel authorized to sign import and export contracts at the designated work unit. (Any change in this aspect shall be promptly declared.)
- (四)有能够满足施工需要的施工图纸及技术资料; (4) Construction drawings and technical materials are adequate to meet the needs of the construction work;
- 四、有相应的管理制度; (4) Corresponding management system.
- (五)建设资金和主要建筑材料、设备的来源已经落实; (5) Construction funds and sources of major building materials and equipment have been made available;
- (六)对合同主要条件的确认。 (6) Confirmation of the major terms and conditions of the contract.
- (六)特殊工程的施工要求以及采用的技术规范; (6) Construction requirements for special projects and the technical specifications to be adopted;
- 6.企业计算机信息网络,是指企业内部自用的计算机信息网络。 (6) Corporate computer information networks refer to those operated within enterprises for internal use.
- (三) 拟设立汽车金融公司的章程(草案)。 (c) an Articles of Association of the auto financing company (a draft note);
- (三) 汽车金融公司章程。 (c) articles of Association of the auto financing company;
- (三) 变更营业场所。 (c) change of business premises;
- (三) 要求在规定期限内增加资本金。 (c) demanding an increase of the company’s capital within a prescribed time frame;
- (三)遵守注册所在地法律,无违法、犯罪行为。 (c) It shall comply with the laws of the countries where it is incorporated and shall have a clean record;
- (二)含有计算机病毒,可能危害计算机系统安全的。 2. carrying computer virus endangering the computer system.
- (二)以欺骗、胁迫等手段从事技术交易; 2. Conducting technology trading by means of fraudulence or coercion; or
- (三)含有国家规定禁止传播的内容的。 3. carrying contents forbidden by the government.
- (四) 对确定推广的农业技术进行试验、示范; 4. carrying out experimentation and demonstration of agro-techniques already decided upon to be popularized; and
- (三)具有熟悉汽车融资及相关业务的高级管理人员。 c) senior management familiar with auto financing and other related business;
- (三)未按照本法第二十一条、第二十二条的规定对从业人员进行安全生产教育和培训,或者未按照本法第三十六条的规定如实告知从业人员有关的安全生产事项的; c. Failing to educate or train the workers according to the provisions of Articles 21 and 22 of the present law or failing to inform truthfully the workers of the production safety matters according to the provisions of Article 36 of the present law;
- (三)对已经依法取得批准的单位不履行监督管理职责,发现其不再具备安全生产条件而不撤销原批准或者发现安全生产违法行为不予查处的。 c. Finding that an entity which has obtained approval or passed the examinations for acceptance according to law but fails exercise its duties of supervision and administration and failing to withdraw the original approval or failing to investigate and handle any act violating the statutory provisions concerning production safety.
- (三)矿山建设项目或者用于生产、储存危险物品的建设项目竣工投入生产或者使用前,安全设施未经验收合格的; c. The safety facilities fail to pass the examinations for acceptance before a mining construction project or a construction project for the production or storage of hazardous substances is put into production or use;
- 有线及无线用户接入网系统设备 Cable-and-wireless-user-access-to-the-network system and equipment
- 水利工程勘测设计(CAD)系列软件 CAD series software for the survey and design of water conservancy projects
- 负责下级接入单位和用户的管理教育、技术咨询和培训工作;为下级接入单位和用户提供公平、优质、安全的服务;按照国家有关规定向下级接入单位和用户收取费用。 carry out management education, technical consulting and training for access units at lower levels and subscribers; provide access units at lower levels and subscribers with fair, excellent and safe services; and collect charges from access units at lower level and subscribers in accordance with relevant State regulations.
- 麻黄素购用证明由国家药品管理部门统一印制,一证一次使用有效。 Certificates for ephedrine purchase and use shall be uniformly printed by the state department of pharmaceutical administration and one certificate shall be valid for a single use.