控制轧制及控制冷却 Controlled rolling and controlled cooling转炉溅渣护炉技术 Converter splash protection technology被指定单位每批报关后一个月内向国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门报送报关单复印件。 Copies of the customs declaration shall be submitted and filed by the designated work unit to the national CWC affairs authorities within 30 days after the customs formalities.企业计算机信息网络和其他通过专线进行国际联网的计算机信息网络,只限于内部使用。 Corporate computer information networks and other networks which are connected with international networks through special lines shall be operated for internal use only.经济林树种、花卉良种繁育及储藏 Cultivation and storage of fine species of economic forests and good strains of flower seeds文物保护 Cultural relics protection海关依法对麻黄素出口实行监管,凭麻黄素出口许可证验证放行。 Customs exercises supervision and control over ephedrine export and examines the license and issues customs clearance against the ephedrine export license.各级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门均须配备必要的技术装备,指定专人负责报表的填报和管理工作。 CWC affairs authorities shall be installed with the necessary technical equipment and staffed with dedicated personnel to complete and manage the statistical reports.语际翻译 版权所有
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