- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 农业适度规模经营机械设备 Machinery and equipment for moderate scale operations of agriculture
- 沿海主枢纽港口 Main coastal hub ports
- 船舶主机 Main engine for vessels
- 海堤防维护和建设 Maintenance and construction of sea dykes
- 重要农产品和其他需要制定标准的项目,由国务院规定。 Major agricultural products and other items that need to be standardized shall be designated by the State Council.
- 重大项目按其建设性质,由国家计委或国家经贸委审核后报国务院审批。 major projects shall be submitted to the State Council for examination and approval upon examination and verification by the State Planning Commission or the State Economic and Trade Commission according to the nature of construction.
- 重大旅游度假项目和专项旅游项目 Major tourism and holiday projects and special-purpose tourism projects
- 麻黄素经营企业严禁向无购用证明的企业或个人销售麻黄素。 Management enterprises of ephedrine are strictly prohibited to sell ephedrine to any enterprise or individual without a certificate of purchase and use.
- 水上集装箱运输 Maritime container transportation
- 水上交通管制系统 Maritime traffic control system
- 计划生育药物及工具 Medicines and tools for planned parenthood
- 列入国家基本药物目录的药品 Medicines listed in the Catalogue of Basic Medicines of the State
- 熔融还原 Melting reduction
- 冶金环境保护及冶金废弃物综合利用 Metallurgical environmental protection and integrated utilization of metallurgical wastes
- 计量检定必须执行计量检定规程。国家计量检定规程由国务院计量行政部门制定。没有国家计量检定规程的,由国务院有关主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府计量行政部门分别制定部门计量检定规程和地方计量检定规程,并向国务院计量行政部门备案。 Metrological verification must be carried out in accordance with the regulations governing metrological verification.The national metrological verification regulations shall be formulated by the metrological administrative department of the State Council.In the case of certain instruments that are not covered in the national metrological verification regulations,the competent departments of the State Council and the metrological administrative departments of the people's governments of provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall respectively formulate departmental and local verification regulations.Such verification regulations shall be submitted to the metrological administrative department of the State Council for the record.
- 155Mb/s以上数字同步系列微波通信系统及设备 Microwave telecommunications system and equipment for 155Mb/s and over digital synchronous series
- 配送中心、代理制等现代化经营方式 Modernized management modes such as distribution centres and agency business
- 单模光纤 Monomode optical fibre
- 集装箱多式联运 Multi-modal coordinated transportation of containers
- 多媒体终端 Multimedia terminals
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