第九条 科技成果持有者可以采用下列方式进行科技成果转化。 Article 9 Holders of scientific and technological achievements may have their achievements transformed in the following ways:第九条生产特别许可证书的申报、考核程序: ARTICLE 9 Procedures for SPL application and examination:第九条 中华人民共和国政府积极发展同外国政府、国际组织之间的科学技术合作与交流,鼓励研究开发机构、高等院校、社会团体和科学技术工作者与国外科学技术界建立多种形式的合作关系。 Article 9 The Government of the people's Republic of China shall actively promote science and technology cooperation and exchanges with foreign governments and international organizations, encourage research and development agencies, institutions of higher learning, social organizations and scientific and technical workers to establish cooperative relations of various forms with foreign science and technology circles.第九条 监控化学品应当在专用的化工仓库中储存,并设专人管理。监控化学品的储存条件应当符合国家有关规定。 ARTICLE 9 The MCCs shall be stored in specialized chemical industry warehouses and managed by designated personnel. The storage conditions of MCCs shall comply with the relevant State regulations.第九条 县级以上人民政府计量行政部门对社会公用计量标准器具,部门和企业、事业单位使用的最高计量标准器具,以及用于贸易结算、安全防护、医疗卫生、环境监测方面的列入强制检定目录的工作计量器具,实行强制检定。未按照规定申请检定或者检定不合格的,不得使用。实行强制检定的工作计量器具的目录和管理办法,由国务院制定。 Article 9 The metrological administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall make compulsory verification of the public standards of measurement,the ultimate standards of measurement used in the departments,enterprises and institutions as well as the working measuring instruments used in settling trade accounts,safety protection,medical and health work,or environmental monitoring that are listed in the compulsory verification catalogue.Those measuring instruments which have not been submitted for verification as required and those which have been checked and found to be unqualified shall not be used.The catalogue of the working measuring instruments subject to compulsory verification and the measures for the administration of such instruments shall be stipulated by the State Council.第九条 技术的拥有者可以将其技术作价向技术交易当事人另一方投资入股。 Article 9 The owner of technology may fix a price for his or her technology and invest in stocks of the other party concerned in technology trading.第九条 产品出厂,必须符合下列要求: Article 9 The product shall not leave the factory unless it satisfies the following requirements:第九条 制定标准应当有利于合理利用国家资源,推广科学技术成果,提高经济效益,并符合使用要求,有利于产品的通用互换,做到技术上先进,经济上合理。 Article 9 The standards to be formulated shall be conducive to a rational use of the country's resources,a wider utilization of scientific and technological gains and the enhancement of economic returns,conform to operation instructions, increase the universality and interchangeability of products, and be technologically advanced and economically rational.第九条 国家对发展农业有显著成绩的单位和个人,给予奖励。 Article 9 The State shall award the units or individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the development of agriculture.第九条 新建互联网络,必须经部(委)级行政主管部门批准后,向国务院信息化工作领导小组提交互联单位申请书和互联网络可行性报告,由国务院信息化工作领导小组审议提出意见并报国务院批准。 Article 9 With regard to the establishment of new interconnected networks, interconnected units must, after being approved by competent authorities at ministerial level, submit their applications and feasibility reports to Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council. After examined by the Leading Group, applications and feasibility reports shall be submitted to the State Council for approval.第九十四条 本法规定的行政处罚,由负责安全生产监督管理的部门决定;予以关闭的行政处罚由负责安全生产监督管理的部门报请县级以上人民政府按照国务院规定的权限决定; Article 94 The administrative punishments as mentioned in the present law shall be decided by the department responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety. The administrative punishment of closing down shall be submitted by the department responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety to the people's government on the county level or above for decision according to their division of power as provided by the State Council.第九十六条 本法下列用语的含义: Article 96 The terms as mentioned in the present law defined as follows:第十一条 软件产品的生产单位应具备以下条件: Article Eleven Producers of software shall meet the following requirements:第五条 电子工业部负责全国软件产品的管理。 Article Five The Ministry of the Electronic Industry is in charge of the national software administration.第十九条 经国家有关部门批准的光盘生产制作单位不得制作生产未经登记备案的软件产品。 Article Nineteen Laser-disc producers approved by the competent agencies are not allowed to produce software items that have not been registered or filed.第七条 软件产品的登记备案由软件产品的生产单位等提出申请并同时提交以下文件: Article Seven Application for the registration and filing of software products shall be submitted by the relevant manufacturer together with the following documents:第六条 国家对软件产品实行登记备案制度。 Article Six The state exercises a system of registration and filing over software products.第十三条 软件生产单位应负责对其生产的软件进行内容检查。 Article Thirteen The software producers shall be responsible for the examination of the contents of their products.第二十四条 任何单位都不得经营未经登记备案的软件产品;不得经营含有本办法第四条所禁止的内容的软件产品;不得经营或免费提供盗版软件产品、解密软件产品。 Article Twenty-Four No organizations are permitted to deal in software products which have not been registered and filed or software products are with contents provide by Article 4 of this regulation or sell or provide free-of-charge pirated software products deciphering secrets.第二十七条 软件产品管理部门对软件产品的开发、生产、经营、进出口等活动进行监督检查。 Article Twenty-Seven The Software Product Management Departments are entitled to supervise and inspect such activities concerning software products as R第十二条 软件产品生产单位所生产的软件产品应是本单位拥有、持有著作权或经过著作权人或其他权利人的授权或许可其生产的软件。 Article Twevele The producer shall hold or be franchised or licensed the copyright of the software they produce.第十四条 汽车金融公司不得设立分支机构。 Article14 An auto financing company shall not set up any branch or subsidiary.第十五条 中国银行业监督管理委员会对汽车金融公司高级管理人员实行任职资格核准或备案制度。 Article15 The appointment of the senior managerial personnel of an auto financing company shall be either subject to the qualification review by the China Banking Regulatory Commission or filed with the China Banking Regulatory Commission for record.第二十二条 汽车金融公司应当执行相关的金融企业财务会计制度。 Article22 An auto financing company shall adopt relevant accounting rules for financial institutions.第二十五条 汽车金融公司应自觉接受中国银行业监督管理委员会对其实施的现场检查及非现场检查。 Article25 An auto financing company shall accept the on-site examination and the off-site surveillance by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.语际翻译 版权所有
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