第四十八条 各级人民政府应当逐步增加农业科技经费和农业教育经费,发展农业科技、教育事业。 Article 48 People's governments at various levels shall steadily increase the expenditure on agricultural science and technology and on agricultural education to promote agricultural science and technology as well as agricultural education undertakings.第四十八条国家或省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门随时对本细则第四十六条所列的企业和单位,按照本细则第四十七条中所列的检查内容,对其进行部分或全部现场监督检查。 ARTICLE 48 The national or provincial CWC affairs authorities shall conduct at any time partial or complete site supervision and examination on the contents outlined in Article 47 of the Implementation Details at enterprises and work units specified in Article 46 of the Implementation Details.第四十八条 违反本法的规定,有下列行为之一的,处警告或者罚款: Article 48 Those who violates the rules of this law and have one of the following conducts, shall be given disciplinary warning or penalty:第四十九条 公共场所发生火灾时,该公共场所的现场工作人员不履行组织、引导在场群众疏散的义务,造成人身伤亡,尚不构成犯罪的,处十五日以下拘留。 Article 49 On site working staff of public places, in case of a fire, do not perform the obligation of organizing and guiding the evacuation of the on site masses, and cause casualty and death, but do not constitute a criminal charge, shall be punished with detention less than 15 days.第四十九条 国家鼓励国内国外的组织或者个人设立各类科学基金,资助科学研究和技术开发。 Article 49 The State shall encourage domestic and foreign organizations or individuals to set up science funds of various kinds to finance scientific research and technological development.第五条 出资设立汽车金融公司,出资人应具备下列条件: Article 5 An investor of an auto financing company shall satisfy following requirements:第五条 任何单位、个人都有维护消防安全、保护消防设施、预防火灾、报告火警的义务。 Article 5 Any unit and individual shall have the obligation of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, preventing fire disaster and reporting fire alarm.第五条 质量监督机构、工商行政管理机关必须对产品质量进行监督,维护用户的利益。 Article 5 Quality-supervision agencies and the industry and commerce administration departments must keep supervision over the quality of product and protect the interest of the customer.第五条 国务院标准化行政主管部门统一管理全国标准化工作。国务院有关行政主管部门分工管理本部门、本行业的标准化工作。 Article 5 The department of standardization administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the unified administration of standardization throughout the country. Competent administrative authorities under the State Council shall,in line with their respective functions,be in charge of standardization in their respective departments and trades.第五条 国务院计量行政部门负责建立各种计量基准器具,作为统一全国量值的最高依据。 Article 5 The metrological administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for establishing all kinds of primary standards of mesaurement,which shall serve as the ultimate basis for unifying the values of quantities of the country.第五条 国务院信息化工作领导小组办公室负责组织、协调有关部门制定国际联网的安全、经营、资费、服务等规定和标准的工作,并对执行情况进行检查监督。 Article 5 The office of Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council is responsible for organizing and coordinating relevant departments in the formulation of regulations and standards for safety, operations, charges and services related to international networking. The office shall check and supervise the enforcement of those regulations and standards.第五条 国务院和地方各级人民政府应当将科技成果的转化纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,并组织协调实施有关科技成果的转化。 Article 5 The State Council and the local people's governments at various levels shall incorporate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in their notional economic and social development plans and make arrangements and coordinate efforts for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.第五条 国家鼓励科学研究和技术开发,推广应用科学技术成果,改造传统产业,发展高技术产业,以及应用科学技术为经济建设和社会发展服务的活动。 Article 5 The State shall encourage scientific research and technology development, popularize and apply the achievements made in science and technology, transform traditional industries, develop high-tech industries, and enhance activities employing science and technology to serve economic construction and social development.第五条 建设部负责全国工程建设施工招标投标的管理工作,其主要职责是: Article 5. The Ministry of Construction shall be responsible for the administration of bidding and tendering for construction projects all over the country. Its major functions are as follows:第五条 企业必须遵守法律、法规,坚持社会主义方向。 Article 5. The enterprise must observe the laws and regulations and keep to the socialist orientation.第五十条 火灾扑灭后,为隐瞒、掩饰起火原因、推卸责任,故意破坏现场或者伪造现场,尚不构成犯罪的,处警告、罚款或者十五日以下拘留。 Article 50 For those who, after a fire is extinguished, deliberately destroy the fire site or make a simulated scene in the purpose of concealing and covering up fire causes and shirking their responsibility, but do not constitute a criminal charge, shall be given disciplinary warning or penalty and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be punished in accordance with this article.第五十条 国务院有关行政部门和地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,发展科学技术信息交流,建立现代化的科学技术信息网络。 Article 50 The competent administrative departments under the state Council and locale's governments at all levels shall take measures to promote scientific and technical information exchange and to establish modern scientific and technical information exchange and to establish modern scientific and technical information networks.第五十条接受监督检查的生产企业现场检查范围包括: ARTICLE 50 The scope of the site check at the production enterprises being supervised and examined includes:第五十条 国家扶持农业技术推广事业,促使先进的农业技术尽快应用于农业生产。 Article 50 The State shall support the popularization of agricultural techniques to promote the prompt application of advanced agricultural techniques to agricultural production.第五十一条 对违反本法规定的处罚,由公安消防机构裁决。 Article 51 The punishment on conducts violating the rules of this law shall be decided by public security fire control institutions;第五十一条 国家建立科学技术保密制度,保护涉及国家安全和利益的科学技术秘密。 Article 51 The State shall institute a science and technology security system to guard scientific and technological secrets concerning national security and interests.第五十一条接受现场监督检查设施的单位,应向检查人员提供下述文件: ARTICLE 51 Work units under site supervision and examination shall provide the following documents to the examination personnel:第五十一条 职工代表大会是企业实行民主管理的基本形式,是职工行使民主管理权力的机构。 Article 51. The staff and workers' congress shall be the basic form for the practice of democratic management in the enterprise and the organ for the staff and workers to exercise their powers of democratic management.第五十二条任何现场监督检查的进行均不应被扩大到如下数据和文件: ARTICLE 52 Any site supervision and examination shall not be expanded to include the following data and documents:第五十二条 国家建立科学技术奖励制度,对于在科学技术进步活动中做出重要贡献的公民、组织,给予奖励。 Article 52 The State shall set up a science and technology awarding system to reward citizens and organizations that have made important contributions in their activities of science and technology progress.