第五十二条 公安消防机构的工作人员在消防工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,有下列行为之一,给国家和人民利益造成损失,尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分: Article 52 The working staff of public security fire control institutions, in case of abusing their authority, ignoring their duty and playing favoritism and committing irregularities, and having one of the following conducts, causing loss to the benefit of the state and people, but having not constituted a criminal charge, shall be given administrative sanction in accordance with law:第五十二条 职工代表大会行使下列职权: Article 52. The staff and workers' congress shall exercise the following functions and powers:第五十三条 国家对为科学技术事业发展做出杰出贡献的公民,依法授予国家荣誉称号。 Article 53 The State shall confer, according to law national honorary titles on citizens who have made outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology.第五十三条 国家鼓励农民采用先进的农业技术,支持农民举办各种科技组织。 Article 53 The State shall encourage peasants to apply the advanced agricultural techniques and support them to form various kinds of scientific and technological organizations.第五十三条 有违反本法行为,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 53 Those who violate this law and commit a criminal offence will be punished as a crime.第五十四条 国务院设立自然科学奖、技术发明奖、科学技术进步奖、国际科学技术合作奖;必要时,可以设立其他科学技术奖。 Article 54 The State Council shall set up Natural Science Prizes, Technological Invention Prizes, Science and technology Progress Prizes, International Science and Technology Cooperation Prizes, and, if necessary, other types of science and technology prizes.第五十四条 本法自1998年9月1日起施行。1984年5月11日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议批准、1984年5月13日国务院公布的《中华人民共和国消防条例》同时作废。 Article 54 This law shall come into force as of September 1, 1998. Meanwhile, the ""Regulations on Fire Control of the People's Republic of China"" approved by the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 6th National People's Congress on May 11, 1984 and promulgated by the State Council on May 13, 1984 shall be annulled simultaneously.第五十四条 职工代表大会应当支持厂长依法行使职权,教育职工履行本法规定的义务。 Article 54. The staff and workers' congress shall support the factory director in exercising his functions and powers according to law and shall educate the staff and workers for the fulfilment of their obligations specified in this Law.第五十五条 企业事业组织应当按照国家有关规定从实施科学技术成果新增留利中提取一定比例,奖励完成技术成果的个人。 Article 55 Enterprises and institutions shall set aside, in accordancewith relevant regulations of the State, a certain percentage of the newly added profit generated from the application of scientific and technological achievements to reward individuals who have complished the technological achievements.第五十六条 国内、国外的组织或者个人可以设立科学技术奖励基金,奖励在科学技术进步活动中做出突出贡献的公民或者组织。 Article 56 Organizations or individuals, at home or abroad, may establish science and technology award funds to reward citizens or organizations that have made remarkable contributions in their activities of scientific and technological progress.第五十七条 违反国家财政制度、财务制度,挪用、克扣、截留国家,财政用于科学技术的经费的,由上级机关责令限期归还被挪用、克扣、截留的经费;情节严重的,由上级机关或者所在单位对直接责任人员给予行政处分。 Article 57 Anyone who, in violation of the State public finance administration and financial management system, misappropriates, embezzles part of, or detains the funds for science and technology allocated from the State financial budget, shall be ordered by the competent authorities at higher levels to return within a specified period of time the funds misappropriated, embezzled, and detained; and if circumstances are serious, the person held directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions by the competent authorities at higher levels or by the unit to which he belongs.第五十七条 国家实行全民义务植树制度。 Article 57 The State shall implement the system of compulsory tree- planting in the whole nation.第五十八条 滥用职权,压制科学技术发明或者合理化建议,情节严重的,对直接责任人员给予行政处分。 Article 58 In case of abusing power to suppress scientific and technological inventions or rationalization proposals, the person held directly responsible shall, if circumstances are serious, be given administrative sanctions.第五十九条 在新技术、新产品开发和科学技术成果申报中采取欺骗手段,获取优惠待遇或者奖励的,取消其优惠待遇和奖励,并给予行政处罚或者行政处分。 Article 59 Anyone who obtains preferential treatment or awards by resorting to fraud in the development of new technologies and new products and in the declaration of scientific and technological achievements shall be deprived of the preferential treatment or awards and be concurrently given administrative penalties or sanctions.第六条 中国互联网络信息中心提供互联网络地址、域名、网络资源目录管理和有关的信息服务。 Article 6 China Internet Information Center is responsible for the management of internet addresses, domain names and catalogues of network resources and shall provide relevant information services.第六条 对需要在全国范围内统一的技术要求,应当制定国家标准。国家标准由国务院标准化行政主管部门制定。 Article 6 National standards shall be formulated for the technical requirements that need to be unified nationwide.National standards shall be formulated by the department of standardization administration under the State Council.第六条 县级以上地方人民政府计量行政部门根据本地区的需要,建立社会公用计量标准器具,经上级人民政府计量行政部门主持考核合格后使用。 Article 6 The metrological administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level may, according to the needs of their respective areas,establish public standards of measurement,which shall be put into use after being checked and found to be qualified by the metrological administrative department of the people's government at the next higher level.第六条 技术交易的当事人应当对其拥有的技术的合法性承担责任。 Article 6 The parties concerned in technology trading shall bear the responsibility for the legality of the technologies they own.第六条 各级人民政府应当经常进行消防宣传教育,提高公民的消防意识。 Article 6 The people's government at all levels shall carry out regular fire control propaganda and education and strengthen citizens' awareness on fire control.第六条 国家严格控制第一类监控化学品的生产。 ARTICLE 6 The State exercises strict control over the production of Category I MCCs.第六条 国家普及科学技术知识,提高全体公民的科学文化水平。 Article 6 The State shall disseminate scientific and technological knowledge to raise the scientific and cultural level of all the citizens.第六条 国家鼓励和支持引进国外先进的农业技术,促进农业技术推广的国际合作与交流。 Article 6 The State shall encourage and support the introduction of advanced agro-techniques from foreign countries and promote the international cooperation and exchanges of agro-technical popularization.第六条 任何单位和个人不得从事下列危害计算机信息网络安全的活动: Article 6.No unit or individual may engage in the following activities which harm the security of computer information networks:第六十条 剽窃、篡改、假冒或者以其他方式侵害他人著作权、专利权、发现权、发明权和其他科学技术成果权的,非法窃取技术秘密的,依照有关法律的规定处理。 Article 60 Anyone who encroaches upon another person's copyright, patent right, right of discovery, right of invention or right of scientific and technological achievements by means of plagiarism, alteration or imitation, or who illegally usurps technical secrets, shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant provisions of the law.第六十一条 国务院科学技术行政部门和有关行政部门根据本法制定实施办法,报国务院批准施行。 Article 61 The administrative department in charge of science and technology under the State Council and other relevant administrative departments shall formulate implementing measures in accordance with this Law, and shall submit them to the State Council for approval prior to implementation.