

第三十五条 企业必须完成指令性计划。    Article 35. The enterprise must fulfil the mandatory plans.
第三十六条 消防车、消防艇以及消防器材、装备和设施,不得用于与消防和抢险救援工作无关的事项。    Article 36 Fire truck, fire boats and fire control devices, equipage and facilities shall not be used for purposes other than fire fighting and rescue work.
第三十六条 研究开发机构可以依法在国外投资,设立分支机构。    Article 36 Research and development institutions may, in conformity with the law, invest and establish branches abroad.
第三十六条 国家对粮食等关系国计民生的重要农产品实行保护收购制度,设立风险基金。    Article 36 The State shall practise the protective purchasing price system and establish risk fund for the major agricultural products such as grains relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood.
第三十六条 企业必须保障固定资产的正常维修,改进和更新设备。    Article 36. The enterprise must ensure the normal maintenance of its fixed assets and upgrade and renew its equipment.
第三十七条 公安消防队扑救火灾,不得向发生火灾的单位、个人收取任何费用。    Article 37 Fire brigades shall not charge any fee for fire fighting and rescue work from units and individuals suffering fire disaster.
第三十七条 科学技术工作者是社会主义现代化建设事业的重要力量。国家采取各种措施,提高科学技术工作者的社会地位,通过各种途径,培养和造就各种专门的科学技术人才,创造有利环境和条件,充分发挥科学技术工作者的作用。    Article 37 Scientific and technical workers constitute an important force in the socialist modernization drive. The State shall take various measures to raise the social status of scientific and technical workers, cultivate and bring up through various channels scientific and technical professionals of various specialities and create favourable environments and conditions to bring the role of scientific and technical workers into full play.
第三十七条本细则第二条所列的单位,均应填报由国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门统一印发的“全国监控化学品统计报表”;    ARTICLE 37 Work units referred to in Article 2 of the Implementation Details shall complete the National MCC Statistics Report centrally printed and distributed by the national CWC affairs authorities.
第三十八条 各级人民政府和企业事业组织应当采取措施,逐步提高科学技术工作者的待遇,改善其工作条件和生活条件;对有突出贡献的科学技术工作者应当给予优厚待遇。    Article 38 People's governments at all levels, enterprises and institutions shall take measures to gradually improve the treatment given to scientific and technical workers, and better their working and living conditions; and special preferential treatment shall be granted to scientific and technical workers with outstanding contributions.
第三十八条 对因参加扑救火灾受伤、致残或者死亡的人员,按照国家有关规定给予医疗、抚恤。    Article 38 Personnel suffering injury, cripple and death as a result of taking part of fire fighting and rescue work, shall be given medical treatment and compensation.
第三十八条经国务院化学工业主管部门批准生产(或实验合成)第一类监控化学品的单位,应按统计表要求,直接向批准单位报送有关文件和统计报表。    ARTICLE 38 Work units that have been authorized by the chemical industry authorities under the State Council to produce (or synthesize through experiment) Category I MCCs shall submit the relevant documents and statistical reports to the authorizing units pursuant to the requirements on the statistical reports.
第三十八条 企业必须保证产品质量和服务质量,对用户和消费者负责。    Article 38. The enterprise must guarantee the quality of its products and services and be responsible to users and consumers.
第三十九条 火灾扑灭后,公安消防机构有权根据需要封闭火灾现场,负责调查、认定火灾原因,核定火灾损失,查明火灾事故责任。    Article 39 After a fire is extinguished, public security fire control institutions shall, based on need, have the right to seal up fire site, be responsible for investigation, identify fire cause, check and ratify fire losses and find out responsibilities of fire disasters.
第三十九条 各级人民政府和企业事业组织应当为科学技术工作者的合理流动创造环境和条件,发挥其专长。    Article 39 People's governments at all levels, enterprises and institutions shall create environments and conditions for the rational mobility of scientific and technical workers so as to give full play of their specialties.
第三十九条 国家支持农产品集贸市场和农产品批发市场的建立和发展。    Article 39 The State shall support the establishment and development of rural fairs and wholesale markets for agricultural products.
第四条 农业技术推广应当遵循下列原则:    Article 4 The following principles shall be observed in the popularization of agricultural technology:
第四条 国务院计量行政部门对全国计量工作实施统一监督管理。县级以上地方人民政府计量行政部门对本行政区域内的计量工作实施监督管理。    Article 4 The metrological administrative department of the State Council shall exercise unified supervision over and administration of metrological work throughout the country. The metrological administrative departments of the local people's government at and above the country level shall exercise supervision over and administration of metrological work within their respective administrative areas.
第四条 国务院公安部门对全国的消防工作实施监督管理,    Article 4 The public security department of the State Council shall monitor and administer the nationwide fire control work;
第四条 国家对国际联网的建设布局、资源利用进行统筹规划。际联网采用国家统一制定的技术标准、安全标准、资费政策,以利于提高服务质量和水平。国际联网实行分级管理,即:对互联单位、接入单位、用户实行逐级管理,对国际出入口信道统一管理。国家鼓励在国际联网服务中公平、有序地竞争,提倡资源共享,促进健康发展。    Article 4 The State shall develop an overall plan for the layout of international networking and the utilization of various resources. International networking shall adopt technical codes, safety standards and policies on service charges set by the State in a unified form so that the quality of the service can be improved. International networking shall subject itself to the administration by level, that is, interconnected units, access units and subscribers are under the administration by level, and meanwhile international inward and outward channels are subject to the unified administration. The State encourages fair competition in a good order in services related to international networking and advocates resources sharing so as to promote the healthy development of international networking.
第四条 国家鼓励积极采用国际标准。    Article 4 The State shall encourage the active adoption of international standards.
第四条 国家根据科学技术进步和社会主义市场经济的需要,改革和完善科学技术体制,建立科学技术与经济有效结合的机制。    Article 4 The State shall, in compliance with the demands of scientific and technological progress and the socialist market economy, restructure and improve science and technology system, and establish a mechanism capable of effectively integrating science and technology with economy.
第四十条 违反本法的规定,有下列行为之一的,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,责令停止施工、停止使用或者停产停业,可以并外罚款:    Article 40 Any one who violates the rules of this law and has one of the following conducts, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit; those who do not make the corrections after the time limit, shall be ordered to stop construction, stop use of things concerned or stop production or business, and may be punished with penalty simultaneously:
第四十条 对从事基础研究和应用基础研究、高技术研究、重大工程建设项目研究、重大科学技术攻关项目研究和重点社会公益性科学技术研究以及在农村贫困地区、少数民族地区和恶劣、危险环境中工作的科学技术工作者,依照国家规定给予补贴。    Article 40 Subsidies shall be granted, according to the regulations of the State, to scientific and technical workers engaged in basic research for major construction projects, research for tackling key scientific and technological problems, and research on science and technology for major social and public welfare, and those who work in poverty-stricken rural areas and minority nationality areas or work under adverse and dangerous conditions.
第四十一条经国务院化学工业主管部门批准新建的第一类监控化学品生产设施(含实验设施),必须在试运转前30天按统计表要求,向国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门申报统计表中有关内容。    ARTICLE 41 Newly constructed facilities approved by the chemical industry authorities under the State Council to produce (including synthesize through experiment) Category I MCCs shall submit to the national CWC affairs authorities the relevant information requested in the statistical report thirty days prior to trial operation.
第四十一条 国家实行专业技术职称制度。科学技术工作者可以根据其学术水平、业务能力和工作实绩,取得相应的职称。    Article 41 The State shall practice the system of professional and technical titles. Scientific and technical workers may obtain corresponding titles on the strength of their academic levels, professional abilities and accomplishments in their work.
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