第二十五条监控化学品的包装和标志必须符合国家有关规定,包装监督检验结构应当加强对包装质量和包装材质的检查和定期测试。 ARTICLE 25 The packaging and marking of MCCs shall conform to the relevant national specifications. Agencies that supervise and examine the packaging shall improve the checks on the quality of the packaging and the quality of the packaging materials and conduct regular testing.第二十五条 本办法自颁布之日起施行。 Article 25 These Rules shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.第二十五条 制造、修理、销售的计量器具不合格的,没收违法所得,可以并处罚款。 Article 25 Whoever manufactures,repairs or sells unqualified measuring instruments shall have his unlawful income confiscated and a fine may concurrently be imposed.第二十五条 投标单位应向招标单位提供以下材料: Article 25. The tender submitting entity shall provide the following information to the bid inviting entity:第二十五条 企业有权自行选择供货单位,购进生产需要的物资。 Article 25. The enterprise shall have the right to choose the suppliers for itself and purchase from them materials needed for production.第二十五条 本办法自发布之日起施行。 Article 25.These regulations go into effect on the day of promulgation.第二十六条 各级人民政府应当根据经济和社会发展的需要,建立多种形式的消防组织,加强消防组织建设,增强扑救火灾的能力。 Article 26 The people's government at all levels shall, in accordance with the requirement of economic and social development, set up fire control organizations in multi forms, strengthen construction of fire control organizations and the abilities on fire fighting.第二十六条监控化学品的安全和储存保管应遵守国务院发布的《化学危险品安全管理条例》及化学工业部和国务院经贸办发布的《化学危险物品安全管理条例实施细则》所规定的各项要求。 ARTICLE 26 The safety and storage of MCCs shall comply with the provisions outlined in the Safety Regulations on Managing Dangerous Chemicals issued by the State Council and the Implementation Details regarding Safety Regulations on Managing Dangerous Chemicals issued by the Ministry of Chemical Industry (MCI) and the Economic and Trade Office under the State Council.第二十六条 国家鼓励和引导从事高技术产品开发、生产和经营的企业建立符合国际规范的管理制度,生产符合国际标准的高技术产品,参与国际市场竞争,推进高技术产业的国际化。 Article 26 The State shall encourage and guide the enterprises engaged in development, production and transaction of high-tech products to establish management systems in conformity with international norms, produce high-tech products up to international standards, and participate in global market competition so as to advance the internationalization of high-tech products up to international standards, and participate in global market competition so as to advance the internationalization of high-tech industries.第二十六条 本法自1989年4月1日起施行。 Article 26 This Law shall go into effect as of April 1,1989.第二十六条 属于强制检定范围的计量器具,未按照规定申请检定或者检定不合格继续使用的,责令停止使用,可以并处罚款。 Article 26 Whoever uses measuring instruments subject to compulsory verification without having filed an application for verification as required or continues to use measuring instruments which have been checked but found to be unqualified shall be ordered to stop the use and may concurrectly be punished by a fine.第二十六条 投标单位领取招标文件时,须按规定交纳投标保证金。 Article 26. The tenderer shall pay a deposit for bidding documents upon receipt of such documents.第二十七条 农业技术推广行政部门和县以上农业推广机构,应当有计划地对农业技术推广人员进行技术培训,组织专业进修,使其不断更新知识、提高业务水平。 Article 27 Administrative departments of agro-technical popularization and agro-technical popularization setups at or above the county level shall carry out in a planned way technical trainings for agro-technical popularization personnel and organize them to obtain professional studies so as to update their knowledge and enhance their vocational level.第二十七条 本条例自发布之日起施行 ARTICLE 27 The Regulations shall be effective on the day of issuance.第二十七条 国家鼓励和支持农业生产经营组织和农业劳动者使用先进、适用的农业机械,提高农业机械化水平。 Article 27 The State shall encourage and support agricultural production and operation organizations or agricultural labourers to apply advanced and suitable agricultural machinery for the purpose of raising the level of agricultural mechanization.第二十七条 国家保障基础研究和应用基础研究持续、稳定的发展,加强科学技术进步的基础。 Article 27 The State shall ensure the continuous and steady development of basic research and applied basic research, and consolidate the foundation for scientific and technological progress.第二十七条 城市人民政府应当按照国家规定的消防站建设标准建立公安消防队、专职消防队、承担火灾扑救工作。 Article 27 Urban people's governments shall, in accordance with the standards on fire control station construction, set up public security fire brigade, full time fire brigade to undertake fire fighting and rescue work.第二十七条 使用不合格的计量器具或者破坏计量器具准确度,给国家和消费者造成损失的,责令赔偿损失,没收计量器具和违法所得,可以并处罚款。 Article 27 Whoever uses unqualified measuring instruments or impairs the accuracy of measuring instruments,thus causing losses to the State and consumers,shall be ordered to make compensation for the losses and shall have his measuring instruments and unlawful income confiscated and may concurrently be punished by a fine.第二十七条储存监控化学品的单位,应建立严格的出库、入库检查制度和登记制度。 ARTICLE 27 Work units that store MCCs shall set up strict check-in/check-out and registration procedures at warehouses.第二十七条 投标单位应按招标文件的要求,认真编制投标书。投标书应包括下列内容: Article 27. The tenderer shall conscientiously prepare the book of tender as required by the bidding documents. The book of tender shall contain the following:第二十七条 企业有权依照国务院规定与外商谈判并签订合同。 Article 27. The enterprise shall have the right to negotiate and sign contracts with foreign parties in accordance with the provisions of the State Council.第二十八条 地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,保障农业技术推广机构获得必需的试验基地和生产资料,进行农业技术的试验、示范。 Article 28 Local people's governments at various levels shall take measures to guarantee that agro-technical popularization setups obtain essential experimental bases and means of production to carry out experiments and demonstrations of agro-techniques.第二十八条 国务院科学技术行政部门对学科前沿和经济、社会发展中的重大基础性科学研究课题,应当有计划地组织实施。 Article 28 The administrative department in charge of science and technology under the State Council shall organize in a planned manner the implementation of major basic scientific research programmes in the frontier disciplines and in economic and social development.第二十八条 下列单位应当建立专职消防队,承担本单位的火灾扑救工作: Article 28 The following units shall set up full time fire brigades to undertake fire fighting and rescue work.第二十八条第一类、第二类监控化学品发现丢失、被盗时,应当立即报告当地公安机关和所在地省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门,第一类监控化学品丢失、被盗应同时报国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门备案。 ARTICLE 28 The local public security agencies and provincial CWC affairs authorities shall be notified immediately in the case of Category I and Category II MCC loss or theft. A notice shall also be filed with the national CWC affairs authorities in the case of Category I MCC loss or theft.语际翻译 版权所有
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