

第十七条 国家保护农民和农业生产经营组织的合法财产不受侵犯。    Article 17 The State shall protect the lawful properties of peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations from violation.
第十七条 国家依靠科学技术进步,发展工业、交通运输、邮电通信、地质勘查、建筑安装和商业等行业,提高经济效益和社会效益。    Article 17 The State shall rely on scientific and technological progress to develop industry, communications and transportation, post and telecommunications, geological prospecting, construction and installation, commerce and other trades, so as to enhance their economic results and social benefit.
第十七条 使用计量器具不得破坏其准确度,损害国家和消费者的利益。    Article 17 When using measuring instruments,no person shall be allowed to impair their accuracy,thereby prejudicing the interests of the State and consumers.
第十七条 设立企业必须具备以下条件:    Article 17. An enterprise must meet the following qualifications for its establishment:
第十八条 经批准,汽车金融公司可从事下列部分或全部人民币业务:    Article 18 An auto financing company may conduct all or part of the following lines of Renminbi business with the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission:
第十八条 县级以上政府标准化行政主管部门负责对标准的实施进行监督检查    Article 18 Departments of standardization administration under governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for supervision over and inspection of the implementation of the standards.
第十八条 在技术交易中从事代理或者居间等有偿服务的中介机构,须按照国家有关规定领取营业执照;在该机构中从事经纪业务的人员,须按照国家有关规定取得资格证书。    Article 18 Intermediate institutions acting as agent or intermediaries or providing other paid services in the exchange of technologies must obtain business licenses as required by relevant State regulations. Brokers of these institutions must have qualification certificates as required by relevant State regulations.
第十八条 禁止在具有火灾、爆炸危险的场所使用明火;因特殊情况需要使用明火作业的,应当按照规定事先办理审批手续。    Article 18 It is prohibited to use naked light in places with fire and explosion danger; in case naked light operation is required for special reasons, examination and approval formalities shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations.
第十八条 个体工商户可以制造、修理简易的计量器具。    Article 18 Self-employed workers or merchants may manufacture or repair simple measuring instruments.
第十八条 用户应当服从接入单位的管理,遵守用户守则;    Article 18 Subscribers shall subject themselves to the administration of access units and observe subscription regulations.
第十八条 市科学技术行政部门的主要职责是:    Article 18 The main functions of the municipal administrative department of science and technology are as follows:
第十八条 国家鼓励企业建立和完善技术开发机构,鼓励企业与研究开发机构、高等院校联合和协作,增强研究开发、中间试验和工业性试验能力。    Article 18 The State shall encourage enterprises to establish and improve their technology development organizations, and also encourage them to join forces or cooperate with research and development institutes, and institutions of higher learning, with a view to increasing their capabilities in research and development, pilot trial, and industrial test.
第十八条被指定从事监控化学品进出口业务的单位须向国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门正式报送下列文件,以备查验:    ARTICLE 18 Work units designated to import and/or export MCCs shall provide the following documents to the national CWC affairs authorities for examination:
第十八条 发出招标文件至投标截止时间,小型工程不少于15天,大中型工程不少于30天。    Article 18. The time period from the date of issuance of bid documents to the deadline of tender submission shall not be fewer than 15 days for small-scale projects and shall not be fewer than 30 days for large or medium-scale projects.
第十八条 企业合并或者分立,依照法律、行政法规的规定,由政府或者政府主管部门批准。    Article 18. The merger of enterprises or the division of an enterprise shall be subject to approval by the government or the competent department of the government in accordance with the provisions of the laws and administrative rules and regulations.
第十九条 县级以上政府标准化行政主管部门,可以根据需要设置检验机构,或者授权其他单位的检验机构,对产品是否符合标准进行检验。    Article 19 Departments of standardization administration under governments at or above the county level may,in accordance with needs,establish inspection organizations or authorize inspection organizations of other units to examine whether products conform to the standards.
第十九条 企业应当根据国际、国内市场的需求,进行技术改造和设备更新,提高科学管理水平,吸收和开发新技术,增强市场竞争能力。    Article 19 Enterprises shall, in response to the demands of international and domestic markets, carry out technological transformation and equipment renewal, upgrade their scientific management level and assimilate and develop new technology so as to strengthen their market competitiveness.
第十九条进口审批程序    ARTICLE 19 Review and approval procedures for import:
第十九条 国际出入口信道提供单位、互联单位和接入单位应当保存与其服务相关的所有信息资料;在国务院信息化工作领导小组办公室和有关主管部门进行检查时,应当及时提供有关信息资料。    Article 19 Suppliers of international inward and outward channels, interconnected units and access units shall store all the data related to their services. When the office of Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council and other competent authorities carry out examinations, they shall forward relevant data in a timely manner.
第十九条 向农业劳动者推广的农业技术,必须在推广地区经过试验证明具有先进性和适用性。    Article 19 The agro-techniques to be popularized to agricultural labourers must have been proved to be advanced and applicable by experiments in the areas for popularization.
第十九条 县级以上人民政府计量行政部门,根据需要设置计量监督员。计量监督员管理办法,由国务院计量行政部门制定。    Article 19 The metrological administrative department of the people's governments at or above the county level may,according to their needs,appoint metrological supervisors.The measures for the administration of the metrological supervisors shall be formulated by the metrological administrative department of the State Council.
第十九条 消防产品的质量必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。    Article 19 The quality of fire control products must conform to the state standards or industrial standards.
第十九条 使用监控化学品的,应当与其申报的使用目的相一致;需要政变使用目的的,应当报原审批机关批准。    ARTICLE 19 The use of MCCs shall correspond with the purpose of use stated on the application declaration. Any change in purpose of use must be approved by the original reviewing and approving agencies.
第十九条 工程施工招标必须编制标底。标底由招标单位自行编制或委托经建设行政主管部门认定具有编制标底能力的咨询、监理单位编制。    Article 19. A pre-tender estimate must be prepared for the bidding invitation of any construction project. The pre-tender estimate shall be prepared by the bid invitation unit on its own or through an entrusted consulting or construction supervising agency approved by the competent construction department as capable of preparing a pre-tender estimate.
第十九条 企业由于下列原因之一终止:    Article 19. An enterprise shall be terminated for any of the following reasons:
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