

任何单位、成年公民都有参加有组织的灭火工作的义务。    Any unit and adult shall have the obligation to take part in organized fire fighting work.
任何单位、个人都应当无偿为报警提供便利,不得阻拦报警。严禁谎报火警。    Any unit and individual shall provide convenience for fire alarm reporting gratis and shall not obstruct the reporting. It is strictly prohibited to make false reporting of fire.
法律、行政法规规定代扣、代收税款的,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。    Any withholding of taxes to be made under laws or administrative rules and regulations shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or administrative rules and regulations.
向农业劳动者推广未在推广地区经过试验证明具有先进性的适用性的农业技术,给农业劳动者造成损失的,应当承担民事赔偿责任,直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员可以由其所在单位或者上级机关级予行政处分。    Anyone who popularizes to agricultural labourers agro-techniques which have not been proved to be advanced and applicable by experiments in the areas for popularization and thus causes losses to agricultural labourers shall be liable for civil compensation. The competent personnel in charge and other persons held directly responsible may be given administrative sanctions by the units they belong to or organs at higher levels.
经国务院化学工业主管部门审查批准后,被指定单位凭国务院化学工业主管部门的批准文件向国务院对外经济贸易主管部门申请领取出口许可证。    Application by the designated unit to the foreign economic and trade authorities under the State Council for the export license shall made on the basis of the approval document from the chemical industry authorities under State Council.
经国务院化学工业主管部门审查批准后,被指定单位凭国务院化学工业主管部门的批准文件向国务院对外经济贸易主管部门申请领取进口许可证。    Application by the designated unit to the foreign economic and trade authorities under the State Council for the import license shall made on the basis of the approval document from the chemical industry authorities under the State Council.
被指定单位凭国务院的批准文件向国务院对外经济贸易主管部门申请领取进口许可证。    Application by the designated unit to the foreign economic and trade authorities under the State Council for the import license shall made on the basis of the approval document from the State Council.
前款所列单位的计算机信息网络与国际联网,应当采取相应的安全保护措施。    Appropriate measures should be taken to ensure the security and protection of the computer information network and Internet network links of the units mentioned above.
第一条 为了加强对计算机信息网络国际联网的管理,保障国际计算机信息交流的健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定》(以下简称《暂行规定》),制定本办法。    Article 1 In accordance with Provisional Regulations of the Administration of international networking of Computer Information in the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Provisional Regulations), these Rules are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration of the international networking of computer information and ensuring the healthy development of the exchange of international information through computers.
第一条 为适应汽车金融服务业发展的需要,规范经营汽车金融业务的非银行金融机构的行为,依据有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。    Article 1 The Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing Company (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) is stipulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to serve the need of developing auto financing business and regulating the business activities of the non-bank financial institutions engaging in auto financing business.
第一条根据《中华人民共和国监控化学品管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),并结合现行管理办法制定本实施细则。    ARTICLE 1 The Implementation Details are developed on the basis of the People's Republic of China Regulations on Monitored and Controlled Chemicals (the Regulations) and the current managing practices.
第一条 为了加强对监控化学品的管理,保障公民的人身安全和保护环境,制定本条例。    ARTICLE 1 The Regulations are issued to strengthen the management of monitored and controlled chemicals (MCCs) and ensure the personal safety of citizens and the protection of the environment.
第一条 为了预防火灾和减少火灾危害,保护公民人身、公共财产和公民财产的安全,维护公共安全,保障社会主义现代化建设的顺利进行,制定本法。    Article 1 This law is formulated in the purpose of preventing fire and reducing fire damage, safeguarding citizen's personal security, public property and civil assets, upholding public security and ensuring the smooth construction of the socialist modernization.
第一条 为了加强计量监督管理,保障国家计量单位制的统一和量值的准确可靠,有利于生产、贸易和科学技术的发展,适应社会主义现代化建设的需要,维护国家、人民的利益,制定本法。    Article 1 This Law is formulated to strengthen the metrological supervision and administration,to ensure the uniformity of the national system of units of measurement and the accuracy and reliability of the values of quantities, so as to contribute to the development of production, trade and science and technology,to meet the needs of socialist modernization and to safeguard the interests of the state and the people.
第一条 为了发展社会主义商品经济,促进技术进步,改进产品质量,提高社会经济效益,维护国家和人民的利益,使标准化工作适应社会主义现代化建设和发展对外经济关系的需要,制定本法。    Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to developing the socialist commodity economy,promoting technical progress,improving product quality,increasing social and economic benefits,safeguarding the interests of the State and the people and suiting standardization to the needs in socialist modernization and in the development of economic relations with foreign countries.
第十条 接入网络必须通过互联网络进行国际联网,不得以其他方式进行国际联网。    Article 10 Access networks must be connected with international networks through interconnected networks. International networking conducted in other ways is prohibited.
第十条 按照国家工程建筑消防技术标准需要进行消防设计的建筑工程、设计单位应当按照国家工程建筑消防技术标准进行设计,建设单位应当建筑单位的消防设计图纸及有关资料报送公安消防机关审核;    Article 10 For construction project conducting fire control design in accordance with requirements of the State Technical Standards on Fire Control for Engineering Construction, the design unit shall conduct the design in accordance with requirements of the State Technical Standards on Fire Control for Engineering Construction; the construction unit shall submit the drawings of fire control design for the construction project and relevant materials to relevant public security fire control institution for review and approval;
第十条 计量检定必须按照国家计量检定系统表进行。国家计量检定系统表由国务院计量行政部门制定。    Article 10 Metrological verification shall be conducted according to the National Metrological Verification System.The National Metrological Verification System shall be worked out by the metrological administrative department of the State Council.
第十条 制定标准应当做到有关标准的协调配套。    Article 10 The standards to be formulated shall be coordinated with and supported by related standards.
第十条 国家鼓励研究开发新技术、新产品、新材料、新工艺,开展合理化建议、技术改进和技术协作活动,不断提高产品质量,提高劳动生产率和经济效益,发展社会生产力。    Article 10 The State shall encourage research and development of new technologies, new products, new materials and new techniques, and promote activities of advancing rationalization proposals, and enhancing technological innovation and technical collaboration so as to steadily improve product quality, labour productivity and economic returns, and develop thereby social productive forces.
第十条 储存监控化学品的单位,应当建立严格的出库、入库检查制度和登记制度;    ARTICLE 10 Work units with MCCs in storage shall set up strict check-in/check-out and registration systems.
第十条 建设单位招标应当具备下列条件:    Article 10. The project developer shall meet the following requirements in order to organize bid invitation:
第十一条 对从事国际联网经营活动的接入单位(以下简称经营性接入单位)实行国际联网经营许可证(以下简称经营许可证)制度。    Article 11 Access units engaged in profit-making operations concerning international networking (hereinafter referred to as profit-making access units) shall be subject to the administration of the system of international networking business licenses (hereinafter referred to as business licenses).
第十一条监控化学品生产特别许可证书采取分期、分批发证的办法,有效期为五年,具体发证产品和时间由国务院化学工业主管部门下达。    ARTICLE 11 MCC SPLs shall be issued by stages and in groups and shall have a validity of five years. The chemical industry authorities under the State Council shall announce specifics regarding the product and time of SPL issuance.
第十一条 计量检定工作应当按照经济合理的原则,就地就近进行。    Article 11 Metrological verification shall,according to the principle of economy and rationality,be carried out on the spot or in the vicinity.
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