接受委托进口第一类监控化学品的被指定单位;应当向国务院化学工业主管部门提出申请,并提交产品最终用途的说明和证明; A designated unit which has been entrusted to import Category I MCCs shall submit to the chemical industry authorities under the State Council an application attached with an explanation and certification of the product end-use.前款各类监控化学品的名录由国务院入学工业主管部门提出,报国务院批准后公布。 A list of the MCCs in the above categories shall be prepared and submitted by the chemical industry authorities under the State Council and published upon the State Council's approval.少数地方和部门为了追求经济利益,违反国家有关规定,大量生产、经营麻黄素,给不法分子制做“冰”毒以可乘之机。 A small number of localities and departments provided lawless persons with an opportunity to manufacture methamphetamine in the production and management of ephedrine in large quantities in pursuit of economic benefits in violation of the relevant state provisions.麻黄素的运输必须到省级公安机关办理运输许可证,由专人押运。 A transport permit must be obtained from the provincial public security organ for the transportation of ephedrine under escort by designated persons.(一)具有符合本办法要求的最低注册资本。 a) the minimum amount of registered capital required by the Rules;(一)未按照规定设立安全生产管理机构或者配备安全生产管理人员的; a. Failing to establish an organ for the administration of production safety or to arrange for persons to take charge of the administration of production safety;(一)对不符合法定安全生产条件的涉及安全生产的事项予以批准或者验收通过的; a. Granting approval or accepting on the basis of examination any matter relating to production safety which does not meet the statutory conditions for production safety;在本省(区)、市内经营的接入单位应当向经营性互联单位主管部门或者经其授权的省级主管部门申请领取国际联网经营许可证。 Access units engaged in business operations within their own provinces (or regions, municipalities) shall apply to competent authorities charged with the administration of profit-making interconnected units or other competent authorities at the provincial level under their authorization for international networking business licenses.跨省(区)、市经营的接入单位应当向经营性互联单位主管部门申请领取国际联网经营许可证。 Access units engaged in trans-provincial (or regional, municipal) operations shall apply to competent authorities charged with the administration of profit-making interconnected units for international networking business licenses.接入单位必须具备《暂行规定》第九条规定的条件,并向互联单位主管部门或者主管单位提交接入单位申请书和接入网络可行性报告。 Access units must meet the requirements stipulated in Article 9 of Provisional Regulations. Their applications and feasibility reports on access networks shall be submitted to competent authorities or units charged with the administration of interconnected units.接入单位应当在收到用户申请后5个工作日内,以书面形式答复用户。 Access units shall send a written reply to subscribers within 5 working days from the date they receive applications.接入单位应当服从互联单位和上级接入单位的管理;与下级接入单位签定协议,与用户签定用户守则,加强对下级接入单位和用户的管理; Access units shall subject themselves to the administration of interconnected units and access units at higher levels; sign agreements with access units at lower levels and make subscription regulations with subscribers so as to strengthen the administration of access units at lower levels and subscribers;教育、劳动等行政主管部门应当将消防知识纳入教学培训内容。 Administrative department on education and labor shall put fire control knowledge into teaching and training.工程建设施工招标投标管理办法 Administrative Measures for Bidding and Submission of Tendering for Construction Projects汽车金融公司管理办法 Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing Company机械产品开发用先进计算机软硬件技术及设备 Advanced computer hardware and software technologies and equipment for the development of machinery products先进内燃机及关键零部件 Advanced internal-combustion engines and their key components and parts先进的铀矿采冶 Advanced mining and smelting of uranium mine机械产品开发用先进试验及检测技术和设备 Advanced testing and measuring technologies and equipment for the development of machinery products先进湿法磷酸精制 Advanced wet-process refining of phosphoric acid航空发动机 Aeroengines航天技术应用 Aerospace technology applications生态环境脆弱地区特殊困难立地造林 Afforestation on extraordinarily difficult lands in ecologically vulnerable regions火灾扑灭后,起火单位应当按照公安消防机构的要求保护现场,接受事故调查,如实提供火灾事实的情况。 After a fire is extinguished, fire breaking units shall protect fire site in accordance with requirements of public security fire control institutions, accept investigation on the accident and provide accurate facts on the fire disaster.中华人民共和国农业法 Agriculture Law of the People's Republic of China语际翻译 版权所有
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