

空中交通管制系统    Air traffic control system
机载设备系统    Airborne equipment systems
严禁社会各类医药商店及私人诊所经销麻黄素单方制剂。    All categories of pharmacies of society and private clinics are strictly prohibited to sell prescribed ephedrine preparations.
任何单位和个人都应当支持、配合事故抢救,并提供一切便利条件。    All entities and individual shall support and coordinate the rescue of accident and provide all conveniences.
所有生产、经销企业都不得用搭配手段推销产品。    All the manufacturers and marketing firms are not allowed to sell their products by way of coupling-sale.
铝及铝合金快速铸轧    Aluminum and aluminum alloy rapid casting and rolling
整改结束后,向发证部申请复查,经复查合格后,方可重新使用生产特许可证书;    An application for re-examination shall be filed with the issuing department. The SPL shall only be used after the re-examination is conducted and passed.
承担指令性计划的企业,有权自行销售计划外超产的产品和计划内分成的产品。    An enterprise undertaking production according to a mandatory plan shall have the right to market for itself products manufactured in excess of the planned quota and products it retains as its share under the plan.
产品质量不符合经济合同约定的条件的,应当承担违约责任。    An enterprise whose product quality does not conform to the terms agreed upon in the economic contract shall be liable for breach of contract.
麻黄素出口企业持外经贸部签发的麻黄素出口许可证及上述有关材料,到国家药品管理部门办理麻黄素出口购用证明,到指定的麻黄素定点经营企业购买。    An ephedrine export enterprise shall go through the formalities for the obtainment of the certificate of purchase and use for ephedrine export at the state department of pharmaceutical administration along with the ephedrine export license issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation and the afore-said materials and make the purchase at the designated ephedrine management enterprise appointed.
(三) 重大经营风险得到化解。    and (c) Major operational risks are addressed.
(三) 有其他重大经营风险,中国银行业监督管理委员会认为应当整顿的情况。    and (c) The company faces other major operational risks that the China Banking Regulatory Commission deems necessary to issue an order for corrective actions.
(六)中国银行业监督管理委员会规定的其他审慎性条件。    and (f) It shall satisfy other prudential supervisory requirements set forth by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
(六) 中国银行业监督管理委员会认为必要的其他措施。    and (f) other enforcement actions that the China Banking Regulatory Commission deems necessary.
(七) 中国银行业监督管理委员会要求提交的其他文件。    and (g) other documents required by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
(八) 中国银行业监督管理委员会要求的其他文件。    and (h) other documents required by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
(八)经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准的其他信贷业务。    and (h) other loan business approved by The China Banking Regulatory Commission.
(十) 中国银行业监督管理委员会规定的其他变更事项。    and (j) other changes that require the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
(六)中国银行业监督管理委员会规定的其他条件。    and f) other conditions set out by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
抗老化特种聚乙烯    Anti-aging special polythene
任何机关对农民或者农业生产经营组织进行罚款处罚必须依据法律、法规的规定。    Any imposition of fines upon peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations by State organs must be based on the provisions of laws or regulations.
对有前款违法行为的机构,撤销其相应资格。    Any institution that has committed any of the illegal acts as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be disqualified accordingly.
对有失职、渎职行为的,依照本法第七十七条的规定追究法律责任。    Any person who is found to be guilty of dereliction in duties or malfeasance shall be subject to undertaking legal liabilities according to Article 77 of the present law.
生产经营单位未与承包单位、承租单位签订专门的安全生产管理协议或者未在承包合同、租赁合同中明确各自的安全生产管理职责,或者未对承包单位、承租单位的安全生产统一协调、管理的,责令限期改正;    Any production and business operation who fails to enter into a production safety administration agreement with the contractor entity or lessee or failing to specify the duties and functions of production safety administration of the parties concerned in the contracting agreement or leasehold contract or failing to conduct unified coordination and administration of production safety over the contracting entity or lessee shall be ordered to mend up within a prescribed time period.
制造、修理计量器具的个体工商户,必须经县级人民政府计量行政部门考核合格,发给《制造计量器具许可证》或者《修理计量器具许可证》后,方可向工商行政管理部门申请营业执照。    Any self-employed worker or merchant who is to engage in manufacturing or repairing measuring instruments may apply for a business licence from the administrative department for industry and commerce provided he has been tested and found to be qualified by the metrological administrative department of a people's government at the county level,and issued a Licence for Manufacturing Measuring Instruments or a Licence for Repairing Measuring Instruments.
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