第十四条 强制性标准,必须执行。不符合强制性标准的产品,禁止生产、销售和进口。推荐性标准,国家鼓励企业自愿采用。 Article 14 Compulsory standards must be complied with.It shall be prohibited to produce,sell or import products that are not up to the compulsory standards.With regard to voluntary standards,the State shall encourage their adoption by enterprises on an optional basis.第十四条 邮电部根据《暂行规定》和本办法制定国际联网出入口信道管理办法,报国务院信息化工作领导小组备案。 Article 14 In accordance with Provisional Regulations and these Rules, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications shall formulate rules on the administration of international networking inward and outward channels which shall be reported to Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council for the record.第十四条 机关、团体、企业、事业单位应当履行下列消防安全职责: Article 14 State organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions shall perform the following duties on fire control security:第十四条 国家依靠科学技术进步,振兴农村经济,促进农业科学技术成果的推广应用,发展高产、优质、高效的现代化农业。 Article 14 The State shall rely on scientific and technological progress to vitallze rural economy, promote the popularization and application of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, and develop a modern agriculture of high yield, high quality, and high efficiency.第十四条 未经国务院计量行政部门批准,不得制造、销售和进口国务院规定废除的非法定计量单位的计量器具和国务院禁止使用的其他计量器具。 Article 14 Without the approval of the metrological administrative department of the State Council,measuring instruments with non-legal units of measurement which have been abrogated by the State Council,and other measuring instruments which are banned by the State Council,shall not be manufactured,sold or imported.第十四条被收回生产特别许可证书的单位或个人应停止生产和销售该产品,并限期进行整改。 ARTICLE 14 Work units or individuals with returned SPLs shall cease production and sales of the product and proceed to rectify within a definite time.第十四条 施工招标一般应按下列程序进行: Article 14. Bidding for construction shall generally be conducted via the following procedure:第十四条 国家授予企业经营管理的财产受法律保护,不受侵犯。 Article 14. The property which the state has authorized the enterprise to operate and manage shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.第十五条 制造、修理计量器具的企业、事业单位必须对制造、修理的计量器具进行检定,保证产品计量性能合格,并对合格产品出具产品合格证。 Article 15 An enterprise or institution engaged in manufacturing or repairing measuring instruments must verify the measuring instruments it has manufactured or repaired,guarantee the metrological performance of the products and issue certificates of inspection for the qualified products.第十五条生产特别许可证书收费办法按照国家财政部和国家计委批准制定的办法执行。 ARTICLE 15 Fees charged for issuing SPLs shall be in conformity with the methods formulated and approved by the Ministry of Finance and the State Planning Commission.第十五条 县级以上地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,保障农业科学技术研究开发机构和示范推广机构有权自主管理和使用试验基地和生产资料,进行农业新品种、新技术的研究开发、试验和推广。 Article 15 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall adopt measures to ensure that agricultural science and technology research and development organizations as well as demonstration and dissemination bodies shall have the right of independent management and use of their experimental bases and means of production in research, development, testing and popularization of new varieties and new technologies in agriculture.第十五条 在设有车间或者仓库的建筑物内,不得设置员工集体宿舍。 Article 15 Rooms within the same building of workshop or warehouse shall not be used as dormitory.第十五条 设立技术交易服务机构应当具备下列条件: Article 15 The following requirements must be met for the establishment of technology trading service agencies:第十五条 接入单位申请书、用户登记表的格式由互联单位主管部门按照本办法的要求统一制定。 Article 15 The pattern of application forms and subscribers' registration forms shall be drawn up by competent authorities charged with the administration of interconnected units in accordance with these Rules.第十五条 企业对有国家标准或者行业标准的产品,可以向国务院标准化行政主管部门或者国务院标准化行政主管部门授权的部门申请产品质量认证。 Article 15 With respect to products for which national or trade standards have been formulated, enterprises may apply to the standardization administration department under the State Council or agencies authorized by the same department for product quality authentication.第十五条 招标文件的主要内容包括: Article 15. The bid documents shall generally include:第十五条 企业的合法权益受法律保护,不受侵犯。 Article 15. The lawful rights and interests of the enterprise shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.第十六条 县级以上地方人民政府公安机关消防机构应当将发生火灾可能性较大以及一旦发生火灾可能造成人身重大伤亡或者财产重大损失的单位,确定为本行政区域内的消防重点单位,报本级人民政府备案。 Article 16 For units with higher risk of fire disaster and units that may cause major casualties and deaths or heavy loss of assets in case of fire disaster, the public security fire control institutions of local people's governments above county level shall select these units as key units on fire control safety of their administrative region and file with the people's government of the same level for reference.第十六条 地方各级人民政府应当鼓励和支持农村群众性科学技术组织的发展,对种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业等各业提供产前、产中、产后综合配套的社会化科学技术服务。 Article 16 Local people's governments at various levels shall encourage and support the development of mass science and technology organizations in rural areas, and render socialized scientific and technical services to plantation, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery before, during and after their production in a comprehensive and systematic way.第十六条 进口的计量器具,必须经省级以上人民政府计量行政部门检定合格后,方可销售。 Article 16 Measuring instruments imported from abroad may be sold only after having been verified and found to be up to standard by the metrological administrative department of the people's government at or above the provincial level.第十六条 国际出入口信道提供单位有责任向互联单位提供所需的国际出入口信道和公平、优质、安全的服务,并定期收取信道使用费。 Article 16 Suppliers of international inward and outward channels shall be responsible for offering international inward and outward channels as well as fair, excellent and safe services to interconnected units. They may collect charges for the use of channels at regular intervals.第十六条 出口产品的技术要求,依照合同的约定执行。 Article 16 Technical requirements for export products shall comply with contractual provisions.第十七条 生产、储存、运输、销售或者使用、销毁易燃易爆危险物品的单位、个人,必须执行国家有关消防安全的规定。 Article 17 Any unit and individual engaged in production, storage, transportation, sales or use and destroy of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, must execute relevant state regulations on fire control safety.第十七条 国际出入口信道提供单位、互联单位和接入单位必须建立网络管理中心,健全管理制度,做好网络信息安全管理工作。 Article 17 Suppliers of international inward and outward channels, interconnected units and access units must set up network management centers, strengthen management systems and improve the safety management of network information.第十七条 企业研制新产品、改进产品,进行技术改造,应当符合标准化要求。 Article 17 The development of new products,improvement of products or technical renovation by an enterprise shall conform to standardization requirements.