第二条 消防工作贯彻预防为主、消防结合的方针,坚持专门机关与群众相结合的原则,实行防火安全责任制。 Article 2 Fire control work shall follow the policy of devoting major efforts into prevention and combining fire prevention with fire fighting, and shall adhere to the principle of combining the efforts of both specialized organizations and the masses and carry out responsibility system on fire prevention and safety.第二条 对下列需要统一的技术要求,应当制定标准: Article 2 Standards shall be formulated for the following technical requirements that need to be unified:第二条 国家坚持以农业为基础发展国民经济的方针。 Article 2 The State adheres to the guiding principle of taking agriculture as the foundation in developing the national economy.第二条 国家实行经济建设和社会发展依靠科学技术,科学技术工作面向经济建设和社会发展的基本方针。 Article 2 The State practices a basic guideline of basing economic construction and social development on science and technology and orienting science and technology undertakings to economic construction and social development.第二条 中华人民共和国境内的计算机信息网络进行国际联网,依照本办法办理。 Article 2 These Rules shall apply to the connection of computer information networks within the territory of the People's Republic of China with international networks.第二条 在中华人民共和国境内,建立计量基准器具、计量标准器具,进行计量检定,制造、修理、销售、使用计量器具,必须遵守本法。 Article 2 Within the territory of the People's Republic of China, this Law must be abided by in establishing national primary standards of measurement and standards of measurement,in conducting metrological verification, and in the manufacture,repair,sale or use of measuring instruments.第二十条 农业劳动者根据自愿的原则应用农业技术。 Article 20 Agricultural labourers shall apply agro-techniques on voluntary basis.第二十条 互联单位、接入单位和用户应当遵守国家有关法律、行政法规,严格执行国家安全保密制度; Article 20 Interconnected units, access units and subscribers shall abide by relevant State laws and regulations and strictly observe rules on safety and security.第二十条出口审批程序 ARTICLE 20 Review and approval procedures for export:第二十条 县级以上人民政府计量行政部门可以根据需要设置计量检定机构,或者授权其他单位的计量检定机构,执行强制检定和其他检定、测试任务。 Article 20 The metrological administrative department of the people's governments at or above the county level may,according to their needs,set up metrological verification organs or authorize the metrological verification institutions of other establishments to carry out compulsory verification and other verification and testing tasks.第二十条 电器产品、燃气用具的质量必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。 Article 20 The quality of electrical products and gas utensils must conform to the state standards or industrial standard.第二十条 国家依靠科学技术进步,发展国防科学技术事业,促进国防现代化建设,增强国防实力。 Article 20 The State shall rely on scientific and technological progress to develop the national defense science and technology, speed up the modernization of national defense and strengthen the national defense capabilities.第二十条 生产、销售、进口不符合强制性标准的产品的,由法律、行政法规规定的行政主管部门依法处理,法律、行政法规未作规定的,由工商行政管理部门没收产品和违法所得,并处罚款;造成严重后果构成犯罪的,对直接责任人员依法追究刑事责任。 Article 20 Whoever produces,sells or imports products that do not conform to the compulsory standards shall be dealt with according to law by the competent administrative authorities as prescribed by the laws and administrative rules and regulations.In the absence of such prescriptions,his products and unlawful proceeds shall be confiscated and he shall be concurrently fined by the administrative authorities for industry and commerce;where serious consequences are caused and crimes are constituted,the person directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.第二十条 编制标底应遵循下列原则: Article 20. The following principles shall be observed in the preparation of a pre-tender estimate:第二十一条 县、乡农业技术推广机构应当组织农业劳动者学习农业科学技术知识,提高他们应用农业技术的能力。 Article 21 Agro-technical popularization setups at the county or township level shall organize agricultural labourers to study scientific and technological knowledge of agriculture so as to raise their ability of applying agro-techniques.第二十一条 处理因计量器具准确度所引起的纠纷,以国家计量基准器具或者社会公用计量标准器具检定的数据为准。 Article 21 Any dispute over the accuracy of measuring instruments shall be handled in accordance with the data provided after verification with the national primary standards of measurement or public standards of measurement.第二十一条 任何单位、个人不得损坏或者擅自挪用、拆除、停用消防设施、器材,不得埋压、圈占消火栓,不得占用消防间距,不得堵塞消防通道。 Article 21 Any unit or individual shall not damage or arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop using fire control facilities and devices, and shall not bury and occupy hydrant, occupy fire prevention space and block fire control passageway.第二十一条 法人和其他组织可以从技术交易的收益中提取一定比例,作为对该技术项目直接完成人的奖励。 Article 21 Legal persons and other organizations may draw a certain proportion from the returns of technology trading as rewards given to the persons directly involved in the completion of the technology items.第二十一条 进行国际联网的专业计算机信息网络不得经营国际互联网络业务。 Article 21 Specialized computer information networks which are connected with international networks are not allowed to engage in the business operation of international networking.第二十一条 国家鼓励运用先进的科学技术,促进教育、文化、卫生、体育等各项事业的发展。 Article 21 The State shall encourage the application of advanced science and technology to promote the development of education, culture, public health, sports and other undertakings.第二十一条 已经授予认证证书的产品不符合国家标准或者行业标准而使用认证标志出厂销售的,由标准化行政主管部门责令停止销售,并处罚款;情节严重的,由认证部门撤销其认证证书。 Article 21 Where authentication marks are used on products leaving a factory for sale,for which authentication certificates have been issued but which do not conform to national or trade standards,the enterprise concerned shall be ordered by the department of standardization administration to stop the sale and shall be fined concurrently;where the circumstances are serious,the authentication certificates shall be revoked by the department that made the authentication.第二十一条 标底必须报经招标投标办事机构审定。 Article 21. A pre-tender estimate shall be subject to the examination and approval of an institutional body for bidding and tendering.第二十二条 为社会提供公证数据的产品质量检验机构,必须经省级以上人民政府计量行政部门对其计量检定、测试的能力和可靠性考核合格。 Article 22 A product quality inspection agency which is to provide notarial data on the quality of products for society must be checked for its capability and reliabilityof metrological verification and testing by the metrological administrative department of a people's government at or above the provincial level.第二十二条 在农业收获季节、森森和草原防火期间、重大节假日期间以及火灾多发季节,地方各级人民政符应当组织开展有针对性的消防宣传教育,采取防火措施,进行消防安全检查。 Article 22 During farm products harvest seasons and fire prevention period of forest and grassland, major holidays and frequent fire disaster seasons, local people's government at all levels shall organize and carry out fire control propaganda and education according to the specific situations, adopt fire prevention measures and conduct fire control safety inspection.第二十二条 国家对科技成果转化活动实行税收优惠政策。具体办法由国务院规定。 Article 22 The State adopts a preferential tax policy regarding transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.