剧毒、危险、易碎、怕压、需防潮、不装倒置的产品,在内外包装上必须有显著的指示标志和储运注意事项。 "As regards the products that are drastically poisonous农业科研单位和有关学校的科技人员从事农业技术推广工作的,在评定职称时,应当将他们从事农业技术推广工作的实绩作为考核的重要内容。 "As to the scientific and technological personnel of institutions of agricultural scientific research and relevant schools or colleges who are engaged in the work of agro-technical popularization承包期满,承包人对原承包的土地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面享有优先承包权。 "At the expiration of a contract(一)凡持有营业执照和相应资质证书的施工企业或施工企业联合体,均可按招标文件的要求参加投标; (1) Any construction enterprise or consortium with the business license and the required certificate of qualifications may participate in the tendering as required in the bidding documents;(一)政府主管部门委任或者招聘。 (1) appointment by the competent department of the government or choice of an applicant on a competitive basis by the same department; or一、必须取得当地县级以上工商、税务部门批准证书; (1) Approval certificates issued by the local industrial and commercial department and taxation department above the county-level.一、运送或储存原料化学品(反应物)的区域; (1) Areas where raw chemical materials (reactants) are transported or stored.2.接入网络,是指通过接入互联网络进行国际联网的计算机信息网络;接入网络可以是多级联接的网络。 (2) Access networks refer to computer information networks which are connected with international networks through interconnected networks. Access networks can be those connected at multi-levels.二、在反应物加进反应器之前对反应物进行处理的区域; (2) Areas where reactants are processed before being fed into the reactors.(三)许可他人使用该科技成果; (3) allowing another to use their achievements;(三) 负责对本网络用户的安全教育和培训; (3) Assume responsibility for the security education and training of network users;(五)近三年承建的主要工程及其质量情况; (5) A list of the major construction projects undertaken over the past three years and the status of the quality;六、与第一至五款所指任何项目有关的监控设备; (6) Any relevant monitored and controlled facilities related to projects in the above.八、国家其他管理部门颁发生产许可证所规定的批准文件和证书,以及生产该品种所必需的其它有关证件; (8) Approval documents and certificates required by other State management departments that issue production licenses and other relevant certificates needed to produce the particular chemical.(一) 筹建工作完成情况报告和申请开业报告。 (a) a report on completion of the preparation and an application letter for business commencement;(一) 变更公司名称。 (a) change of company name;(一) 要求更换或禁止更换汽车金融公司高级管理人员。 (a) demanding or prohibiting the change of the company’s senior managerial personnel;(一) 中国境内外依法设立的企业法人。 (a) It shall be a corporate legal entity incorporated in and outside China.(一) 支付能力得到恢复。 (a) Solvency is restored;(一)接受境内股东单位3个月以上期限的存款。 (a) taking deposits with maturity of no less than three months from its shareholders in the mainland of China;(一) 当年亏损超过注册资本的50%或连续3年累计亏损超过注册资本的30%。 (a) The company suffers from a loss in the current year of above 50 percent of the registered capital or losses in the last three consecutive years of above 10 percent of the registered capital;(一)工商行政管理部门颁发的法人营业执照(副本)。 1. a copy of legal person business license issued by the Administration of Industry and Commerce.五、由机械部牵头会同公安部等有关部门,在1997年内对现有汽车、摩托车生产企业进行一次清理整顿; 5.A sorting-out and consolidation of the existing automobile and motorcycle manufacturing enterprises shall be carried out in 1997 which shall be headed by the Ministry of Machinery in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Security and other departments concerned.制定标准的部门应当组织由专家组成的标准化技术委员会,负责标准的草拟,参加标准草案的审查工作。 A department engaged in the formulation of standards shall organize a committee on standardization technology composed of specialists,which shall be responsible for the drafting of the standards and shall participate in the examination of the draft standards.两年内没有生产任务的定点企业,可以取消定点。 A designated enterprise without production task for two years may be nullified of its designation.语际翻译 版权所有
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