第四十一条 违反本法的规定,擅自举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯火等群众性活动,具有火灾危险的,公安消防机构应当责令当场改正; Article 41 Those who, in violation of this law, arbitrarily hold mass activities like large gatherings, fireworks evening party, lantern party with risk of fire disaster, shall be ordered to make corrections by public security fire control institutions;第四十二条 科学技术工作者有依法创办或者参加科学技术社会团体的权利。 Article 42 Scientific and technical workers shall have the right to establish or participate in, according to law, scientific and technical social bodies.第四十二条 国家逐步提高农业投入的总体水平。国家财政每年对农业总投入的增长幅度应高于国家财政经常性收入的增长幅度。 Article 42 The State shall gradually increase the overall input to agriculture. The growing rate of the annual overall input to agriculture by the national finance shall be higher than that of regular national revenue.第四十二条 违反本法的规定,擅自降低消防技术标准施工、使用防火性能不符合国家标准或者行业标准的建筑构件和建筑材料或者不合格的装修、装饰材料施工的,责令限期改正; Article 42 Those who, in violation of this law, arbitrarily lower technical standards on fire control in construction, us construction parts and materials not conforming the state standards or industrial standards or disqualified fitting and decoration materials during construction, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit;第四十三条 机关、团体、企业、事业单位违反本法的规定,未履行消防安全职责的,责令限期改正; Article 43 State organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions who violates rules of this law and do not perform responsibilities or fire control safety, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit;第四十三条 国家鼓励在国外的科学技术工作者回国参加社会主义现代化建设,或者以其他形式为国家建设服务。 Article 43 The State shall encourage overseas scientific and technical workers to return to the motherland and take part in the socialist modernization drive, or serve the national construction in other ways.第四十四条各级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门及其参与数据收集和计算机网络管理的工作人员,均应认真遵守国家保密法的有关规定,按监控化学品资料和数据的密级,采取妥善的保密措施,并为填报单位保守商业和技术机密。 ARTICLE 44 Personnel working at various levels of CWC affairs authorities and involved in the data collection and computer network management shall conscientiously observe the relevant provisions of the State Confidentiality Law. Proper confidentiality measures shall be taken on the basis of the confidentiality levels of MCC information and data. Reporting work units' commercial and technological confidentiality shall be safeguarded.第四十四条 科学技术工作者应当遵守职业道德,完成本职工作,努力提高自身的科学技术水平。 Article 44 Scientific and technical workers shall abide by the professional ethics, fulfill their duties and earnestly upgrade their own scientific and technical levels.第四十四条 违反本法的规定,生产、销售未经依照产品质量法的规定确定检验机构检验合格的消防产品的,责令停止违法行为,没收产品和违法所得,依照产品质量法的规定从重处罚。 Article 44 Those who, in violation the rules of this law, produce and sell fire control products that have not passed qualification check by inspection institutions designated in accordance with rules of the Product Quality Law, shall be ordered to stop illegal action, and be confiscated with product and illegal income, and be strictly punished in accordance with the rules of the Product Quality Law.第四十五条 电器产品、燃气用具的安装或者线路、管路的敷设不符合消防安全技术规定的,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,责令停止使用。 Article 45 In case the installation of electrical appliances and gas utensils or the laying of circuits and pipelines do not conform to the rules of fire control technology, the person in charge shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit; those who do not make the corrections within the time limit, shall be ordered to stop the use.第四十五条 国家对农业的投入用于下列基础设施和工程建设: Article 45 The input to agriculture by the State shall be used in the following infrastructure and engineering projects:第四十五条全国监控化学品数据收集网络由国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门统一管理。 ARTICLE 45 The nationwide MCC data collection network shall be centrally managed by the national CWC affairs authorities.第四十五条 国家逐步提高科学技术经费投入的总体水平。 Article 45 The State shall steadily increase the overall level of financial input to science and technology,第四十五条 涉外工程的招标投标管理办法另行制定。 Article 45. Separate regulations will be formulated for projects involving foreign participation.第四十五条 厂长是企业的法定代表人。 Article 45. The factory director shall be the legal representative of the enterprise.第四十六条接受现场监督检查的企业和单位包括: ARTICLE 46 Enterprises and work units subject to site supervision and examination shall include:第四十六条 国家鼓励企业增加研究开发和技术创新的投入。 Article 46 The State shall encourage enterprises to increase their investment in research and development and in technological innovation.第四十六条 违反本法的规定,生产、储存、运输、销售或者使用销毁易燃易爆危险物品的,责令停止违法行为,可以处警告、罚款或者十五日以下拘留。 Article 46 Those who, in violation the rules of this law, produce, store, transport, sell or use, destroy inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, shall be ordered to stop illegal activities, and can be given disciplinary warning, penalty or disciplinary warning or penalty.第四十六条 本办法由建设部负责解释。 Article 46. The Ministry of Construction shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.第四十七条 各级人民政府应当加强对国家农业资金使用的管理,引导农业集体经济组织合理使用集体资金。 Article 47 People's governments at various levels shall strengthen their control over the application of the agricultural funds of the State and guide the agricultural economic collectives to make a rational use of their collective funds.第四十七条现场监督检查的内容: ARTICLE 47 The contents of the site supervision and examination shall include:第四十七条 国家金融机构应当在信贷方面支持科学技术成果商品化。 Article 47 The financial institutions of the State shall support the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements by means of credits and loans.第四十七条 违反本法的规定,有下列行为之一的,处警告、罚款或者十日以下拘留: Article 47 Those who, in violation the rules of this law, have one of the following conducts, shall be given disciplinary warning or penalty, or detention less than 15 days:第四十七条 企业设立管理委员会或者通过其他形式,协助厂长决定企业的重大问题。 Article 47. The enterprise shall establish a management committee or some other forms of organization to assist the factory director in making decisions on important issues of the enterprise.第四十八条 从事技术开发的研究开发机构,可以按照国家有关规定采取多种形式向社会筹集研究开发资金。 Article 48 Research and development institutions engaged in technological development may, in accordance with relevant regulations of the State, raise funds for research and development from society by various ways.