

(一)案由、诉讼请求、争议的事实和理由;    ""(1) cause of action, the claims, facts and cause or causes of the dispute; ""
(三)隐藏、转移、变卖、毁损已被查封、扣押的财产,或者已被清点并责令其保管的财产,转移已被冻结的财产的;    ""(3) concealing, transferring, selling or destroying property that has been sealed up or distrained, or property of which an inventory has been made and which has been put under his care according to court instruction, or transferring the property that has been frozen; ""
第一章任务、适用范围和基本原则    ""CHAPTER I The Aim, Scope of Application and Basic Principles ""
第一章任务、适用范围和基本原则    ""Chapter I The Aim, Scope of Application and Basic Principles""
债权人可以组成债权人会议,讨论通过破产财产的处理和分配方案或者和解协议。    ""Creditors may organize a creditors' meeting to discuss and approve of a formula for the disposition and distribution of bankrupt property, or for a composition agreement.""
债权人应当在收到通知后三十日内,未收到通知的债权人应当自公告之日起三个月内,向人民法院申报债权。    ""Creditors who have been notified shall, within 30 days after receiving the notice, and those who have not been notified shall, within three months after the date of the announcement, lodge their claims with the people's court. ""
(一)对依法可能判处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制、单处罚金的公诉案件,事实清楚、证据充分,人民检察院建议或者同意适用简易程序的;    (1) cases of public prosecution where the defendants may be lawfully sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or punished with fines exclusively, where the facts are clear and the evidence is sufficient, and for which the People's Procuratorate suggests or agrees to the application of summary procedure;
(一)在全国有重大影响的案件;    (1) cases that have major impact on the whole country;
(一)告诉才处理的案件;    (1) cases to be handled only upon complaint;
(一)停止侵害;    (1) cessation of infringements;
(一)无子女;    (1) childless;
(一)在香港特别行政区成立以前或以后在香港出生的中国公民;    (1) Chinese citizens born in Hong Kong before or after the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
(一)公民的合法收入、储蓄、房屋和其他生活资料;    (1) citizens' lawful earnings, savings, houses and other means of subsistence;
(一)公民的合法收入、储蓄、房屋和其他生活资料;    (1) citizens' lawful earnings, savings, houses and other means of subsistence;
(一)身体受到伤害要求赔偿的;    (1) claims for compensation for bodily injuries;
(一)超出登记机关核准登记的经营范围从事非法经营的;    (1) conducting illegal operations beyond the range approved and registered by the registration authority;
(一)反革命案件、危害国家安全案件;    (1) counterrevolutionary cases and cases endangering State security;
(一)种植罂粟五百株以上不满三千株或者其他毒品原植物数量较大的;    (1) cultivating opium poppy of not less than 500 plants but less than 3,000 plants or any mother plants of other narcotic drugs in relatively large quantities;
(一)种植罂粟五百株以上不满三千株或者其他毒品原植物数量较大的;    (1)cultivatingopiumpoppyofnotlessthan500plantsbutlessthan3,000plantsoranymotherplantsofothernarcoticdrugsinrelativelylargequantities;
(二)有抚养教育被收养人的能力;    (2) capable of rearing and educating the adoptee; and
(二)被害人有证据证明的轻微刑事案件;    (2) cases for which the victims have evidence to prove that those are minor criminal cases; and
(二)调解维持收养关系的案件;    (2) cases in which adoptive relationship has been maintained through conciliation;
(二)在本辖区有重大影响的案件;    (2) cases that have major impact on the area under their jurisdiction; and
(二)告诉才处理的案件;    (2) cases to be handled only upon complaint; and
(二)追逐、拦截、辱骂他人,情节恶劣的;    (2) chasing, intercepting or hurling insults to another person to a flagrant extent;
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