(二)银行、信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位接到人民法院协助执行通知书后,拒不协助查询、冻结或者划拨存款的; "" (2) refusing by banks, credit cooperatives or other units dealing with savings deposit, after receiving a notice for assistance in execution from the people's court, to assist in inquiring into, freezing or transferring the relevant deposit.""(三)有关单位接到人民法院协助执行通知书后,拒不协助扣留被执行人的收入、办理有关财产权证照转移手续、转交有关票证、证照或者其他财产的; ""(3) refusing by the unit concerned, after receiving a notice for assistance in execution from the people's court, to assist in withholding the income of the party subject to execution, in going through the formalities of transferring the relevant certificates of property rights or in transferring the relevant negotiable instruments, certificates, or other property; ""(一)不予受理; (1) refusal to entertain a case;(一)有关单位拒绝或者妨碍人民法院调查取证的; (1) refusing or obstructing the investigation and collection of evidence by the people's court;(一)续签或修改原有的民用航空运输协定和协议; (1) renew or amend air service agreements and arrangements previously in force;(一)多次实施运送行为或者运送人数众多的; (1) repeatedly transporting persons to illegally cross the national border (frontier), or transporting a large number of persons;(一)多次实施运送行为或者运送人数众多的; (1) repeatedly transporting persons to illegally cross the national border (frontier), or transporting a large number of persons;(一)未经著作权人许可,复制发行其文字作品、音乐、电影、电视、录像作品、计算机软件及其他作品的; (1) reproducing and distributing a written work, musical work, motion picture, television programme or other visual works, computer software or other works without permission of the copyright owner;(一)未经著作权人许可,复制发行其文字作品、音乐、电影、电视、录像作品、计算机软件及其他作品的; (1) reproducing and distributing a written work, musical work, motion picture, television programme or other visual works, computer software or other works without permission of the copyright owner;(一)单独或者合谋,集中资金优势、持股优势或者利用信息优势联合或者连续买卖,操纵证券交易价格的; (1) rigging stock prices by working alone or plotting with another in concluding transactions jointly or continuously through a mustering superiority in the holding of funds or shares or in the use of information;(一)单独或者合谋,集中资金优势、持股优势或者利用信息优势联合或者连续买卖,操纵证券交易价格的; (1) rigging stock prices by working alone or plotting with another in concluding transactions jointly or continuously through a mustering superiority in the holding of funds or shares or in the use of information;(十)不予执行公证机关赋予强制执行效力的债权文书; (10) refusal to enforce a document of a notary office evidencing the rights of a creditor and entitling him to its compulsory execution;(二)强奸妇女、奸淫幼女多人的; (2) raping a number of women or girls under the age of 14;(二)强奸妇女、奸淫幼女多人的; (2) raping a number of women or girls under the age of 14;(二)拒绝按照卫生防疫机构提出的卫生要求,对传染病病原体污染的污水、污物、粪便进行消毒处理的; (2) refusal to give disinfection treatment, according to the sanitary requirements raised by the heath and anti-epidemic agencies, to sewage, wastes or feces contaminated with the pathogen of infectious diseases;(二)拒绝按照卫生防疫机构提出的卫生要求,对传染病病原体污染的污水、污物、粪便进行消毒处理的; (2) refusal to give disinfection treatment, according to the sanitary requirements raised by the heath and anti-epidemic agencies, to sewage, wastes or feces contaminated with the pathogen of infectious diseases;(二)排除妨碍; (2) removal of obstacles;(二)多次组织他人偷越国(边)境或者组织他人偷越国(边)境人数众多的; (2) repeatedly making arrangements for other persons to illegally cross the national border (frontier), or making arrangements for a large number of persons to do so;(二)多次组织他人偷越国(边)境或者组织他人偷越国(边)境人数众多的; (2) repeatedly making arrangements for other persons to illegally cross the national border (frontier), or making arrangements for a large number of persons to do so;(二)按照监督机关的规定报告自己的活动情况; (2) report on his own activities as required by the supervising organ;(二)按照监督机关的规定报告自己的活动情况; (2) report on his own activities as required by the supervising organ;(二)在同一案件中为双方当事人代理的; (2) representing both parties involved in the same case;(二)走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品集团的首要分子; (2) ringleaders of gangs engaged in smuggling, trafficking in, transporting or manufacturing narcotic drugs;(二)在公共交通工具上抢劫的; (2) robbing on board the means of public transportation;(二)在公共交通工具上抢劫的; (2) robbing on board the means of public transportation;